AVFormatContext *avformat_alloc_context(void);
Allocate an AVFormatContext.
avformat_free_context() can be used to free the context and everything
allocated by the framework within it.
int av_dict_set(AVDictionary **pm, const char *key, const char *value, int flags);
* these arguments will be freed on error.
* @param pm pointer to a pointer to a dictionary struct. If *pm is NULL
* a dictionary struct is allocated and put in *pm.
* @param key entry key to add to *pm (will be av_strduped depending on flags)
* @param value entry value to add to *pm (will be av_strduped depending on flags).
* Passing a NULL value will cause an existing entry to be deleted.
* @return >= 0 on success otherwise an error code <0
static AVCodec *find_codec_or_die(const char *name, enum AVMediaType type, int encoder)
AVDictionaryEntry *av_dict_get(const AVDictionary *m, const char *key, const AVDictionaryEntry *prev, int flags);
int avformat_open_input(AVFormatContext **ps, const char *filename, AVInputFormat *fmt, AVDictionary **options);
* Open an input stream and read the header. The codecs are not opened.
* The stream must be closed with avformat_close_input().
* @param ps Pointer to user-supplied AVFormatContext (allocated by avformat_alloc_context).
* May be a pointer to NULL, in which case an AVFormatContext is allocated by this
* function and written into ps.
* Note that a user-supplied AVFormatContext will be freed on failure.
* @param filename Name of the stream to open.
* @param fmt If non-NULL, this parameter forces a specific input format.
* Otherwise the format is autodetected.
* @param options A dictionary filled with AVFormatContext and demuxer-private options.
* On return this parameter will be destroyed and replaced with a dict containing
* options that were not found. May be NULL.
* @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure.
* @note If you want to use custom IO, preallocate the format context and set its pb field.
static AVCodec *choose_decoder(OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *s, AVStream *st)
AVDictionary **setup_find_stream_info_opts(AVFormatContext *s, AVDictionary *codec_opts);
* Setup AVCodecContext options for avformat_find_stream_info().
* Create an array of dictionaries, one dictionary for each stream
* contained in s.
* Each dictionary will contain the options from codec_opts which can
* be applied to the corresponding stream codec context.
* @return pointer to the created array of dictionaries, NULL if it
* cannot be created
int avformat_find_stream_info(AVFormatContext *ic, AVDictionary **options);
* Read packets of a media file to get stream information. This
* is useful for file formats with no headers such as MPEG. This
* function also computes the real framerate in case of MPEG-2 repeat
* frame mode.
* The logical file position is not changed by this function;
* examined packets may be buffered for later processing.
* @param ic media file handle
* @param options If non-NULL, an ic.nb_streams long array of pointers to
* dictionaries, where i-th member contains options for
* codec corresponding to i-th stream.
* On return each dictionary will be filled with options that were not found.
* @return >=0 if OK, AVERROR_xxx on error
* @note this function isn't guaranteed to open all the codecs, so
* options being non-empty at return is a perfectly normal behavior.
* @todo Let the user decide somehow what information is needed so that
* we do not waste time getting stuff the user does not need.
static void add_input_streams(OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *ic)
* list of input streams. */
void av_dump_format(AVFormatContext *ic, int index, const char *url, int is_output);
* Print detailed information about the input or output format, such as
* duration, bitrate, streams, container, programs, metadata, side data,
* codec and time base.
* @param ic the context to analyze
* @param index index of the stream to dump information about
* @param url the URL to print, such as source or destination file
* @param is_output Select whether the specified context is an input(0) or output(1)
static AVDictionary *strip_specifiers(AVDictionary *dict)
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