A Game with Colored Balls
- 题意:
N (1 ≤ N ≤
106),串仅仅包含red (‘R’),
green (‘G’) or blue (‘B’) - 分析:
- const int MAXN = 1100000;
- struct Node
- {
- int pos, len;
- char val;
- Node *nxt, *pre;
- Node (int p = 0, int n = 0, char v = 0) : pos(p), len(n), val(v) {}
- bool operator< (const Node& rhs) const
- {
- return pos < rhs.pos;
- }
- void erase()
- {
- pre->nxt = nxt;
- nxt->pre = pre;
- }
- } nd[MAXN], pt, fst, lst;
- int tot;
- struct HeapNode
- {
- int val, pos;
- HeapNode (int v = 0, int p = 0) : val(v), pos(p) {}
- bool operator< (const HeapNode& rhs) const
- {
- if (val != rhs.val)
- return val < rhs.val;
- return pos > rhs.pos;
- }
- } vt;
- priority_queue<HeapNode> q;
- char ipt[MAXN];
- bool vis[MAXN];
- Node* to[MAXN], *pit, *pl, *pr;
- int nxt[MAXN], pre[MAXN];
- void init(int n)
- {
- REP(i, n)
- {
- nxt[i] = i + 1;
- if (i)
- pre[i] = i - 1;
- }
- }
- void erase(int l, int r)
- {
- int p = pre[l], n = nxt[r];
- nxt[p] = n;
- pre[n] = p;
- }
- int main()
- {
- while (~RS(ipt))
- {
- fst.val = -1; fst.nxt = &lst; fst.pre = NULL;
- lst.val = -2; lst.pre = &fst; lst.nxt = NULL;
- CLR(vis, false);
- while (!q.empty())
- q.pop();
- tot = 0;
- int len = strlen(ipt);
- init(len + 2);
- nd[tot++] = Node(1, 1, ipt[0]);
- FF(i, 1, len)
- {
- if (ipt[i] == nd[tot - 1].val)
- nd[tot - 1].len++;
- else
- {
- nd[tot].pos = i + 1;
- nd[tot].len = 1;
- nd[tot].val = ipt[i];
- tot++;
- }
- }
- fst.nxt = &nd[0]; nd[0].pre = &fst;
- lst.pre = &nd[tot - 1]; nd[tot - 1].nxt = &lst;
- REP(i, tot)
- {
- if (i != 0)
- nd[i].pre = &nd[i - 1];
- if (i != tot - 1)
- nd[i].nxt = &nd[i + 1];
- to[nd[i].pos] = &nd[i];
- q.push(HeapNode(nd[i].len, nd[i].pos));
- }
- while (!q.empty())
- {
- vt = q.top();
- q.pop();
- if (vt.val == 1)
- break;
- if (vis[vt.pos])
- continue;
- pt.pos = vt.pos;
- pit = to[vt.pos];
- int idx = vt.pos;
- printf("%c", ipt[vt.pos - 1]);
- REP(i, vt.val)
- {
- printf(" %d", idx);
- erase(idx, idx);
- idx = nxt[pre[idx]];
- }
- puts("");
- pl = pit->pre; pr = pit->nxt;
- if (pl->val == pr->val)
- {
- pl->len += pr->len;
- vis[pr->pos] = true;
- pr->erase();
- q.push(HeapNode(pl->len, pl->pos));
- }
- vis[vt.pos] = true;
- pit->erase();
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
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