accomplish, accord
=achieve; accomplishment=achievement. accomplished: well educated/trained, skilled. skilled是被skill过,skillful很有skill (full of skill)
demolish和diminish, destroy, destruct, devastate都是d打头。relinquish=give up. replenish: refill embellish: 美化、装饰。
cord (thick string or thin rope)和chord (和弦)都来自Latin chorda 'string',which来自Greek chorde. 搜"words have silent letter h H",有honor, hour, honest, vehicle, ghost, rhyme, rhythm等。总之,cord, chord, təˈmaːtəu, təˈmeitou, 反正accord和“弦”有关,进而和音乐、合奏有关,从词源上有'in harmony'的意思,引申为“一致或相配合”,然后谈不拢是没有“条约”的。harmonica(口琴)来自harmony,accordion(手风琴)来自chord. discord: 不和。
[牛津, LDOCE]
The tribute accorded her was fully deserved. 对她的赞扬她完全当之无愧。
He will not be accorded any special treatment. 特殊对待和他不和谐——他不配。
according to: 为了和...和谐、一致 => 根据
这么拿腔捏调地说话,不累吗?钱多了烧得呗。宋朝的时候国王说:Hail sail and away (升帆走),过了几百年钱多了,就这味了:
1. May I please be excused from the table?
2. This is the housekeeper speaking. And by the way, young lady, that is not how one addresses oneself on the telephone. First one identifies oneself and then asks for the person with whom one wishes to speak. [whom, 不是who] [with whom,整句不以介词结尾: What are you talking about?]
can't abide sb/sth: 忍不了; abide by sth: accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc,是不是有一丝无奈?And by the way, [牛津] abide by: act in accordance with sth
appropriate: adjective: correct, right, proper suitable; verb: steal, take illegally. 进了圆明园,觉得这个兽首搁自家博物馆挺appropriate,就appropriate走?
The guitar has six strings. it is a type of chordophone – wherein the sound is produced by way of a string, stretched between two fixed points, vibrating when plucked. phone也是个重要的词根。
Henry Plantagenet, when he was but [only] twenty-one years old, quietly succeeded to the throne of England, according to his agreement made with the late [dead] King at Winchester. Six weeks after Stephen's death, he and his Queen, Eleanor, were crowned in that city; into which they rode on horseback in great state, side by side, amidst much shouting and rejoicing, and clashing of music, and strewing of flowers... he reclaimed [claim back] all the castles belonging to the Crown...
六级/考研单词: throne, accord, amid, rejoice, clash
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