1. Pattern缓存
- char szBuf[];
- sprintf_s(szBuf, "%d--#--%8.2f--#--%s", , -40.2f, " String ");
- 1 /**
- * @brief This is the description of a Format unit
- * @example {0} {0:d}
- */
- template < typename TCharType >
- class TFormatPattern
- {
- public:
- typedef TCharType CharType;
- typedef unsigned char ByteType;
- typedef std::size_t SizeType;
- enum EFormatFlag
- {
- FF_Raw,
- FF_None,
- FF_Decimal,
- FF_Exponent,
- FF_FixedPoint,
- FF_General,
- FF_Percentage,
- FF_Hex
- };
- enum EAlignFlag
- {
- AF_Right,
- AF_Left
- };
- TFormatPattern() :
- Start((SizeType)-),
- Len(),
- Flag(FF_Raw),
- Align(AF_Right),
- Index((ByteType)-),
- Precision((ByteType)-),
- Width((ByteType)-)
- {
- }
- SizeType GetLegnth() const
- {
- return Len;
- }
- bool IsValid() const
- {
- return Start != - && Len != - && Index >= ;
- }
- bool HasWidth() const
- {
- return Width != (ByteType)-;
- }
- bool HasPrecision() const
- {
- return Precision != (ByteType)-;
- }
- public:
- SizeType Start;
- SizeType Len;
- EFormatFlag Flag;
- EAlignFlag Align;
- ByteType Index;
- ByteType Precision;
- ByteType Width;
- };
- 1 StandardLibrary::FormatTo(str, "{0}--#--{1,8}--#--{2}", , -40.2f, " String ");
- {} 参数0
- --#-- 原始类型
- {,} 参数1 宽度8
- --#-- 原始类型 纯字符串
- {} 参数2
- template < typename TCharType >
- inline void StringReverse(TCharType* Start, TCharType* End)
- {
- TCharType Aux;
- while (Start < End)
- {
- Aux = *End;
- *End-- = *Start;
- *Start++ = Aux;
- }
- }
- namespace Detail
- {
- const char DigitMap[] =
- {
- '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
- '', '', '', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D',
- 'E', 'F'
- };
- }
- template < typename TCharType >
- inline SIZE_T Int64ToString(INT64 Value, TCharType* Buf, INT Base)
- {
- assert(Base > && static_cast<SIZE_T>(Base) <= _countof(Detail::DigitMap));
- TCharType* Str = Buf;
- UINT64 UValue = (Value < ) ? -Value : Value;
- // Conversion. Number is reversed.
- do
- {
- *Str++ = Detail::DigitMap[UValue%Base];
- } while (UValue /= Base);
- if (Value < )
- {
- *Str++ = '-';
- }
- *Str = '\0';
- // Reverse string
- StringReverse<TCharType>(Buf, Str - );
- return Str - Buf;
- }
3. 栈容器和栈字符串
- template <
- typename T,
- INT DefaultLength = 0xFF,
- INT ExtraLength =
- >
- class TAutoArray
- {
- public:
- typedef TAutoArray<T, DefaultLength, ExtraLength> SelfType;
- enum
- {
- DEFAULT_LENGTH = DefaultLength
- };
- class ConstIterator : Noncopyable
- {
- public:
- ConstIterator(const SelfType& InRef) :
- Ref(InRef),
- Index( InRef.GetLength()>?:- )
- {
- }
- bool IsValid() const
- {
- return Index < Ref.GetLength();
- }
- bool Next()
- {
- ++Index;
- return IsValid();
- }
- const T& operator *() const
- {
- const T* Ptr = Ref.GetDataPtr();
- return Ptr[Index];
- }
- private:
- ConstIterator& operator = (const ConstIterator&);
- ConstIterator(ConstIterator&);
- protected:
- const SelfType& Ref;
- SIZE_T Index;
- };
- TAutoArray() :
- Count(),
- AllocatedCount(),
- HeapValPtr(NULL)
- {
- }
- ~TAutoArray()
- {
- ReleaseHeapData();
- Count = ;
- }
- TAutoArray(const SelfType& Other) :
- Count(Other.Count),
- AllocatedCount(Other.AllocatedCount),
- HeapValPtr(NULL)
- {
- if (Count > )
- {
- if (Other.IsDataOnStack())
- {
- Algorithm::CopyArray(Other.StackVal, Other.StackVal + Count, StackVal);
- }
- else
- {
- HeapValPtr = Allocate(AllocatedCount);
- Algorithm::CopyArray(Other.HeapValPtr, Other.HeapValPtr + Count, HeapValPtr);
- }
- }
- }
- SelfType& operator = (const SelfType& Other)
- {
- if (this == &Other)
- {
- return *this;
- }
- ReleaseHeapData();
- Count = Other.Count;
- AllocatedCount = Other.AllocatedCount;
- HeapValPtr = NULL;
- if (Count > )
- {
- if (Other.IsDataOnStack())
- {
- Algorithm::CopyArray(Other.StackVal, Other.StackVal + Count, StackVal);
- }
- else
- {
- HeapValPtr = Allocate(AllocatedCount);
- Algorithm::CopyArray(Other.HeapValPtr, Other.HeapValPtr + Count, HeapValPtr);
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- SelfType& TakeFrom(SelfType& Other)
- {
- if (this == &Other)
- {
- return *this;
- }
- Count = Other.Count;
- AllocatedCount = Other.AllocatedCount;
- HeapValPtr = Other.HeapValPtr;
- if (Count > && Other.IsDataOnStack())
- {
- Algorithm::MoveArray(Other.StackVal, Other.StackVal + Count, StackVal);
- }
- Other.Count = ;
- Other.AllocatedCount = ;
- Other.HeapValPtr = NULL;
- }
- void TakeTo(SelfType& Other)
- {
- Other.TakeFrom(*this);
- }
- TAutoArray( SelfType && Other ) :
- Count(Other.Count),
- AllocatedCount(Other.AllocatedCount),
- HeapValPtr(Other.HeapValPtr)
- {
- if (Count > && Other.IsDataOnStack())
- {
- Algorithm::MoveArray(Other.StackVal, Other.StackVal + Count, StackVal);
- }
- Other.Count = ;
- Other.AllocatedCount = ;
- Other.HeapValPtr = NULL;
- }
- SelfType& operator = (SelfType&& Other )
- {
- return TakeFrom(Other);
- }
- #endif
- bool IsDataOnStack() const
- {
- return HeapValPtr == NULL;
- }
- void AddItem(const T& InValue)
- {
- if (IsDataOnStack())
- {
- if (Count < DEFAULT_LENGTH)
- {
- StackVal[Count] = InValue;
- ++Count;
- }
- else if (Count == DEFAULT_LENGTH)
- {
- InitialMoveDataToHeap();
- assert(Count < AllocatedCount);
- HeapValPtr[Count] = InValue;
- ++Count;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(false && "internal error");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (Count < AllocatedCount)
- {
- HeapValPtr[Count] = InValue;
- ++Count;
- }
- else
- {
- ExpandHeapSpace();
- assert(Count < AllocatedCount);
- HeapValPtr[Count] = InValue;
- ++Count;
- }
- }
- }
- SIZE_T GetLength() const
- {
- return Count;
- }
- SIZE_T GetAllocatedCount() const
- {
- return AllocatedCount;
- }
- T* GetDataPtr()
- {
- return IsDataOnStack() ? StackVal : HeapValPtr;
- }
- const T* GetDataPtr() const
- {
- return IsDataOnStack() ? StackVal : HeapValPtr;
- }
- T* GetUnusedPtr()
- {
- return IsDataOnStack() ? StackVal + Count : HeapValPtr + Count;
- }
- const T* GetUnusedPtr() const
- {
- return IsDataOnStack() ? StackVal + Count : HeapValPtr + Count;
- }
- SIZE_T GetCapacity() const
- {
- return IsDataOnStack() ?
