
uboot version 2014.4

/* Architecture-specific global data */

struct arch_global_data {

#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_ESDHC)

u32 sdhc_clk;



/* "static data" needed by at91's clock.c */

unsigned long

unsigned long

unsigned long

unsigned long

unsigned long

unsigned long


/* "static data" needed by most of timer.c on ARM platforms */

unsigned long timer_rate_hz;

unsigned long tbu;

unsigned long tbl;

unsigned long lastinc;

unsigned long long timer_reset_value;


unsigned long tlb_addr;

unsigned long tlb_size;



struct omap_boot_parameters omap_boot_params;



#include <asm-generic/global_data.h>

#ifdef CONFIG_ARM64

#define DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR register volatile gd_t *gd asm ("x18")


register volatile gd_t *gd asm ("r9")


从这里看到了gd的定义,而且能够知道气质这个结构体的定义是在:#include <asm-generic/global_data.h>这个文件夹下。


typedef struct global_data {

bd_t *bd;

unsigned long flags;

unsigned int baudrate;

unsigned long cpu_clk;
/* CPU clock in Hz! */

unsigned long bus_clk;

/* We cannot bracket this with CONFIG_PCI due to mpc5xxx */

unsigned long pci_clk;

unsigned long mem_clk;

#if defined(CONFIG_LCD) || defined(CONFIG_VIDEO)

unsigned long fb_base;
/* Base address of framebuffer mem */


#if defined(CONFIG_POST) || defined(CONFIG_LOGBUFFER)

unsigned long post_log_word;  /* