SQL 结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)
DDL DML DCL 在此不再对其进行详细解释
1 DDL 数据库定义语言
1.1 创建数据库脚本
--DDL create drop alter
create database TestDB;
drop database TestDB; --创建数据库
create database DemoDB2
name = 'DemoDB2',--逻辑名称于创建名字一致
size = 5MB, --最小为5MB
filegrowth = 2MB,--超过5MB后以步长为2MB增长
fileName = 'F:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\DemoDB2.mdf' -- 文件存放路径
log on
name = 'DemoDB2_log',
size = 2MB, --最小为2MB
filegrowth = 2MB,--超过5MB后以步长为2MB增长
fileName = 'F:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\DemoDB2_log.ldf' )
1.2 操作表脚本
use DemoDB
Create table Employee
EmpId int identity(,) primary key not null,
EmpName nvarchar() null,--定义大小为2的幂 ,
EmpAge int default() not null, -- 设置默认值18
Delflag smallint default() not null
--2.1 修改表名称
--ALTER TABLE DemoDB.Employee rename to DemoDB.Student;--不好使
exec sp_rename 'Employee','Student'
--2.2 修改列
--2.2. 修改列名
exec sp_rename 'Student.EmpAge','StuAge'
--2.2. 新增列
Alter table Student add StuClassNo int
--2.2. 修改列
Alter table Student alter column StuClassNo nvarchar()
--2.2. 删除列
Alter table Student drop column StuClassNo
drop table UserInfo
2 DML 数据库操作语言(很重要)
2.1 Select 语句都被写烂了,这里总结一下执行顺序
From=>where=>group by =>having=>select=>order by
--Insert into 表名(列名称...) values (值..);
Insert into Student (EmpId, StuName, StuAge, Delflag) values (,'张三',,);
delete from Student where = --查询
select * from Student;
--修改 Update 表名 set 列名 = 值 where 条件表达式
Update Student set StuName = '李四' where EmpId = ;
2.2 约束:保证数据的完整性
alter table 表名 add constraint 约束的名字.....
-- 删除约束
--alter table 表名 drop constraint 约束的名字
alter table UserInfo drop constraint DF_UserInfo_DelFlag
-- 添加默认约束
--alter table 表名 add constraint 约束的名字 default() for ...
alter table UserInfo add constraint DF_UserInfo_DelFlag default() for DelFlag;
-- 添加主键约束
alter table UserInfo add constraint PK_UserInfo_EmpId primary key(EmpId);
-- 添加唯一约束
alter table UserInfo add constraint UN_UserInfo_StuName unique (StuName)
-- 添加检查约束
alter table UserInfo add constraint CK_UserInfo_StuAge check(StuAge> and StuAge<)
-- 非空约束
-- 外键约束
-- 先建立外键表Class
create table ClassInfo
ClassId int identity(,) primary key,
ClassName nvarchar() null
-- 添加外键列
alter table UserInfo add ClassNo int null
-- 添加外键约束
alter table UserInfo add constraint FK_UserInfo_ClassInfo foreign key(ClassNO) references ClassInfo(ClassId);
2.3 常用的函数
use DemoDB
go select * from UserInfo
-- 给列和表起别名
select EmpId as 编号 from UserInfo as U;
--count()优于count(*);因为count(*) 找出表中最短的数列
--Cast(表达式 as 类型)
select StuName+'年龄是'+CONVERT(nvarchar(),StuAge) as 学生年龄信息 from UserInfo;
select StuName+'年龄是'+Cast(StuAge as nvarchar()) as 学生年龄信息 from UserInfo;
--select getdate();
select DATEADD(day,,'2012-12-12')
-- DATEDIFF(要比较的计量单位,日期,日期)时间差
select DATEDIFF(DAY,'2012-12-12','2012-12-19');
select DATEPART(MONTH,'2014-1-15');
select MONTH('2014-1-15');
select Upper('abc') ;
select left('',);
select DATALENGTH(N'');
select LTRIM(' 1231 ');
2.4 Case When的两种使用
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace 完整的增删查改
public partial class MainForm : Form
public MainForm()
} private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string sqlStr = "select EmpId, Pwd, StuName, StuAge, Delflag, ClassNo from UserInfo where Delflag = 0 "; LoadUserInfoToGridView(sqlStr);
public string ConnStr = SqlHelper.GetConnStr(); #region 02右击删除-多项删除
private void contextMenuDelete_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
if (MessageBox.Show("确认删除选中信息吗?","提示信息",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Information) != DialogResult.Yes)
//02-02 拿到选中行的主键,并把主键拼接起来
var rows = this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows;