- AllocatedCount - Count;
- }
- T& operator []( SIZE_T Index )
- {
- assert( Index < GetLength() );
- return GetDataPtr()[Index];
- }
- const T& operator []( SIZE_T Index ) const
- {
- assert( Index < GetLength() );
- return GetDataPtr()[Index];
- }
- protected:
- void InitialMoveDataToHeap()
- {
- assert(HeapValPtr == NULL);
- AllocatedCount = DEFAULT_LENGTH * ;
- HeapValPtr = Allocate(AllocatedCount);
- Algorithm::MoveArray(StackVal, StackVal + Count, HeapValPtr);
- #else
- Algorithm::CopyArray(StackVal, StackVal + Count, HeapValPtr);
- #endif
- }
- void ExpandHeapSpace()
- {
- SIZE_T NewCount = AllocatedCount * ;
- assert(NewCount > AllocatedCount);
- T* DataPtr = Allocate(NewCount);
- assert(DataPtr);
- Algorithm::MoveArray(HeapValPtr, HeapValPtr + Count, DataPtr);
- #else
- Algorithm::CopyArray(HeapValPtr, HeapValPtr + Count, DataPtr);
- #endif
- ReleaseHeapData();
- HeapValPtr = DataPtr;
- AllocatedCount = NewCount;
- }
- void ReleaseHeapData()
- {
- if (HeapValPtr)
- {
- delete[] HeapValPtr;
- HeapValPtr = NULL;
- }
- AllocatedCount = ;
- }
- static T* Allocate(const SIZE_T InAllocatedCount)
- {
- // +ExtraLength this is a hack method for saving string on it.
- return new T[InAllocatedCount + ExtraLength];
- }
- protected:
- SIZE_T Count;
- SIZE_T AllocatedCount;
- // +ExtraLength this is a hack method for saving string on it.
- T StackVal[DEFAULT_LENGTH + ExtraLength];
- T* HeapValPtr;
- };
- // String Wrapper
- template < typename TCharType >
- class TAutoString :
- public TAutoArray< TCharType, 0xFF, >
- {
- public:
- typedef TAutoArray< TCharType, 0xFF, > Super;
- typedef Mpl::TCharTraits<TCharType> CharTraits;
- typedef TCharType CharType;
- using Super::Count;
- using Super::AllocatedCount;
- using Super::HeapValPtr;
- using Super::StackVal;
- using Super::Allocate;
- using Super::IsDataOnStack;
- using Super::DEFAULT_LENGTH;
- using Super::GetDataPtr;
- using Super::ReleaseHeapData;
- #endif
- TAutoString()
- {
- }
- TAutoString(const CharType* pszStr)
- {
- if (pszStr)
- {
- const SIZE_T Length = CharTraits::length(pszStr);
- Count = Length;
- if (Length <= DEFAULT_LENGTH)
- {
- CharTraits::copy(pszStr, pszStr + Length, StackVal);
- StackVal[Count] = ;
- }
- else
- {
- HeapValPtr = Allocate(Length);
- CharTraits::copy(pszStr, pszStr + Length, HeapValPtr);
- HeapValPtr[Count] = ;
- }
- }
- }
- void AddChar(CharType InValue)
- {
- AddItem(InValue);
- if (IsDataOnStack())
- {
- StackVal[Count] = ;
- }
- else
- {
- HeapValPtr[Count] = ;
- }
- }
- void AddStr(const CharType* pszStart, const CharType* pszEnd = NULL)
- {
- const SIZE_T Length = pszEnd ? pszEnd - pszStart : CharTraits::length(pszStart);
- if (IsDataOnStack())
- {
- if (Count + Length <= DEFAULT_LENGTH)
- {
- CharTraits::copy(StackVal+Count, pszStart, Length);
- Count += Length;
- StackVal[Count] = ;
- }
- else
- {
- assert(!HeapValPtr);
- AllocatedCount = static_cast<SIZE_T>((Count + Length)*1.5f);
- HeapValPtr = Allocate(AllocatedCount);
- assert(HeapValPtr);
- if (Count > )
- {
- CharTraits::copy(HeapValPtr, StackVal, Count);
- }
- CharTraits::copy(HeapValPtr+Count, pszStart, Length);
- Count += Length;
- HeapValPtr[Count] = ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (Count + Length <= AllocatedCount)
- {
