- struct __dirstream
- {
- void *__fd;
- char *__data;
- int __entry_data;
- char *__ptr;
- int __entry_ptr;
- size_t __allocation;
- size_t __size;
- __libc_lock_define (, __lock)
- };
- typedef struct __dirstream DIR;
struct dirent{
ino_t d_ino; /*inode number*/
off_t d_off; /*offset to the next dirent*/
unsigned short d_reclen; /*length of this record*/
unsigned char d_type ; //type of file;not supported by all the file system types;
char d_name[256]; //filename
- Linux下DIR,dirent,stat等结构体详解
摘自:http://www.liweifan.com/2012/05/13/linux-system-function-files-operation/ 最近在看Linux下文件操作相关章节,遇到了这 ...
- Linux下DIR,dirent,stat等结构体详解(转)
最近在看Linux下文件操作相关章节,遇到了这么几个结构体,被搞的晕乎乎的,今日有空,仔细研究了一下,受益匪浅. 首先说说DIR这一结构体,以下为DIR结构体的定义: struct __dirstre ...
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linux 系统获得当前文件夹下存在的所有文件 scandir函数和struct dirent **namelist结构体 1.引用头文件#include<dirent.h> struct ...
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- LPC1768的USB-相关结构体定义
#ifndef __USB_H__ #define __USB_H__ //usb传输数据的宏定义描述 #include "sys.h" typedef __packed unio ...
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