//02-03 编写执行SQL脚本 #region 方法二- StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder();
List<SqlParameter> parameters = new List<SqlParameter>( );
for (int i = ; i < rows.Count; i++)
sbSql.Append("Update UserInfo set DelFlag = 1 where EmpId=@EmpId"+i+";");
SqlParameter para = new SqlParameter("@EmpId"+i,SqlDbType.Int);
para.Value = int.Parse(rows[i].Cells["EmpId"].Value.ToString());
parameters.Add(para); }
string sqlStr2 = sbSql.ToString();
#endregion int resultNum = SqlHelper.ExcuteNonQuery(sqlStr2, parameters.ToArray());
if (resultNum > )
MessageBox.Show("删除成功!一共删除" + resultNum + "条");
} MainForm_Load(this,null);
#endregion #region 03双击事件-弹出修改窗体
private void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
//03-01 拿到Id
int id = int.Parse(dataGridView1.SelectedRows[].Cells["EmpId"].Value.ToString()); //03-02打开修改窗体
EditForm frmEdit = new EditForm(new UserInfo (){EmpId = id});
frmEdit.FormClosing += EditUserInfoFrm_FormClosing;
//03-03 通过构造函数传递数据
//03-04 当修改窗体关闭时候执行下面的事件响应方法
private void EditUserInfoFrm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
btnSearch_Click(this, null);
#endregion #region 04-多条件查询
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//string connStr = SqlHelper.GetConnStr();
#region 04-02拼接SQl语句
string sqlText = "select EmpId, Pwd, StuName, StuAge, Delflag, ClassNo from UserInfo";
List<string> whereList = new List<string>();
List<SqlParameter> parameters = new List<SqlParameter>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtName.Text.Trim()))
whereList.Add(" StuName like @StuName ");
SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter();
parameter.ParameterName = "@StuName";
parameter.Value = "%" + txtName.Text + "%";
} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtAge.Text.Trim()))
whereList.Add(" StuAge like @StuAge ");
SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter();
parameter.ParameterName = "@StuAge";
parameter.Value = "%" + txtAge.Text + "%";
} if (whereList.Count > )
sqlText += " where " + string.Join(" and ", whereList);
LoadUserInfoToGridView(sqlText, parameters.ToArray()); }
#endregion #region 05-将01和04进行优化可得-----加载数据到GridView
private void LoadUserInfoToGridView(string sqlStr,params SqlParameter[] parameters)
//01-00 设置强类型数据源
List<UserInfo> userInfoList = new List<UserInfo>();
DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExcuteDataTable(sqlStr, parameters);
//01-05 应该使用强类型数据
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo();
userInfo.EmpId = int.Parse(dr["EmpId"].ToString());
userInfo.Pwd = dr["Pwd"].ToString();
userInfo.StuName = dr["StuName"].ToString();
userInfo.StuAge = int.Parse(dr["StuAge"].ToString());
userInfo.Delflag = Char.Parse(dr["Delflag"].ToString());
userInfo.ClassNo = int.Parse(dr["ClassNo"] == DBNull.Value ? "-1" : dr["ClassNo"].ToString());
//01-06 配置数据源
this.dataGridView1.DataSource = userInfoList; }
#endregion }
Case When
2.5 IsNull(表达式,替换内容)函数
select CreateDate,IsNull(CreateDate,getDate()) from UserInfo
2.6 with 语句的使用
select distinct(VendorName),ve.*,ba.* from [dbo].[AS_Batch] as ba
inner join AS_Vendor ve on ba.VendorID = ve.VendorID
inner join AS_Equipment ae on ae.EquipmentID=ba.EquipmentID
where 1=1 order by ve.VendorID desc --新建了一台设备 "联想电脑"
select * from AS_Equipment where EquipmentID = '1AC91813-F636-43AD-82E1-0384051D0DB2'; --新建了3个厂商
select * from AS_Vendor where VendorID in ('065A1954-88A8-415E-BA19-549C17F3354E','EA7B0530-2D5C-4ADB-B2D7-5854C00787A7','2D8F6E94-7243-42C1-B6AD-1008F6D50CE8') --创建一个场景:
--批次 厂商 数量 价格
--批次1 A 10 100
--批次2 B 20 200
--批次3 C 30 300
