转:为什么说招到合适的人比融到钱更加重要 - Hiring Great Talent is More Important Than Fund Raising
我在猎头行业工作了 20 多年,一直在帮助创业公司招聘优秀的人才。我服务过的客户既有 VC 投资的初创企业,也有即将 IPO 的公司。我和 200 多个 VC 合作过,也见过 300 多个客户失败的案例;我见证了一些创业者把简单的 idea 做成了数十亿美元的大企业,也知道在这个过程中他们经历了什么。在这期间,我学到了十分重要的一点:融资非常关键,但是优秀的团队才是无价之宝。
公司高管离职会给你带来多大损失?早期创业公司失去销售负责人会带来多大伤害?在产品发布前夕开发或工程主管出走的代价是多大?如果这些人恰好是去 了竞争对手那里工作会有什么样的后果?这些情况我都遇见过。核心员工的离职会大大挫伤公司员工的士气,影响公司的业务,让投资人、董事会感到不安。除非领 导人能及时稳住阵脚,否则员工们就会开始担忧自己的未来,导致公司走上下坡路。
一家公司可以依靠增加收入存活,也可以通过员工减薪或出让股权融资维持运营。但是如果团队里的人出了问题可能就难以为继了。招来不合适的人可能会拖 慢开发或销售进度,造成一些金钱无法弥补的损失。因此在招聘时一定要寻找能够带领团队上进,推动公司发展并能在公司的艰难时刻帮助公司走出泥潭的人。
有些人为了公司的发展会主动减薪,在收到诱人的 offer 时也依然会坚守。创业公司需要找到这样的人。应该看重应聘者的态度,寻找与公司文化更契合的人才,因为只有他们在公司遇到困难时才会坚定地站在你身边。
优秀的人才喜欢和同样优秀的人一道工作。招聘优秀人才最好的方法就是让应聘者知道他将与优秀的人共事。我见过一些创业公司在招聘时喜欢标榜自己获得 了顶尖 VC 的投资,或者强调董事会有多少行业大佬,公司有多么牛X的 CTO 和 CEO。但人们真正想要的是与志同道合的人朝着一个共同的目标努力,一起去改变这个世界。工资高当然是好事,但是真正吸引顶尖人才的还是优秀的同事,而不 是金钱。
I’ve been recruiting top talent for early to mid stage VC backed startups and pre IPO companies for over 20 years. In running my recruiting firm, I have worked with over 200 VC’s and have seen over 300 of my clients exit. I have watched my clients turn a simple idea into billion dollar companies, and have seen what the journey takes. From these experiences, I can tell you one thing: Funding is important, but a great team is invaluable.
Money doesn’t buy Happiness or a Culture
Have you ever worked for free? I know I have and still do. Whether it’s
because you’re passionate about something or helping friends and family,
you do it because you believe in it and because it’s right, regardless
of the benefits. At a startup, people work at a much lower cost, leaving
those high paying 6 figure salaries behind. They want to solve a
problem and change the world. I know many people who would leave their
current job to work for less money or equity if they could find a
culture that fits their values. Money just doesn’t buy people, happiness
or culture. Sure, it helps if you can pay higher salaries to attract
the talent, but in the end no one wants to work at a B rated company for
more money.
Costs of Losing a Key Employee is Priceless
How much does it costs when you lose a C-level person? Or a top sales
rep for a startup or early stage VC backed company? How about losing
your lead developers or engineers right before launch? How about when
they get a job with your competitor? I’ve seen it all happen, and it
hurts your team’s morale, your company, your investors and your board
members. Employees begin to worry about the future, leading to a
potential beginning of the end unless the leader can figure out how to
steer the ship into safe waters again. Imagine if this happens to you,
how much do you think the damages will cost? Your talent and team are
priceless, and losing them comes at a severe cost.
Hire for Attitude
A company can survive with revenues and with employees taking pay cuts
or being compensated by trading equity for cash, but they can’t survive
if they don’t have the right people on the team. A bad hire can slow
down development, sales and delay things which no amount of money can
fix instantly. You need the right people to get you out of the mud in
hard times and keep the team upbeat and pushing forward. I’m sure
everyone know someone who’s taken a pay cut and stayed with the company
when they had other offers that were more lucrative. Hire for attitude
and people who fit in your culture, because when the going gets tough,
they will stand by your side.
Top Talent, Not Money, Attracts Top Talent
A-players want to be around other A-players. One of the greatest tools
for recruiters is knowing that top talent already works for the company.
Several companies I advise and invest in love talking about that A-List
VC, Angel or Celeb on their Cap table or Kick Ass CTO or CEO with 3
exits. People want to be challenged and work in a culture that has
amazing people on the same mission. I’ve recruited for some of the top
companies in the world and they want to work with like-minded people to
do big things and change the world. Money is nice and it pays the bills,
but a big paycheck is not what brings top talent to your company.
The next time someone asks you whether recruiting or fundraising is
more important, the answer should be recruiting. Companies cannot scale
without the right people to get to the next level. Money is needed to
hire and grow the business at some point, but companies should always be
recruiting. You never know when you will need that gamechanger who has
the right attitude and passion for your company.
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