

  • 在Android L,wifi的自动重连机制是由WifiAutoJoinController 类来实现,核心的方法就是attemptAutoJoin(),
  • 然而,android L这个机制和用户connect的flow会产生冲突,出现了很多的bug,很鸡肋。
  • 因此,android N对这个auto connect的部分做了大改


auto connect在许多场景都会用到,如开机自动连接、亮屏扫描连接等等,这里我们看亮屏扫描时如何自动重连以及选择最优网络的




// Start a periodic scan when screen is on
private void startPeriodicScan(boolean scanImmediately) {
mPnoScanListener.resetLowRssiNetworkRetryDelay(); // No connectivity scan if auto roaming is disabled.
&& !mConfigManager.getEnableAutoJoinWhenAssociated()) {
} // Due to b/28020168, timer based single scan will be scheduled
// to provide periodic scan in an exponential backoff fashion.
if (scanImmediately) {
mPeriodicSingleScanInterval = PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS;
} else {
ScanSettings settings = new ScanSettings();
settings.band = getScanBand();
settings.reportEvents = WifiScanner.REPORT_EVENT_FULL_SCAN_RESULT
settings.numBssidsPerScan = 0;
settings.periodInMs = PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS; mPeriodicScanListener.clearScanDetails();
mScanner.startBackgroundScan(settings, mPeriodicScanListener, WIFI_WORK_SOURCE);


WifiConnectivityManager.java (frameworks\opt\net\wifi\service\java\com\android\server\wifi)
*/ // Periodic scan results listener. A periodic scan is initiated when
// screen is on.
private class PeriodicScanListener implements WifiScanner.ScanListener {
private List<ScanDetail> mScanDetails = new ArrayList<ScanDetail>(); public void clearScanDetails() {
} @Override
public void onSuccess() {
localLog("PeriodicScanListener onSuccess"); // reset the count
mScanRestartCount = 0;
} @Override
public void onFailure(int reason, String description) {
Log.e(TAG, "PeriodicScanListener onFailure:"
+ " reason: " + reason
+ " description: " + description); // reschedule the scan
if (mScanRestartCount++ < MAX_SCAN_RESTART_ALLOWED) {
} else {
mScanRestartCount = 0;
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to successfully start periodic scan for "
} @Override
public void onPeriodChanged(int periodInMs) {
localLog("PeriodicScanListener onPeriodChanged: "
+ "actual scan period " + periodInMs + "ms");
} @Override
public void onResults(WifiScanner.ScanData[] results) {
handleScanResults(mScanDetails, "PeriodicScanListener");
} @Override
public void onFullResult(ScanResult fullScanResult) {
if (mDbg) {
localLog("PeriodicScanListener onFullResult: "
+ fullScanResult.SSID + " capabilities "
+ fullScanResult.capabilities);
} mScanDetails.add(ScanDetailUtil.toScanDetail(fullScanResult));


  • RSSI
  • 5G or 2.4G
  • lastUserSelectedNetworkId
  • 等等

我写了一篇关于selectQualifiedNetwork的详细分析,大家需要详细了解评分质量算法的,可以看Android N selectQualifiedNetwork分析

* Handles 'onResult' callbacks for the Periodic, Single & Pno ScanListener.
* Executes selection of potential network candidates, initiation of connection attempt to that
* network.
* @return true - if a candidate is selected by QNS
* false - if no candidate is selected by QNS
private boolean handleScanResults(List<ScanDetail> scanDetails, String listenerName) {
localLog(listenerName + " onResults: start QNS");
①WifiConfiguration candidate =
mUntrustedConnectionAllowed, scanDetails,
mStateMachine.isLinkDebouncing(), mStateMachine.isConnected(),
if (candidate != null) {
localLog(listenerName + ": QNS candidate-" + candidate.SSID);
return true;
} else {
return false;





