
A failuare of generating OSIDAAuto.OPCServer

dorisliper 2011-2-17 上午2:13

Dear Sir/Madam

We'd like to use OSIDAAuto.OPCServer, but an exception occurs as follows when we generate OSIDAAuto.OPCServer. "error message:the following error occurred:80040154 when obtaining the COM class factory of component including CLSID{25E4451E-DA6A...}" We think that registering COM componet is done well, because the same key exists in the registry. Please let me know if you know another reason.

Environment OS:Windows Server Enterprise SP2 (64Bit)
developing tool:Visual Studio 2008(VB.NET / 3.5SP1) 
Source Code

Dim myOPCServer AS OSIDAAuto.OPCServer = new OSIDAAuto.OPCServer()

Sincerely yours, Yamaguchi

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  • Re: A failuare of generating OSIDAAuto.OPCServer

    hanyong  2011-2-17 上午5:59 (回复 dorisliper

    Hi Yamaguchi,

    I guess you are trying to write an OPC client that reads data from PI Server via PI OPC DA Server? Have you tried connecting to PI OPC Server using PI OPC Client or other 3rd party OPC client from the development machine? Is the PI Server on the same machine?

    • Re: A failuare of generating OSIDAAuto.OPCServer

      spilon 2011-2-17 上午8:22 (回复 hanyong

      Is your application (the OPC Client) on the same machine than the PI OPC DA/HDA Server? I'm asking because it might very well be a DCOM security issue... I would kindly recommend you read the section on security and DCOM in the PI OPC DA/HDA Server manual (available on the vCampus Library, under vCampus PI Products Kit > Data Access Technologies).

      • Re: A failuare of generating OSIDAAuto.OPCServer

        dorisliper 2011-2-22 下午3:02 (回复 spilon

        Han san, Steve san,

        Thank you so much for your answer.

        The same error is displayed when the component generation is done though I set the DCOM while seeing the

        taught manual.

        PI Server, PI OPC Server and the program to be executed are in the same host.

        The thing I was anxious when I saw the manual is below.

        "It should be Windows 2000/XP.

        Although there are costomers who operate with Windows2003, that is not examined formally."

        Is it OK that we are testing in Windows2008(64bit)?

        In the manual, there is a descripition of using PISDK in PI OPC Server,too.

        Is there a condition that it's necessary to generate PI SDK before OPC server is generated?

        The source code is the following.

        Please teach if there is a code problem.

