LoadLibrary Failed with error 126 Message


I wanted to post about this issue a while back, but since I had to replicate it again and get the error, therefore I thought this was the right time. So let’s define the issue:

If you have a laptop with switchable graphics and the dedicated GPU on it is an AMD, then you might encounter this issue when running Autocad for the first time, since the cad application is looking to use the powerful graphic card vs the integrated one.

The error will present itself as shown on the screenshot below and it will not let you run AutoCAD until it is fixed.

This is due in good measure because of a bug in the AMD software that has to deal with the AMD OpenGL. So in order to fix it, please follow the workflow:

1. Open Command Prompt by going to Start-Accessories-Command Prompt, right click on the Command Prompt and run it as Administrator.
2. In the black command line dialog box type in : cd /d C:/Windows/System32 and hit Enter.
3. Now type in copy atio6axx.dll atiogl64.dll and hit Enter again. It should say 1 File(s) copied.
4. You are done. Run AutoCAD now and it should have no issues.

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