--批次4 A 40 400 select * from [AS_Batch] where BatchID in ('027D504A-9EC2-43F3-BCC9-8A962831F603','FF8BA2CC-2662-469E-BB16-07DB7599FD06','187334AB-892D-4553-A928-7638067E1D77','F3768B5A-9AB2-497B-B8BB-06E81473996F') --根据设备ID查询供应商
select ve.* from [dbo].[AS_Batch] as ba
inner join AS_Vendor ve on ba.VendorID = ve.VendorID
inner join AS_Equipment ae on ae.EquipmentID=ba.EquipmentID
where 1=1
and ae.EquipmentName='联想电脑'
order by ve.VendorID desc --获取同一设备在不同厂商的均价(a),计算方法:(批次1数量*批次1价格+批次2数量*批次2价格…)/(批次1数量+批次2数量…);
select sum(ba.EquipmentPrice*ba.EquipmentNum)/sum(ba.EquipmentNum) as EquipmentAvgPrice,sum(ba.EquipmentNum) as EquipmentAmount,ba.VendorID
from [dbo].[AS_Batch] as ba
inner join AS_Vendor ve on ba.VendorID = ve.VendorID
inner join AS_Equipment ae on ae.EquipmentID=ba.EquipmentID
where 1=1
and ae.EquipmentName='联想电脑'
group by ba.VendorID
order by ba.VendorID desc --创建一个场景:
--批次 厂商 数量 价格 损坏个数/次数
--批次1 A 10 100 1/2
--批次2 B 20 200 2/(1+2)
--批次3 C 30 300 4/(1+1+2+1)
--批次4 A 40 400 2/(2+3) --获取同一设备在不同厂商的设备正常率(p)=(总设备个数-维修设备个数)/总设备个数
select count(distinct(af.QRCode)),ba.VendorID
from [dbo].[AS_Batch] as ba
inner join AS_Vendor ve on ba.VendorID = ve.VendorID
inner join AS_Equipment ae on ae.EquipmentID=ba.EquipmentID
inner join AS_AfterSale af on substring(af.QRCode,1,36)=ba.batchid
where 1=1
and ae.EquipmentName='联想电脑'
group by ba.VendorID
order by ba.VendorID desc -------------计算性厂商价比
pri as ( select sum(ba.EquipmentPrice*ba.EquipmentNum) as EquipmentAmountPrice, sum(ba.EquipmentPrice*ba.EquipmentNum)/sum(ba.EquipmentNum) as EquipmentAvgPrice,sum(ba.EquipmentNum) as EquipmentAmount,ba.VendorID as VendorID
from [dbo].[AS_Batch] as ba
inner join AS_Vendor ve on ba.VendorID = ve.VendorID
inner join AS_Equipment ae on ae.EquipmentID=ba.EquipmentID
where 1=1
and ae.EquipmentName='联想电脑'
group by ba.VendorID
repairs as (
select count(distinct(af.QRCode)) as RepairsNum,ba.VendorID as VendorID
from [dbo].[AS_Batch] as ba
inner join AS_Vendor ve on ba.VendorID = ve.VendorID
inner join AS_Equipment ae on ae.EquipmentID=ba.EquipmentID
inner join AS_AfterSale af on substring(af.QRCode,1,36)=ba.batchid
where 1=1
and ae.EquipmentName='联想电脑'
group by ba.VendorID
select (EquipmentAmount-RepairsNum)/EquipmentAmountPrice from pri,repairs where pri.VendorID=repairs.VendorID;
3 DCL语言
grant select on UserInfo To zw
4 大的备份脚本还原
标识=case when COLUMNPROPERTY( a.id,a.name,'IsIdentity')= then '√'else '' end,
主键=case when exists(SELECT FROM sysobjects where xtype='PK' and name in (
SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE indid in(
SELECT indid FROM sysindexkeys WHERE id = a.id AND colid=a.colid
))) then '√' else '' end,
允许空=case when a.isnullable= then '√'else '' end,
--into ##tx
FROM syscolumns a
left join systypes b on a.xtype=b.xusertype
inner join sysobjects d on a.id=d.id and d.xtype='U' and d.name<>'dtproperties'
left join syscomments e on a.cdefault=e.id
left join sys.extended_properties g on a.id=g.class and a.colid=g.minor_id --sql2000此处替换为:left join sysproperties g on a.id=g.id and a.colid=g.smallid
left join sys.extended_properties f on d.id=f.class and f.minor_id= --sql2000此处替换为:left join sysproperties f on d.id=f.id and f.smallid=
where d.name='ProcessPublish' --如果只查询指定表,加上此条件
order by object_name(a.id),a.colorder
SELECT SUM(记录条数) AS 总记录数
FROM (SELECT TOP () a.name AS 表名, MAX(b.rows) AS 记录条数
FROM sys.sysobjects AS a INNER JOIN
sys.sysindexes AS b ON a.id = b.id
WHERE (a.xtype = 'u')
GROUP BY a.name
ORDER BY 记录条数 DESC) AS t1 SELECT a.name AS 表名, MAX(b.rows) AS 记录条数
FROM sys.sysobjects AS a INNER JOIN
sys.sysindexes AS b ON a.id = b.id
WHERE (a.xtype = 'u')
GROUP BY a.name
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