        1. Imports OSIDAAuto
        2. '''
        3. ''' Test Program
        4. '''               Watch Tag
        5. '''
        6. '''
        7. ''' +-------------+    +----------------------+    +--------------+    +-----------+
        8. ''' | ClsWatchOPC | -> |OSIsoft.OSIDAAuto.dll | -> | PI OPC Server| -> | PI Server |
        9. ''' +-------------+    +----------------------+    +--------------+    +-----------+
        10. '''
        11. Public Class ClsWatchOPC
        12. Protected _OPCServer As OPCServer
        13. Protected _OPCGroups As OPCGroups
        14. Protected WithEvents _OPCGroup As OPCGroup
        15. Protected _OPCItems As OPCItems
        16. Protected _OPCItem As OPCItem
        17. Public Const ITEM_MAX As Integer = 8
        18. Public ItemName(ITEM_MAX) As String
        19. Public HandleClient(ITEM_MAX) As Integer
        20. Public HandleServer(ITEM_MAX) As Integer
        21. Public oVal(ITEM_MAX) As Object
        22. Public dTime(ITEM_MAX) As Date
        23. Public wQuality(ITEM_MAX) As Short
        24. Private Sub New()
        25. Dim ServerHandles As Array = Nothing
        26. Dim Errors As Array = Nothing
        27. ' Create OPCServer and Connect
        28. Debug.WriteLine("Start : Create OPCServer")
        29. _OPCServer = New OPCServer()
        30. _OPCServer.Connect("OSI.DA.1")
        31. Debug.WriteLine("  End : Create OPCServer")
        32. ' Setting Update Rate   1000[ms]
        33. Debug.WriteLine("Start : Setting Update Rate")
        34. _OPCGroups = _OPCServer.OPCGroups
        35. _OPCGroup = _OPCGroups.Add("Group1")
        36. _OPCGroup.UpdateRate = 1000
        37. Debug.WriteLine("  End : Setting Update Rate")
        38. ' Enable Advise Function
        39. Debug.WriteLine("Start : Enable Advise Function")
        40. _OPCGroup.IsActive = True
        41. _OPCGroup.IsSubscribed = _OPCGroup.IsActive
        42. Debug.WriteLine("  End : Enable Advise Function")
        43. ' Setting Watch Tag(TAG1 ~ TAG8)
        44. Debug.WriteLine("Start : Setting Watch Tag")
        45. _OPCItems = _OPCGroup.OPCItems
        46. For i As Integer = 1 To ITEM_MAX
        47. ItemName(i) = "TAG" & i
        48. HandleClient(i) = i
        49. Next
        50. _OPCItems.AddItems( _
        51. ITEM_MAX _
        52. , ItemName _
        53. , HandleClient _
        54. , ServerHandles _
        55. , Errors _
        56. )
        57. For i As Integer = 1 To ITEM_MAX
        58. If Errors(i) = 0 Then
        59. HandleClient(i) = ServerHandles(i)
        60. Debug.WriteLine( _
        61. "ItemName[" _
        62. & i _
        63. & "] : Regist Success." _
        64. )
        65. Else
        66. Debug.WriteLine( _
        67. "ItemName[" _
        68. & i _
        69. & "] : Regist Failure." _
        70. )
        71. End If
        72. Next
        73. Debug.WriteLine("  End : Setting Watch Tag")
        74. End Sub
        75. Private Sub OPCGroup_DataChange( _
        76. ByVal TransactionID As Integer _
        77. , ByVal NumItems As Integer _
        78. , ByRef ClientHandles As System.Array _
        79. , ByRef ItemValues As System.Array _
        80. , ByRef Qualities As System.Array _
        81. , ByRef TimeStamps As System.Array _
        82. ) Handles _OPCGroup.DataChange
        83. Debug.WriteLine("DataChanged")
        84. Debug.WriteLine("TransactionID : [" & TransactionID & "]")
        85. Debug.WriteLine("NumItems : [" & NumItems & "]")
        86. For i As Integer = 1 To NumItems
        87. Debug.WriteLine( _
        88. "Rec[" & i & "] : " _
        89. & "ItemValues : [" & ItemValues(i) & "]" _
        90. & " / Qualities : [" & Qualities(i) & "]" _
        91. & " / TimeStamps : [" & TimeStamps(i) & "]" _
        92. )
        93. Next
        94. End Sub
        95. Private Sub OPCGroup_AsyncReadComplete( _
        96. ByVal TransactionID As Integer _
        97. , ByVal NumItems As Integer _
        98. , ByRef ClientHandles As System.Array _
        99. , ByRef ItemValues As System.Array _
        100. , ByRef Qualities As System.Array _
        101. , ByRef TimeStamps As System.Array _
        102. , ByRef Errors As System.Array _
        103. ) Handles _OPCGroup.AsyncReadComplete
        104. Debug.WriteLine("AsyncReadComplete")
        105. Debug.WriteLine("TransactionID : [" & TransactionID & "]")
        106. Debug.WriteLine("NumItems : [" & NumItems & "]")
        107. For i As Integer = 1 To NumItems
        108. Debug.WriteLine( _
        109. "Rec[" & i & "] : " _
        110. & "ItemValues : [" & ItemValues(i) & "]" _
        111. & " / Qualities : [" & Qualities(i) & "]" _
        112. & " / TimeStamps : [" & TimeStamps(i) & "]" _
        113. )
        114. Next
        115. End Sub
        116. Private Sub OPCGroup_AsyncWriteComplete( _
        117. ByVal TransactionID As Integer _
        118. , ByVal NumItems As Integer _
        119. , ByRef ClientHandles As System.Array _
        120. , ByRef Errors As System.Array _
        121. ) Handles _OPCGroup.AsyncWriteComplete
        122. Debug.WriteLine("AsyncWriteComplete")
        123. Debug.WriteLine("TransactionID : [" & TransactionID & "]")
        124. Debug.WriteLine("NumItems : [" & NumItems & "]")
        125. End Sub
        126. Private Sub OPCGroup_AsyncCancelComplete( _
        127. ByVal CancelID As Integer _
        128. ) Handles _OPCGroup.AsyncCancelComplete
        129. Debug.WriteLine("AsyncCancelComplete")
        130. Debug.WriteLine("CancelID : [" & CancelID & "]")
        131. End Sub
        132. End Class
        • Re: A failuare of generating OSIDAAuto.OPCServer

          spilon 2011-2-23 下午6:28 (回复 dorisliper

          What you seem to be using is a .NET Interop assembly that was automatically generated from the COM-based OPC Automation Interfaces we ship with our products. I personally do not have experience with using these "wrappers" and we actually never encouraged or taught how to use them.

          Typically, when you want to develop something OPC in .NET, you need to use the OPC .NET Automation Wrapper or the OPC .NET API. The former is intended to facilitate porting existing VB6 applications over to VB.NET, whereas the latter is the recommended approach for new OPC applications in .NET (whether in VB.NET or C#). For more information, please see the "OPC - Past, Present and Future" webinar under the vCampus Auditorium, or the PI Application Development Training course materials.

          Hope this helps!

          • Re: A failuare of generating OSIDAAuto.OPCServer

            spilon 2011-2-24 下午1:29 (回复 spilon

            Would you happen to be on a 64-bit machine? I dug this up a little more, and the Class ID you listed up there (at the least the 14 first characters) seem to point to the OSIDAAuto.dll COM library. This is a 32-bit library. You will have to force your .NET application to build for 32-bit because 64-bit stuff cannot call 32-bit DLLs.

            • Re: A failuare of generating OSIDAAuto.OPCServer

              spilon 2011-2-24 下午4:28 (回复 spilon

              Out of curiosity, I tried to make this code you posted earlier, but could not. I get past the creation of the OPCServer, but cannot seem to access/initialize the OPCGroups collection. After doing some research, it the seems like there is a problem in how .NET Interop was generated and how it deals with the underlying COM components. It seems like you can use it in the .NET Framework 1.1, but not in later version (like 3.5, which you are using). I found several other posts on forums on the Web, where people shared the same issue (for different OPC Servers, not OSIsoft's) and nobody found an answer.

              Per one of my previous posts, this library you are using is not something "official" or even supported. I strongly recommend you use one of the official alternatives:

              • OPC DA Automation Wrapper (also known as the "OPC .NET RCWs MergeModule")
              • OPC .NET API (they have version 1.3 for .NET 1.0/1.1, and version 2 for .NET 2.0)
              • OPC .NET 3.0 (a WCF-based SDK, formerly known as OPC Xi)

              Hope this helps!


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