[LeetCode] Network Delay Time 网络延迟时间——最短路算法 Bellman-Ford(DP) 和 dijkstra(本质上就是BFS的迭代变种)
There are N
network nodes, labelled 1
to N
Given times
, a list of travel times as directed edges times[i] = (u, v, w)
, where u
is the source node, v
is the target node, and w
is the time it takes for a signal to travel from source to target.
Now, we send a signal from a certain node K
. How long will it take for all nodes to receive the signal? If it is impossible, return -1
will be in the range[1, 100]
will be in the range[1, N]
.- The length of
will be in the range[1, 6000]
. - All edges
times[i] = (u, v, w)
will have1 <= u, v <= N
and1 <= w <= 100
可以想成从结点K开始有水流向周围扩散,当水流到达最远的一个结点时,那么其他所有的结点一定已经流过水了。最短路径的常用解法有迪杰克斯特拉算法Dijkstra Algorithm, 弗洛伊德算法Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, 和贝尔曼福特算法Bellman-Ford Algorithm,其中,Floyd算法是多源最短路径,即求任意点到任意点到最短路径,而Dijkstra算法和Bellman-Ford算法是单源最短路径,即单个点到任意点到最短路径。这里因为起点只有一个K,所以使用单源最短路径就行了。这三种算法还有一点不同,就是Dijkstra算法处理有向权重图时,权重必须为正,而另外两种可以处理负权重有向图,但是不能出现负环,所谓负环,就是权重均为负的环。为啥呢,这里要先引入松弛操作Relaxtion,这是这三个算法的核心思想,当有对边 (u, v) 是结点u到结点v,如果 dist(v) > dist(u) + w(u, v),那么 dist(v) 就可以被更新,这是所有这些的算法的核心操作。Dijkstra算法是以起点为中心,向外层层扩展,直到扩展到终点为止。根据这特性,用BFS来实现时再好不过了。
class Solution(object):
def networkDelayTime(self, times, N, K):
:type times: List[List[int]]
:type N: int
:type K: int
:rtype: int
inf = float('inf')
dp = [inf]*(N+1)
dp[K] = 0
for i in range(1, N): # N+1 is not neccessary
for u,v,w in times:
#if v == i:
dp[v] = min(dp[v], dp[u]+w)
max_d = max(dp[1:])
return -1 if max_d == inf else max_d
注意:(1) 我以为是要加一个if判断,实际上是错的。迭代是针对图里所有边,第一次迭代找到的是source点走一次直接连接的最短路。第二次是走二次的最短路迭代。一直到第n-1次走的最短路。
class Solution(object):
def networkDelayTime(self, times, N, K):
:type times: List[List[int]]
:type N: int
:type K: int
:rtype: int
return self.dijkstra(times, N, K) def dijkstra(sefl, times, N, k):
G = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for n1, n2, w in times:
G[n1][n2] = w inf = float('inf')
dist = {node:inf for node in range(1, N+1)}
dist[k] = 0 nodes = set(range(1, N+1))
while nodes:
node = min(nodes, key=dist.get)
# update dist
for n in G[node]:
dist[n] = min(dist[n], dist[node] + G[node][n])
# node visited
max_dist = -1
for node in dist:
if node != k:
max_dist = max(max_dist, dist[node])
return max_dist if max_dist != inf else -1
class Solution(object):
def networkDelayTime(self, times, N, K):
:type times: List[List[int]]
:type N: int
:type K: int
:rtype: int
return self.dijkstra(times, N, K) def dijkstra(sefl, times, N, k):
G = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for n1, n2, w in times:
G[n1][n2] = w inf = float('inf')
dist = [inf]*(N+1)
dist[k] = 0 nodes = set(range(1, N+1))
while nodes:
node = min(nodes, key=dist.__getitem__)
# update dist
for n in G[node]:
dist[n] = min(dist[n], dist[node] + G[node][n])
# node visited
max_dist = max(dist[1:])
return max_dist if max_dist != inf else -1
[LeetCode] Network Delay Time 网络延迟时间——最短路算法 Bellman-Ford(DP) 和 dijkstra(本质上就是BFS的迭代变种)的更多相关文章
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