About USB Data Link Cable API
About USB Data Link Cable API
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About USB Data Link Cable Application Programming Interface (API)
KEY:USB Data Link Cable, USB Data Transfer Cable, USB File Transmitter Cable, USB PC to PC Data Link Adapter Cable, USB Data Link Cable API, USB easy cable, SMART KM LINK keyboard and mouse sharing, USB Data Cable, USB shared cable.
Current computer 's USB port has become commonplace , USB2.0 theoretical transfer rate of up to 480Mbps, ie 60MB/s, USB3.0 theoretical transfer rate of up to 5Gbps, ie 625MB/s. Currently the USB port is mainly used for U disk, USB hard disk, USB keyboard, USB mouse, USB camera , USB CD-ROM、USB DVD drive, etc.
In fact, with a USB data link cable using the USB port can also achieve USB-based internal and external network isolation,USB pc to pc communication, USB point-to-point communications, USB point-to-multipoint communications, USB-based small-scale distributed server, USB file transfer, USB CD-ROM sharing, HD data sharing, HD data sync, network sharing, KM(key/mouse) sharing, clipboard sharing, file sharing,etc.
USB data link cable also called USB transfer cable, USB easy cable, USB shared cable, USB connection cable, USB interconnection cable, USB copy cable, USB networking cable, etc.
Typically, USB data link cable are configured dedicated software. These cables are not providing application programming interface (API), with them developers can not implement their own applications, for example: internal and external network isolation, USB communication, USB file transfer, USB data sharing, USB device sharing, etc. For the needs of developers, Shijiazhuang ZhongZhi Electronic Technology Development Center has developed a USB data link cable application programming interface (API), and provide support for developers to develop their applications.
USB data link cable API provide usb host to usb host transparent transmission, users can develop a variety of itself with its. Such as: encryption transmission, the internal and external network isolation etc.. For the internal and external network isolation , two PC data transmitting and receiving totally self control, and has high security, akin to physical isolation completely, but more convenient to use than the physical isolation.
A friend in need, please contact, tel:86-311-87024917, mobile:86-13803113171, QQ:1561724180, email: kaifaliu@yahoo.com 1561724180@qq.com.
2、ZhongZhi USB Data Link API
- /*****************************************************************************
- Filename: zzUsbAPI.h
- Function: USB Data Link Cable API(Application Programming Interface).
- Ver1.1 2013.7.26
- Editor: LiuYaoKai
- Date: 2012.6.28 2013.7.26
- Copyright(C) by LiuYaoKai 86-13803113171 86-311-87024917
- ******************************************************************************/
- int u2u_init()
- Initialization API, get the device ID and packet size. maximum packet size is 64K.
- Return Values:
- See the API defined constants related series
- BOOL u2u_Open()
- Open the device of USB data link cable.
- Return Values:
- True success
- False failure
- BOOL u2u_RecvData(LPBYTE lpBuf, int& len, int& ret)
- Receive data from usb.
- Parameters:
- lpBuf
- [out]Pointer to the buffer that receives the data from the USB port. The size of the receive buffer should be greater than or equal packet size.
- Len
- [in]Specifies the number of bytes to be receive from the USB port.
- Ret
- [out]Return an error code or receive buffer remaining number of
- Return Values:
- True success
- False failure, cause see ret return value.
- BOOL u2u_SendData(LPBYTE lpData, int len, int& ret)
- Transmit data from usb port
- Parameters:
- lpBuf
- [in]Transmit data buffer pointer. the transmit buffer size should be less than equal to the packet size. If lpBuf = NULL, the function returns the remaining unprocessed number of packets in the transmit buffer.
- Len
- [in] Specifies Length of data want to send(in byte).
- Ret
- [out]Return an error code or receive buffer remaining number of unprocessed packets.
- Return Values:
- True Success
- False Failure, cause see ret return value.
- void u2u_Close()
- Close USB device of data link cable.
- void u2u_Exit()
- Unload API. Usb device of data link cable should be closed, then perform this operation.
- DWORD u2u_getLastErr()
- Get the last error code of api operation error
- void u2u_FreeTxRxBuf()
- Empty the transmit and receive buffers
3、AboutUSBdata linkcable
- USB data link cable and ordinary USB cable are different, there is a chip in data link cable middle. Because the USB bus system can have only one host, usually the computer's USB port are the host interface, so you can not simply connect them together. A transformation is needed between PC USB port and PC USB port, the chip in the middle of cable is to complete this conversion, this has a USB data link cable generation. There is a small pimple in the middle of a USB data link cable, or one end of USB data link cable is similar to the U disk, and some cable itself can also be used as U disk.
- 1 USB cable linknetworking cable = 2 net card + 1 net wire, and the rate is much faster than the network card, and can isolate viruses, network attacks, very safe.
- USB data link cable applications:
- USB point-point communication
- USB point-to-multipoint communication
- Internal and external network isolation
- Small distributed server
- High speed transfer files or copy files between two computers
- Synchronize files or documents between two computers
- Sharing IP Internet (without card, through another computer on the Internet)
- Shared device(For example: keyboard, mouse,CD-ROM,DVD,etc.)
- USB file transfer, USB data transfer
- .......
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