This lesson shows why it’s preferable to using withLatestFrom instead of combineLatest in certain scenarios.

Timer will continue until you enter the number in the input field:

.do((x)=> console.log(x))
input$.do((x)=> console.log(x)),
(timer, input)=> ({count: timer.count, text: input})
.takeWhile((data)=> data.count <= )
.filter((data)=> data.count === parseInt(data.text))
.reduce((acc, curr)=> acc + , )
(x)=> console.log(x),
err=> console.log(err),
()=> console.log('complete')

In this case, withLatestFrom() works the same way:

.do((x)=> console.log(x))
input$.do((x)=> console.log(x)),
(timer, input)=> ({count: timer.count, text: input})
.takeWhile((data)=> data.count <= )
.filter((data)=> data.count === parseInt(data.text))
.reduce((acc, curr)=> acc + , )
(x)=> console.log(x),
err=> console.log(err),
()=> console.log('complete')

But let's say we only want the timer log out 3 times then it should hit the complete block, logout "complete":

.do((x)=> console.log(x))
.takeWhile((data)=> data.count <= )
input$.do((x)=> console.log(x)),
(timer, input)=> ({count: timer.count, text: input})
.filter((data)=> data.count === parseInt(data.text))
.reduce((acc, curr)=> acc + , )
(x)=> console.log(x),
err=> console.log(err),
()=> console.log('complete')

then it only works with withLatestFrom() NOT combimeLatest().

The reason for that is combimeLatest require both timer$ and input$. But withLatestFrom() only need $timer.

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