





#define MAX_SQUARE_SIZE 1025
#define MAX(a, b) a>b? a:b
#define MIN(a, b) a <b? a:b
int gC[MAX_SQUARE_SIZE][MAX_SQUARE_SIZE]; void InitLowBit(int n){
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
gLowBit[i] = i&(-i);
} void InitSequence(int n){
memset(gC, 0, sizeof(gC));
} void Update(int x, int y, int n, int add){
int tmp_y = y;
while (x <= n){
y = tmp_y;
while (y <= n){
gC[x][y] += add;
y += gLowBit[y];
x += gLowBit[x];
int Query1(int x, int y){
int tmp_y = y, result = 0;
while (x > 0){
y = tmp_y;
while (y > 0){
result += gC[x][y];
y -= gLowBit[y];
x -= gLowBit[x];
return result;
} int Query(int left, int right, int bottom, int top){
int r_t = Query1(right, top);
int l_t = Query1(left - 1, top);
int r_b = Query1(right, bottom - 1);
int l_b = Query1(left - 1, bottom - 1); //注意在查询的时候,需要计算的矩形的边界弄清楚 [i , ... j] = sum(j) = sum(i - 1)
return (r_t + l_b - l_t - r_b);
int main(){
int ins;
int S, X, Y, A, L, B, R, T;
scanf("%d %d", &ins, &S);
while (scanf("%d", &ins)){
if (ins == 3){
if (ins == 1){
scanf("%d %d %d", &X, &Y, &A);
Update(X+1, Y+1, S, A);
else if (ins == 2){
scanf("%d %d %d %d", &L, &B, &R, &T);
int result = Query(L+1, R+1, B+1, T+1);
printf("%d\n", result);
return 0;


#define MAX_SQUARE_SIZE 1025
#define MAX(a, b) a>b? a:b
#define MIN(a, b) a <b? a:b
struct Node{
short left;
short right;
short top;
short bottom;
int sum_phones;
short h_mid(){
return (left + right) >> 1;
short v_mid(){
return (top + bottom) >> 1;
void BuildTree(int h_index, int v_index, short left, short right, short bottom, short top){
gNodes[h_index][v_index].left = left;
gNodes[h_index][v_index].right = right;
gNodes[h_index][v_index].top = top;
gNodes[h_index][v_index].bottom = bottom;
gNodes[h_index][v_index].sum_phones = 0;
if (left == right || top == bottom){
int left_child = 2 * h_index + 1, right_child = 2 * h_index + 2;
int up_child = 2 * v_index + 1, down_child = 2 * v_index + 2;
short h_mid = (left + right) >> 1, v_mid = (top + bottom) >> 1;
BuildTree(left_child, down_child, left, h_mid, bottom, v_mid);
BuildTree(right_child, down_child, h_mid + 1, right, bottom, v_mid);
BuildTree(left_child, up_child, left, h_mid, v_mid + 1, top);
BuildTree(right_child, up_child, h_mid + 1, right, v_mid + 1, top);
} void Update(int h_index, int v_index, short left, short right, short bottom, short top, int add){
if (gNodes[h_index][v_index].left == gNodes[h_index][v_index].right){ //arrive to the point
gNodes[h_index][v_index].sum_phones += add;
if (left > gNodes[h_index][v_index].right || right < gNodes[h_index][v_index].left
|| top < gNodes[h_index][v_index].bottom || bottom > gNodes[h_index][v_index].top){
if (left > right || bottom > top){
int left_child = 2 * h_index + 1, right_child = 2 * h_index + 2;
int up_child = 2 * v_index + 1, down_child = 2 * v_index + 2;
short h_mid = gNodes[h_index][v_index].h_mid(), v_mid = gNodes[h_index][v_index].v_mid();
gNodes[h_index][v_index].sum_phones += add;
Update(left_child, down_child, left, MIN(right, h_mid), bottom, MIN(top, v_mid), add);
Update(left_child, up_child, left, MIN(right, h_mid), MAX(v_mid + 1, bottom), top, add);
Update(right_child, down_child, MAX(left, h_mid + 1), right, bottom, MIN(top, v_mid), add);
Update(right_child, down_child, MAX(left, h_mid + 1), right, MAX(v_mid + 1, bottom), top, add);
} int Query(int h_index, int v_index, short left, short right, short bottom, short top){
if (left == right || top == bottom){ //arrive to the point
return gNodes[h_index][v_index].sum_phones;
if (left > gNodes[h_index][v_index].right || right < gNodes[h_index][v_index].left
|| top < gNodes[h_index][v_index].bottom || bottom > gNodes[h_index][v_index].top){
return 0;
if (left > right || bottom > top){
return 0;
int left_child = 2 * h_index + 1, right_child = 2 * h_index + 2;
int up_child = 2 * v_index + 1, down_child = 2 * v_index + 2;
short h_mid = gNodes[h_index][v_index].h_mid(), v_mid = gNodes[h_index][v_index].v_mid();
int result = 0;
result += Query(left_child, down_child, left, MIN(right, h_mid), bottom, MIN(top, v_mid));
result += Query(left_child, up_child, left, MIN(right, h_mid), MAX(v_mid + 1, bottom), top);
result += Query(right_child, down_child, MAX(left, h_mid + 1), right, bottom, MIN(top, v_mid));
result += Query(right_child, down_child, MAX(left, h_mid + 1), right, MAX(v_mid + 1, bottom), top);
return result;
} int main(){
int ins;
int S, X, Y, A, L, B, R, T;
scanf("%d %d", &ins, &S);
BuildTree(0, 0, 0, S - 1, 0, S - 1);
while (scanf("%d", &ins)){
if (ins == 3){
if (ins == 1){
scanf("%d %d %d", &X, &Y, &A);
Update(0, 0, X, X, Y, Y, A);
else if (ins == 2){
scanf("%d %d %d %d", &L, &B, &R, &T);
int result = Query(0, 0, L, R, B, T);
printf("%d\n", result);
return 0;

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