1. 最终效果图
      • 最终的效果图如下:
    2. VBA的编写参考
    3. 将VBA脚本复制到Word中并设置快捷键
      • Alt+F11 打开Word中的 VBS,将下列的VB代码复制 Normal 模板下的 Microsoft 对象下的 ThisDocument中
        • 复制位置
        • VB代码
          • #If VBA7 Then

            Private Declare PtrSafe Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long


            Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long

            #End If

            Sub EditCode()

            'Word 正文需要设置为无首行缩进


            'Notepad++中,'Plugin Commands'中的 'Copy HTML to clipboard'需设置快捷键为 ALT + Shift + C

            AppActivate "NotePad++"

            SendKeys "%+c"

            , NumColumns:= _

            , DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior, AutoFitBehavior:= _


            Dim Savetime As Double

            Savetime = timeGetTime '记下开始时的时间

            While timeGetTime < Savetime + 5 '循环等待

            DoEvents '转让控制权,以便让操作系统处理其它的事件




            ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone


            ).Range.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryone


            ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone




            ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone

            SendKeys ("^%({TAB})")

            End Sub

            Sub 设置代码表格()

            ' author: code4101

            ' 设置代码表格 宏



            ' 背景色为morning的配色方案,RGB为(229,229,229)

            With Selection.Tables(1)

            With .Shading

            .Texture = wdTextureNone

            .ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic

            .BackgroundPatternColor = 15066597

            End With

            .Borders(wdBorderLeft).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderRight).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderTop).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderVertical).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderDiagonalDown).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderDiagonalUp).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders.Shadow = False

            .AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitContent)  '自动调整大小

            End With

            With Options

            .DefaultBorderLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle

            .DefaultBorderLineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt

            .DefaultBorderColor = wdColorAutomatic

            End With

            With Selection.ParagraphFormat



            .SpaceBefore = 0

            .SpaceBeforeAuto = False

            .SpaceAfter = 0

            .SpaceAfterAuto = False

            .LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly

            .LineSpacing = 12

            .KeepWithNext = False

            .KeepTogether = False

            .PageBreakBefore = False

            .NoLineNumber = False

            .Hyphenation = True


            .OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText

            .CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0

            .CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0

            .CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0

            .LineUnitBefore = 0

            .LineUnitAfter = 0

            .MirrorIndents = False

            .TextboxTightWrap = wdTightNone

            .AutoAdjustRightIndent = True

            .DisableLineHeightGrid = False

            .FarEastLineBreakControl = True

            .WordWrap = True

            .HangingPunctuation = True

            .HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine = False

            .AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha = True

            .AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit = True

            .BaseLineAlignment = wdBaselineAlignAuto

            End With

            ' 清除原有的段落底纹

            Selection.ParagraphFormat.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic

            Selection.Font.Name = "Consolas"

            End Sub

      • 设置宏 EditCode的快捷键
        • 在Word选项的自定义功能区,选项自定义键盘快捷键
        • 将EditCode设置为自己想要的快捷键,我设置的是 Alt + 1,注意不要与现存的快捷键冲突
    1. NotePad++设置
      • 确保NotePad++安装了NppExport插件,并设置 Copy HTML to clipboard 的快捷键为 Alt + Shift + C
    1. 宏的使用
      • 首先确保只打开一个NotePad++窗口,并且把当前的文件设置为要复制的文件,而且要确保NotePad++ 中的代码是高亮状态。
      • ,等到出现Alt + Tab 页面时,就说明复制完成。
      • 此时,直接在Onenote中按 Ctrl + V 即可完成复制
      • 使用注意事项
        • Word 正文需要设置为无首行缩进
        • 'Notepad++不能以管理员的身份运行
    2. 后续改进方向
      • 本来想让Word宏自动识别出Onenote窗口,并完成复制操作。但是Appactive好像不能很好的识别桌面版的 Onenote 窗口,测试了下,可以识别应用商店版的Onenote窗口,但是发送组合键Ctrl+V时,有时会出现失效,所以只是把相应的代码贴出来供大家参考吧。
        • 代码
          • #If VBA7 Then

            Private Declare PtrSafe Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long


            Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long

            #End If

            Sub EditCode()

            'Word 正文需要设置为无首行缩进


            'Notepad++中,'Plugin Commands'中的 'Copy HTML to clipboard'需设置快捷键为 ALT + Shift + C

            AppActivate "NotePad++"

            SendKeys "%+c"

            , NumColumns:= _

            , DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior, AutoFitBehavior:= _


            Dim Savetime As Double

            Savetime = timeGetTime '记下开始时的时间

            While timeGetTime < Savetime + 5 '循环等待

            DoEvents '转让控制权,以便让操作系统处理其它的事件




            ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone


            ).Range.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryone


            ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone




            ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone

            'SendKeys ("^%({TAB})")

            AppActivate "OneNote"

            SendKeys ("{ESC}{ESC}^v")

            End Sub

            Sub 设置代码表格()

            ' author: code4101

            ' 设置代码表格 宏



            ' 背景色为morning的配色方案,RGB为(229,229,229)

            With Selection.Tables(1)

            With .Shading

            .Texture = wdTextureNone

            .ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic

            .BackgroundPatternColor = 15066597

            End With

            .Borders(wdBorderLeft).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderRight).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderTop).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderVertical).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderDiagonalDown).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders(wdBorderDiagonalUp).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone

            .Borders.Shadow = False

            .AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitContent)  '自动调整大小

            End With

            With Options

            .DefaultBorderLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle

            .DefaultBorderLineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt

            .DefaultBorderColor = wdColorAutomatic

            End With

            With Selection.ParagraphFormat



            .SpaceBefore = 0

            .SpaceBeforeAuto = False

            .SpaceAfter = 0

            .SpaceAfterAuto = False

            .LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly

            .LineSpacing = 12

            .KeepWithNext = False

            .KeepTogether = False

            .PageBreakBefore = False

            .NoLineNumber = False

            .Hyphenation = True


            .OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText

            .CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0

            .CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0

            .CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0

            .LineUnitBefore = 0

            .LineUnitAfter = 0

            .MirrorIndents = False

            .TextboxTightWrap = wdTightNone

            .AutoAdjustRightIndent = True

            .DisableLineHeightGrid = False

            .FarEastLineBreakControl = True

            .WordWrap = True

            .HangingPunctuation = True

            .HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine = False

            .AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha = True

            .AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit = True

            .BaseLineAlignment = wdBaselineAlignAuto

            End With

            ' 清除原有的段落底纹

            Selection.ParagraphFormat.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic

            Selection.Font.Name = "Consolas"

            End Sub

        • 使用时,要先将Onenote中的光标放在要插入代码的位置,运行宏后可以实现自动插入。


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