- CharTraits::copy(HeapValPtr+Count, pszStart, Length);
- Count += Length;
- HeapValPtr[Count] = ;
- }
- else
- {
- SIZE_T NewCount = static_cast<SIZE_T>((Count + Length)*1.5f);
- CharType* DataPtr = Allocate(NewCount);
- if (Count > )
- {
- CharTraits::copy(DataPtr, HeapValPtr, Count);
- }
- ReleaseHeapData();
- CharTraits::copy(DataPtr, pszStart, Length);
- Count += Length;
- AllocatedCount = NewCount;
- HeapValPtr = DataPtr;
- HeapValPtr[Count] = ;
- }
- }
- }
- const TCharType* CStr() const
- {
- return GetDataPtr();
- }
- // is is a internal function
- //
- void InjectAdd(SIZE_T InCount)
- {
- Count += InCount;
- assert(IsDataOnStack() ? (Count <= DEFAULT_LENGTH) : (Count < AllocatedCount));
- }
- protected:
- void AddItem(const TCharType& InValue)
- {
- Super::AddItem(InValue);
- }
- };
4. 基于C++ 11的优化
除了引入了C++ 11的容器unordered_map之外,还引入了右值引用等新内容,在某些情况下,可以带来一定的性能提升。
- TAutoArray( SelfType && Other ) :
- Count(Other.Count),
- AllocatedCount(Other.AllocatedCount),
- HeapValPtr(Other.HeapValPtr)
- {
- if (Count > && Other.IsDataOnStack())
- {
- Algorithm::MoveArray(Other.StackVal, Other.StackVal + Count, StackVal);
- }
- Other.Count = ;
- Other.AllocatedCount = ;
- Other.HeapValPtr = NULL;
- }
- SelfType& operator = (SelfType&& Other )
- {
- return TakeFrom(Other);
- }
- #endif
除此之外还是用了线程局部存储(TLS),这依赖于编译器是否支持。前面提到了我们采用Hash容器来存储Pattern缓存,然而在单线程的时候自然无需多余考虑,当需要支持多线程时,则全局唯一的Hash容器的访问都需要加锁,而加锁是有性能开销的。幸好C++ 11带来了内置的TLS支持,其结果就是每个线程会独立保存一份这样的Pattern缓存,因此无需对其访问加锁,这样无疑效率会更高。缺陷则是会损失部分内存。所有的这些都可以通过预先的宏定义来进行开关,使用者可以自行决定使用TLS还是Lock,或者不支持多线程。
- template < typename TPolicy >
- class TGlobalPatternStorage :
- public TPatternStorage<TPolicy>
- {
- public:
- static TGlobalPatternStorage* GetStorage()
- {
- struct ManagedStorage
- {
- typedef Utility::TScopedLocker<System::CriticalSection> LockerType;
- System::CriticalSection ManagedCS;
- Utility::TAutoArray<TGlobalPatternStorage*> Storages;
- ~ManagedStorage()
- {
- LockerType Locker(ManagedCS);
- for( SIZE_T i=; i<Storages.GetLength(); ++i )
- {
- delete Storages[i];
- }
- }
- void AddStorage( TGlobalPatternStorage* Storage )
- {
- assert(Storage);
- LockerType Locker(ManagedCS);
- Storages.AddItem(Storage);
- }
- };
- static ManagedStorage StaticManager;
- static FL_THREAD_LOCAL TGlobalPatternStorage* StaticStorage = NULL;
- if( !StaticStorage )
- {
- StaticStorage = new TGlobalPatternStorage();
- StaticManager.AddStorage(StaticStorage);
- }
- return StaticStorage;
- #else
- static TGlobalPatternStorage StaticStorage;
- return &StaticStorage;
- #endif
- }
- };
Windows Visual Studio 2013 Release下的输出:

- 0x64
- Test20, -10.0050, X , X
- 0x64
- Test20, -10.0050, X , X
- 1920 FLElapse:0.0762746
- 1920 CLElapse:0.269722
- 1636 FLElapse:0.0756153
- 7732 FLElapse:0.0766446
- 7956 FLElapse:0.0762051
- 7956 CLElapse:0.285714
- 1636 CLElapse:0.288648
- 7732 CLElapse:0.289193

Mac Xcode Release:

- 99
- Test20, -10.0050, X , X
- 18446744073709551615 FLElapse:0.0901681
- 18446744073709551615 CLElapse:0.19329
- 18446744073709551615 FLElapse:0.147378
- 18446744073709551615 FLElapse:0.150375
- 18446744073709551615 FLElapse:0.153342
- 18446744073709551615 CLElapse:0.303508
- 18446744073709551615 CLElapse:0.308418
- 18446744073709551615 CLElapse:0.307407

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