C# ConcurrentBag实现
public class ConcurrentBag<T> : IProducerConsumerCollection<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T>
// ThreadLocalList object that contains the data per thread
ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalList> m_locals; // This head and tail pointers points to the first and last local lists, to allow enumeration on the thread locals objects
volatile ThreadLocalList m_headList, m_tailList; bool m_needSync; public ConcurrentBag() { Initialize(null);}
public ConcurrentBag(IEnumerable<T> collection)
if (collection == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("collection", SR.GetString(SR.ConcurrentBag_Ctor_ArgumentNullException));
} private void Initialize(IEnumerable<T> collection)
m_locals = new ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalList>(); // Copy the collection to the bag
if (collection != null)
ThreadLocalList list = GetThreadList(true);
foreach (T item in collection)
list.Add(item, false);
} public void Add(T item)
// Get the local list for that thread, create a new list if this thread doesn't exist
//(first time to call add)
ThreadLocalList list = GetThreadList(true);
AddInternal(list, item);
} private void AddInternal(ThreadLocalList list, T item)
bool lockTaken = false;
Interlocked.Exchange(ref list.m_currentOp, (int)ListOperation.Add);
//Synchronization cases:
// if the list count is less than two to avoid conflict with any stealing thread
// if m_needSync is set, this means there is a thread that needs to freeze the bag
if (list.Count < || m_needSync)
// reset it back to zero to avoid deadlock with stealing thread
list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None;
Monitor.Enter(list, ref lockTaken);
list.Add(item, lockTaken);
list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None;
if (lockTaken)
} private ThreadLocalList GetThreadList(bool forceCreate)
ThreadLocalList list = m_locals.Value;
if (list != null)
return list;
else if (forceCreate)
// Acquire the lock to update the m_tailList pointer
lock (GlobalListsLock)
if (m_headList == null)
list = new ThreadLocalList(Thread.CurrentThread);
m_headList = list;
m_tailList = list;
list = GetUnownedList();
if (list == null)
list = new ThreadLocalList(Thread.CurrentThread);
m_tailList.m_nextList = list;
m_tailList = list;
m_locals.Value = list;
return null;
Debug.Assert(list != null);
return list;
} public bool TryTake(out T result)
return TryTakeOrPeek(out result, true);
} public bool TryPeek(out T result)
return TryTakeOrPeek(out result, false);
} private bool TryTakeOrPeek(out T result, bool take)
// Get the local list for that thread, return null if the thread doesn't exit
//(this thread never add before)
ThreadLocalList list = GetThreadList(false);
if (list == null || list.Count == )
return Steal(out result, take);
bool lockTaken = false;
if (take) // Take operation
Interlocked.Exchange(ref list.m_currentOp, (int)ListOperation.Take);
//Synchronization cases:
// if the list count is less than or equal two to avoid conflict with any stealing thread
// if m_needSync is set, this means there is a thread that needs to freeze the bag
if (list.Count <= || m_needSync)
// reset it back to zero to avoid deadlock with stealing thread
list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None;
Monitor.Enter(list, ref lockTaken); // Double check the count and steal if it became empty
if (list.Count == )
// Release the lock before stealing
if (lockTaken)
try { }
lockTaken = false; // reset lockTaken to avoid calling Monitor.Exit again in the finally block
return Steal(out result, true);
list.Remove(out result);
if (!list.Peek(out result))
return Steal(out result, false);
list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None;
if (lockTaken)
return true;
} private bool Steal(out T result, bool take)
bool loop;
List<int> versionsList = new List<int>(); // save the lists version
versionsList.Clear(); //clear the list from the previous iteration
loop = false; ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList;
while (currentList != null)
if (currentList.m_head != null && TrySteal(currentList, out result, take))
return true;
currentList = currentList.m_nextList;
} // verify versioning, if other items are added to this list since we last visit it, we should retry
currentList = m_headList;
foreach (int version in versionsList)
if (version != currentList.m_version) //oops state changed
loop = true;
if (currentList.m_head != null && TrySteal(currentList, out result, take))
return true;
currentList = currentList.m_nextList;
} while (loop); result = default(T);
return false;
} private bool TrySteal(ThreadLocalList list, out T result, bool take)
lock (list)
if (CanSteal(list))
list.Steal(out result, take);
return true;
result = default(T);
return false;
} private bool CanSteal(ThreadLocalList list)
if (list.Count <= && list.m_currentOp != (int)ListOperation.None)
SpinWait spinner = new SpinWait();
while (list.m_currentOp != (int)ListOperation.None)
if (list.Count > )
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Try to reuse an unowned list if exist
/// unowned lists are the lists that their owner threads are aborted or terminated
/// this is workaround to avoid memory leaks.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The list object, null if all lists are owned</returns>
private ThreadLocalList GetUnownedList()
//the global lock must be held at this point
Contract.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(GlobalListsLock)); ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList;
while (currentList != null)
if (currentList.m_ownerThread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped)
currentList.m_ownerThread = Thread.CurrentThread; // the caller should acquire a lock to make this line thread safe
return currentList;
currentList = currentList.m_nextList;
return null;
internal class ThreadLocalList
{ internal volatile Node m_head;
private volatile Node m_tail;
internal volatile int m_currentOp;
private int m_count;
internal int m_stealCount;
internal volatile ThreadLocalList m_nextList;
internal bool m_lockTaken;
internal Thread m_ownerThread;
internal volatile int m_version;
internal ThreadLocalList(Thread ownerThread)
m_ownerThread = ownerThread;
internal void Add(T item, bool updateCount)
Node node = new Node(item);
if (m_head == null)
Debug.Assert(m_tail == null);
m_head = node;
m_tail = node;
m_version++; // changing from empty state to non empty state
node.m_next = m_head;
m_head.m_prev = node;
m_head = node;
if (updateCount) // update the count to avoid overflow if this add is synchronized
m_count = m_count - m_stealCount;
m_stealCount = ;
} /// <summary>
/// Remove an item from the head of the list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">The removed item</param>
internal void Remove(out T result)
Debug.Assert(m_head != null);
Node head = m_head;
m_head = m_head.m_next;
if (m_head != null)
m_head.m_prev = null;
m_tail = null;
result = head.m_value; } /// <summary>
/// Peek an item from the head of the list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">the peeked item</param>
/// <returns>True if succeeded, false otherwise</returns>
internal bool Peek(out T result)
Node head = m_head;
if (head != null)
result = head.m_value;
return true;
result = default(T);
return false;
} internal void Steal(out T result, bool remove)
Node tail = m_tail;
Debug.Assert(tail != null);
if (remove) // Take operation
m_tail = m_tail.m_prev;
if (m_tail != null)
m_tail.m_next = null;
m_head = null;
// Increment the steal count
result = tail.m_value;
} }
internal class Node
public Node(T value)
m_value = value;
public readonly T m_value;
public Node m_next;
public Node m_prev;
首先我们需要知道里面有2个内部类Node和ThreadLocalList都是链表结构,其中Node是双向链表,因为它有m_next和m_prev属性,但是ThreadLocalList确是单项链表只有m_nextList属性,ThreadLocalList是Node的集合,有m_head和m_tail属性指向Node实例。现在我们来看ConcurrentBag的几个变量,ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalList> m_locals表示当前线程的list,所以从这里我们可以猜测线程安全是采用ThreadLocal来实现的。 volatile ThreadLocalList m_headList, m_tailList;这2个变量应该是可以遍历所有线程的list。
无论是初始化Initialize方法还是添加元素的Add方法,我们首先要调用GetThreadList放来获取当前线程的list,GetThreadList方法 首先检查当前线程的m_locals.Value是否存在,有则直接返回;否者检查当前线程是否是程序第一个线程【m_headList == null】,如果是则创建新的ThreadLocalList,否者调用GetUnownedList放法检查是否有孤立ThreadLocalList使用【ThreadLocalList的逻辑线程已经停止,但是该ThreadLocalList实例确存在】,如果有则返回改ThreadLocalList,否则只有新建ThreadLocalList实例。
现在看看AddInternal方法的实现,首先修改ThreadLocalList的m_currentOp标记为添加元素【 Interlocked.Exchange(ref list.m_currentOp, (int)ListOperation.Add)】,然后在添加元素 list.Add(item, lockTaken);,如果该list需要lock的话,那么在添加元素前我们还需要加锁Monitor.Enter(list, ref lockTaken),添加后需要解锁 Monitor.Exit(list)。ThreadLocalList的Add方法非常简单,把新节点放到链表头部【 node.m_next = m_head;m_head.m_prev = node; m_head = node;】
添加元素时添加到各个线程的ThreadLocalList,那么读取就比较麻烦了,我们需要读取各各线程ThreadLocalList的数据,也就是说需要用到m_headList, m_tailList两个变量。如果当前线程存在ThreadLocalList实例,那么直接从ThreadLocalList里面拿去数据,如果需要加锁,那么我们就加锁【 Monitor.Enter(list, ref lockTaken)】和解锁【Monitor.Exit(list)】,都是当前线程的list,如果当前线程ThreadLocalList不存在,或者没有数据,我们需要从其他线程的ThreadLocalList获取数据,Steal方法 首先或从m_headList开始,依次遍历每一个ThreadLocalList,然后从它们里面获取数据,如果获取不到数据,那么就再次遍历一下所有的ThreadLocalList,检查哪些ThreadLocalList的版本m_version在这两次遍历过程中发生了变化。
versionsList.Clear(); //clear the list from the previous iteration
loop = false; ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList;
while (currentList != null)
if (currentList.m_head != null && TrySteal(currentList, out result, take))
return true;
currentList = currentList.m_nextList;
} // verify versioning, if other items are added to this list since we last visit it, we should retry
currentList = m_headList;
foreach (int version in versionsList)
if (version != currentList.m_version) //oops state changed
loop = true;
if (currentList.m_head != null && TrySteal(currentList, out result, take))
return true;
currentList = currentList.m_nextList;
} while (loop);
TrySteal方法的实现就非常简单了,检查list是否可以查询数据【CanSteal(list)】,CanSteal里面也用了自旋来实现【if (list.Count <= 2 && list.m_currentOp != (int)ListOperation.None){ SpinWait spinner = new SpinWait(); while (list.m_currentOp != (int)ListOperation.None) {spinner.SpinOnce(); } }】,真正Steal实现是由ThreadLocalList来做的,比较简单。
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