Hdu3812-Sea Sky(深搜+剪枝)
For example, from sea, he can associate with love, from love, he can see sky in (strange logic, aha? leave him alone, we don't really care how he imagine since he is so weird). In this way, he connects "Sea" and "Sky" in mind, fulfills his goal. However, he can only solve the puzzle with small number of words, when the connection increases, his brain will come to be a total mess. Now, can you smart guys help him?
Now iSea gives you some word pairs he can associate, from any one of them to another. He wishes use the maximum word to make an association list, from “sea” to “sky”, of course, no word should appear in the list twice because it would lead to an infinite loop. Your task is to find a list, which contains the maximum word and every neighbor word can be connected in mind. If several solutions exist, find the lexicographically minimum one. Lexicographical sequence is the order in one dictionary. For example, “cat” is less than “do”, and “do” is less than “dog”.
Technical Specification
1. 1 <= T <= 50 2. 1 <= N <= 100 3. The number of different words and the length of words is no more than sixteen.
Sample Input
Sample Output
using namespace std;
const int maxn=;
int N,id,be,en;
string S1[maxn],S[maxn];
int d[maxn];
int root(int a){ return d[a]==a?a:d[a]=root(d[a]); }
bool G[maxn][maxn];
int GetId(string& s) //找到下标
for(int i=;i<=id;i++) if(S[i]==s) return i;
return ;
bool input()
for(int i=;i<=N;i++)
sort(S+,S+N+); //排个序
be=en=; //起点和终点编号
for(int i=;i<=N;i++)
if(S[i]!=S[id]) S[++id]=S[i]; //去重
if(S[id]=="sea") be=id;
if(S[id]=="sky") en=id;
if(!be||!en) return false; //没有sea或者sky
for(int i=;i<maxn;i++) d[i]=i; //并查集
for(int i=;i<N;i+=)
int a=GetId(S1[i]); //下标
int b=GetId(S1[i+]);
int ra=root(a);
int rb=root(b);
G[a][b]=G[b][a]=true; //可连
if(ra!=rb) d[rb]=ra; //合并
if(root(be)!=root(en)) return false; //不在同一集合
return true;
bool vis[maxn],tvis[maxn];
int maxl,temp[maxn],ans[maxn];
bool dfs(int x,int step)
if(x==en) //到终点
if(step>maxl) //更新解
for(int i=;i<=maxl;i++) ans[i]=temp[i];
if(step==id-) return true; //用完所有的
for(int i=;i<=id;i++)
if(dfs(i,step+)) return true;
return false;
bool Reach(int x,int y)
if(x==y) return true;
for(int i=;i<=id;i++)
if(Reach(i,y)) return true;
return false;
void solve()
for(int i=;i<=id;i++)
if(!Reach(i,en)) vis[i]=true; //能否到终点
for(int i=;i<=id;i++)
if(!Reach(i,be)) vis[i]=true; //能否到起点
maxl=; //最大长度
dfs(be,); //深搜
int main()
int T,Case=;
if(!input()) //无解
printf("Case %d: what a pity\n",++Case);
printf("Case %d:",++Case);
for(int i=;i<=maxl;i++) cout<<" "<<S[ans[i]];
return ;
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