一:登陆PI的GUI,进入事物SM59,创建T类型RFC destinations如下:

AI_RUNTIME_JCOSERVER  :used for the mapping runtime, value mapping, and the exchange profile

AI_DIRECTORY_JCOSERVER: used to refresh the runtime cache

LCRSAPRFC : required for the connection to the SLD,used to read the exchange profile

SAPSLDAPI : required for the connection to the SLD , used by the ABAP API


1. Log on to your Integration Server host.

2. Call transaction SM59.

3. Choose Create.

4. Enter at least the following:


○ Connection type: T

○ Description: <your description>

5. Choose ENTER.

6. Choose the Technical settings tab and do the following:

a. Select Registered Server Program.

b. In the Program ID field, enter: AI_RUNTIME_<SID>

<SID> is the SAP system ID of your Integration Server host.

Use uppercase letters only.

c. Enter Gateway host and Gateway service of your Integration Server host.

To find out the required parameters:


i. On the Integration Server host, call transaction SMGW.

ii. Choose Goto Parameters  Display (see entries for gateway hostname and gateway service).

7. Choose the Special Options tab and select the Unicode flag in the Character Width in Target System box.

8. Save your settings.

9. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for the remaining destinations:


Program IDAI_DIRECTORY_<SID>, where <SID>is the SAP system ID of your Integration Server host.


Program IDLCRSAPRFC_<SID>, where <SID> is the SAP system ID of your Integration Server host.


Program IDSAPSLDAPI_<SID>, where <SID> is the SAP system ID of your Integration Server host.

10. Leave transaction SM59 open for later tests

二:配置JAVA中的JCO,既注册SM59中的program ID


<host> and <HTTPport> 是Integration Server的主机名和端口号,主机名在gui的右下角,端口号通过事务码SMICM,Goto  Services 中HTTP的端口号

2、选择SAP NetWeaver Administrator->Configuration Management->Connectivity->Jco RFC Provider

在这个页面点击create,enter Gateway Host,Gateway Service,Server Count(值设置为10),next,在Repository configration中

Enter the parameters for the Integration Server host: Application ServerSystem NumberClient, and Language username ,password,

note:可能PI/XI版本的不同,路径也不通 (如:1. On your Integration Server host, start the J2EE Engine Visual Administrator.

2. Choose Cluster ServerServices JCo RFC Provider.)

3 、一直next,最后finish

4. Repeat steps 2to 3 for the remaining destinations:


Corresponding values from transaction SM59

Number of processes: 10


Corresponding values from transaction SM59

Number of processes: 3


Corresponding values from transaction SM59

Number of processes: 10


Test the RFC Destinations

After you have maintained all RFC destinations in both the ABAP and Java environments, you can check all the connections above as follows:

1. Call transaction SM59 again.

2. Open your RFC destination.

3. Choose Test Connection.

No errors should be displayed.

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