1. foreach进行枚举
2. ToArray、ToList、ToDictionary
3. Linq的一些操作,如First、Any
4. DbSet上的Load操作。DbEntityEntry.Reload和Database.ExecuteSqlCommand

在web application中,每一个请求使用一个context实例;在WPF中,每个form使用一个context实例


1.贪婪加载(eager loading)

2.延迟加载(lazy loading)

3.显示加载(explicit loading)


 using (var context = new BloggingContext())
// Load all blogs and related posts
var blogs1 = context.Blogs
.Include(b => b.Posts)
.ToList(); // Load one blogs and its related posts
var blog1 = context.Blogs
.Where(b => b.Name == "ADO.NET Blog")
.Include(b => b.Posts)
.FirstOrDefault(); // Load all blogs and related posts
// using a string to specify the relationship
var blogs2 = context.Blogs
.ToList(); // Load one blog and its related posts
// using a string to specify the relationship
var blog2 = context.Blogs
.Where(b => b.Name == "ADO.NET Blog")


 public class Blog
public int BlogId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public string Tags { get; set; } public virtual ICollection<Post> Posts { get; set; }
} //禁用延迟加载
public class BloggingContext : DbContext
public BloggingContext()
this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;


 using (var context = new BloggingContext())
var post = context.Posts.Find(); // Load the blog related to a given post
context.Entry(post).Reference(p => p.Blog).Load(); // Load the blog related to a given post using a string
context.Entry(post).Reference("Blog").Load(); var blog = context.Blogs.Find(); //一对多时使用Collection
// Load the posts related to a given blog
context.Entry(blog).Collection(p => p.Posts).Load(); // Load the posts related to a given blog
// using a string to specify the relationship
} //使用Query方式进行一些过滤
using (var context = new BloggingContext())
var blog = context.Blogs.Find(); // Load the posts with the 'entity-framework' tag related to a given blog
.Collection(b => b.Posts)
.Where(p => p.Tags.Contains("entity-framework")
.Load(); // Load the posts with the 'entity-framework' tag related to a given blog
// using a string to specify the relationship
.Where(p => p.Tags.Contains("entity-framework")


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