import os

for i in range(1<<24):
s+="A" os.environ.setdefault("k",s)


File "C:\env\py382\lib\", line 712, in setdefault
self[key] = value
File "C:\env\py382\lib\", line 681, in __setitem__
self.putenv(key, value)
ValueError: the environment variable is longer than 32767 characters

        if sys.platform == "win32":
# On Windows, an environment variable string ("name=value" string)
# is limited to 32,767 characters
longstr = 'x' * 32_768
self.assertRaises(ValueError, os.putenv, longstr, "1")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, os.putenv, "X", longstr)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, os.unsetenv, longstr)


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