
This Guide covers the installation of Metasploit Framework OSS Project on Ubuntun Linux LTS. If you do not wish to run the Open Source version or set up a development environment and do not mind giving your email address to Rapid 7 for marketing I would recommend downloading their comercial installer fromhttp://www.metasploit.com/ Installing Dependencie

We start by making sure that we have the latest packages by updating the system using apt-get:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade

Now that we know that we are running an updated system we can install all the dependent packages that are needed by Metasploit Framework:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libreadline-dev libssl-dev libpq5 libpq-dev libreadline5 libsqlite3-dev libpcap-dev openjdk-7-jre git-core autoconf postgresql pgadmin3 curl zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev vncviewer libyaml-dev curl zlib1g-dev

Installing a Proper Version of Ruby

apt-get install ruby

The distribution sadly does not comes by default with a proper version of Linux for us to use with Metasploit Framework and we will have to download and compile a proper one. There 2 mains ways recommended for this are using RVM or rbenv (Do not install both choose one or the other). If installing using RVM be warned that symlinks will not work do to the way it places the binary stubs of the metasploit-framework gem

Installing Ruby using RVM:

curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
echo "source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
rvm install 2.1.6
rvm use 2.1.6 --default
ruby -v

Installing Ruby using rbenv:

cd ~
git clone git://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv.git .rbenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL git clone git://github.com/sstephenson/ruby-build.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc # sudo plugin so we can run Metasploit as root with "rbenv sudo msfconsole"
git clone git://github.com/dcarley/rbenv-sudo.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/rbenv-sudo exec $SHELL rbenv install 2.1.6
rbenv global 2.1.6
ruby -v

Installing Nmap

apt-get install nmap

One of the external tools that Metasploit uses for scanning that is not included with the sources is Nmap. Here we will cover downloading the latest source code for Nmap, compiling and installing:

mkdir ~/Development
cd ~/Development
svn co https://svn.nmap.org/nmap
cd nmap
sudo make install
make clean
Configuring Postgre SQL Server

We start by switching to the postgres user so we can create the user and database that we will use for Metasploit

sudo -s su postgres

Now we create the user and Database, do record the database that you gave to the user since it will be used in the database.yml file that Metasploit and Armitage use to connect to the database.

createuser msf -P -S -R -D #rember the password, used by blindcreatedb -O msf msf exit exit

If you experience problems with the database setup this fedora guide offers a good guide for troubleshooting and setup https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Metasploit_Postgres_Setup

Installing Metasploit Framework

We will download the latest version of Metasploit Framework via Git so we can use msfupdate to keep it updated:

cd /opt sudo git clone https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework.git sudo chown -R `whoami` /opt/metasploit-framework cd metasploit-framework

Install using bundler the required gems and versions:

cd metasploit-framework

# If using RVM set the default gem set that is create when you navigate in to the folder
rvm --default use ruby-2.1.6@metasploit-framework

gem install bundler bundle install


WARNING: Currently there is a bug in Metasploit Framework with Symlinks and RVM: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/issues/4602

Lets create the links to the commands so we can use them under any user and not being under the framework folder, for this we need to be in the metasploit-framework folder if not already in it:

cd metasploit-framework sudo bash -c 'for MSF in $(ls msf*); do ln -s /opt/metasploit-framework/$MSF /usr/local/bin/$MSF;done'

Metasploit for Development and Contribution

If you wish to develop and contribute to the product you can follow the additional steps here Metasploit Dev Environment . For this you will need a GitHub account and you will fork the project in to your own account. I personally keep my dev copy of Metasploit in ~/Development folder and after an initial run of msfconsole I keep my database.yml file in ~/.msf4/cofig folder and adjust the MSF_DATABASE_CONFIG variable for it or run msfconsole with the -y option and point it to a YAML file with the correct configuration.

Installing armitage:

curl -# -o /tmp/armitage.tgz http://www.fastandeasyhacking.com/download/armitage-latest.tgz
sudo tar -xvzf /tmp/armitage.tgz -C /opt
sudo ln -s /opt/armitage/armitage /usr/local/bin/armitage
sudo ln -s /opt/armitage/teamserver /usr/local/bin/teamserver
sudo sh -c "echo java -jar /opt/armitage/armitage.jar \$\* > /opt/armitage/armitage"
sudo perl -pi -e 's/armitage.jar/\/opt\/armitage\/armitage.jar/g' /opt/armitage/teamserver

Lets create the database.yml file that will contain the configuration parameters that will be use by framework:

cp /opt/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml.example /opt/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml sudo nano /opt/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml

Copy the YAML entries and make sure you provide the password you entered in the user creating step in the password field for the database:

adapter: postgresql

database: msf username: msf password:

port: 5432
pool: 75
timeout: 5

Create and environment variable so it is loaded by Armitage and by msfconsole when running and load the variable in to your current shell:

sudo sh -c "echo export MSF_DATABASE_CONFIG=/opt/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml >> /etc/profile"source /etc/profile

First Run

Now we are ready to run Metasploit for the first time. My recommendation is to run it first under a regular user so the folders create under your home directory have the proper permissions. First time it runs it will create the entries needed by Metasploit in the database so it will take a while to load.


[*] postgresql connected to msf


Purging and rebuilding the module cache in the background…

(wait a leater,then ok.)


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