* ToDo: This should be called in Connectivity Manager when it gets new scan result
* check whether a network slection is needed. If need, check all the new scan results and
* select a new qualified network/BSSID to connect to
* @param forceSelectNetwork true -- start a qualified network selection anyway,no matter
* current network is already qualified or not.
* false -- if current network is already qualified, do not do new
* selection
* @param isUntrustedConnectionsAllowed true -- user allow to connect to untrusted network
* false -- user do not allow to connect to untrusted
* network
* @param scanDetails latest scan result obtained (should be connectivity scan only)
* @param isLinkDebouncing true -- Link layer is under debouncing
* false -- Link layer is not under debouncing
* @param isConnected true -- device is connected to an AP currently
* false -- device is not connected to an AP currently
* @param isDisconnected true -- WifiStateMachine is at disconnected state
* false -- WifiStateMachine is not at disconnected state
* @param isSupplicantTransient true -- supplicant is in a transient state
* false -- supplicant is not in a transient state
* @return the qualified network candidate found. If no available candidate, return null
public WifiConfiguration selectQualifiedNetwork(boolean forceSelectNetwork ,
boolean isUntrustedConnectionsAllowed, List<ScanDetail> scanDetails,
boolean isLinkDebouncing, boolean isConnected, boolean isDisconnected,
boolean isSupplicantTransient) {


* Attempt to connect to a network candidate.
* Based on the currently connected network, this menthod determines whether we should
* connect or roam to the network candidate recommended by QNS.
private void connectToNetwork(WifiConfiguration candidate) {
ScanResult scanResultCandidate = candidate.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getCandidate();
if (scanResultCandidate == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "connectToNetwork: bad candidate - " + candidate
+ " scanResult: " + scanResultCandidate);
} String targetBssid = scanResultCandidate.BSSID;
String targetAssociationId = candidate.SSID + " : " + targetBssid; //如果我们筛选出来的ssid正好是上一次attempt连接的ssid,或者是supplicant现在正在连接的目标ssid,则放弃
// Check if we are already connected or in the process of connecting to the target
// BSSID. mWifiInfo.mBSSID tracks the currently connected BSSID. This is checked just
// in case the firmware automatically roamed to a BSSID different from what QNS
// selected.
if (targetBssid != null
&& (targetBssid.equals(mLastConnectionAttemptBssid)
|| targetBssid.equals(mWifiInfo.getBSSID()))
&& SupplicantState.isConnecting(mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState())) {
localLog("connectToNetwork: Either already connected "
+ "or is connecting to " + targetAssociationId);
} Long elapsedTimeMillis = mClock.elapsedRealtime();
* This checks the connection attempt rate and recommends whether the connection attempt
* should be skipped or not. This attempts to rate limit the rate of connections to
* prevent us from flapping between networks and draining battery rapidly.
if (!mScreenOn && shouldSkipConnectionAttempt(elapsedTimeMillis)) {
localLog("connectToNetwork: Too many connection attempts. Skipping this attempt!");
noteConnectionAttempt(elapsedTimeMillis); mLastConnectionAttemptBssid = targetBssid; WifiConfiguration currentConnectedNetwork = mConfigManager
String currentAssociationId = (currentConnectedNetwork == null) ? "Disconnected" :
(mWifiInfo.getSSID() + " : " + mWifiInfo.getBSSID()); //做漫游操作还是autoconnect的操作
if (currentConnectedNetwork != null
&& (currentConnectedNetwork.networkId == candidate.networkId
|| currentConnectedNetwork.isLinked(candidate))) {
localLog("connectToNetwork: Roaming from " + currentAssociationId + " to "
+ targetAssociationId);
mStateMachine.autoRoamToNetwork(candidate.networkId, scanResultCandidate);
} else {
localLog("connectToNetwork: Reconnect from " + currentAssociationId + " to "
+ targetAssociationId);
mStateMachine.autoConnectToNetwork(candidate.networkId, scanResultCandidate.BSSID);


* Automatically connect to the network specified
* @param networkId ID of the network to connect to
* @param bssid BSSID of the network
public void autoConnectToNetwork(int networkId, String bssid) {
sendMessage(CMD_AUTO_CONNECT, networkId, 0, bssid);
} /**
* Automatically roam to the network specified
* @param networkId ID of the network to roam to
* @param scanResult scan result which identifies the network to roam to
public void autoRoamToNetwork(int networkId, ScanResult scanResult) {
sendMessage(CMD_AUTO_ROAM, networkId, 0, scanResult);

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