
ORA-39780: Direct path context operations are not allowed after the context is aborted or finished
Cause: The specified direct path context was aborted or finished.
Action: Do not pass a direct path context that has ended to any direct path functions.
ORA-39781: Direct path stream loads are not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended
Cause: Attempt to load a stream in one context after another loading the same table has ended.
Action: Close all contexts before trying to create another that loads the same table as a previous context in the same session.
ORA-39782: Direct path prepare is not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended
Cause: Direct path prepare called after a context loading the same table has ended. --初步看,跟direct load有关,可能是sqlldr也可能是append模式,这底层应该都是oci调用,前者确定,后者??。
Action: Close all contexts before trying to create another that loads the same table as a previous context in the same session.
ORA-39783: Invalid direct path transaction active
Cause: Direct path operations were not performed in the transaction started by the first OCIDirPathPrepare call.
Action: Ensure the correct transaction is active prior to calling Direct Path API operations.
ORA-39784: This direct path operation is not allowed while another is in progress
Cause: Another direct path operation was active.
Action: Complete any direct path operations in progress before attempting this operation.


[oracle@hs-test-10-20-30-17 sqlldr_test]$ sh sqlldr_append_parallel_direct_test.sh 

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Aug 6 16:14:18 2018

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

SQL*Loader-951: Error calling once/load initialization
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired






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