Min Stack (LeetCode) tweak it to avoid Memory Limit Exceeded
class MinStack { public: void push(int x) { if(values.empty()) { values.push_back(x); min_indices.push_back(); } else { if( x < values[min_indices.back()] ) min_indices.push_back(values.size()); values.push_back(x); } } void pop() { values.pop_back(); if(values.size() == min_indices.back()) min_indices.pop_back(); } int top() { return values.back(); } int getMin() { return values[min_indices.back()]; } private: deque<int> values; deque<deque<int>::size_type> min_indices; };
Using the std::vector will lead to 'memory limit exceeded’, so i use the deque instead.
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