public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private ListView mListView; //private ImageListAdapter adapter;
private ImageListPicassoAdapter adapter;
private Context mContext; @Override
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mContext=this; ResultApi.getBroadcastApi(1,"user_invitation_list",1,15, new ICallBack<ResultBean>() {
public void onSuccess(String flag, String key, ResultBean resultBean) {
//adapter=new ImageListAdapter(mContext, resultBean.getResult());
adapter=new ImageListPicassoAdapter(mContext, resultBean.getResult());
public void onFailure(String flag, String key, String why) {
}); /*ResultApi.getBroadcastApiNoPar(new ICallBack<ResultBean>() {
public void onSuccess(String flag, String key, ResultBean resultBean) {
//adapter=new ImageListAdapter(mContext, resultBean.getResult());
adapter=new ImageListPicassoAdapter(mContext, resultBean.getResult());
public void onFailure(String flag, String key, String why) { } });*/ }
public class ResultApi {

    public static Call<ResultBean> getBroadcastApi(int ver,final String action,int page,int pageSize,final ICallBack<ResultBean> callBack){
Call<ResultBean> callResultBean=BuildService.getMeiNvService().getBroadcast(ver, action, page, pageSize);
callResultBean.enqueue(new Callback<ResultBean>() { @Override
public void onResponse(Call<ResultBean> call, Response<ResultBean> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
ResultBean resultBean = response.body();
if (resultBean.getResult().size()>0) {
callBack.onSuccess(action, "", resultBean);
} else {
callBack.onFailure(action, "", "数据错误");
} @Override
public void onFailure(Call<ResultBean> call, Throwable t) { }
return callResultBean;
} public static Call<ResultBean> getBroadcastApiNoPar(final ICallBack<ResultBean> callBack){
Call<ResultBean> callResultBean=BuildService.getMeiNvService().getBroadcastNoPar();
callResultBean.enqueue(new Callback<ResultBean>() { @Override
public void onResponse(Call<ResultBean> call, Response<ResultBean> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
ResultBean resultBean = response.body();
if (resultBean.getResult().size()>0) {
callBack.onSuccess("", "", resultBean);
} else {
callBack.onFailure("", "", "数据错误");
} @Override
public void onFailure(Call<ResultBean> call, Throwable t) { }
return callResultBean;
public interface ApiService {
Call<ResultBean> getBroadcast(@Query("ver") int ver,
@Query("action") String action, @Query("page") int page,
@Query("page_size") int pageSize); //
Call<ResultBean> getBroadcastNoPar();
public class BuildService {
private static Retrofit retrofit; public static ApiService getMeiNvService() {
if (retrofit == null) {
retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
.baseUrl(config.HTTP_URL) //设置Base的访问路径
return retrofit.create(ApiService.class);
} public static OkHttpClient defaultOkHttpClient() {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
return client;


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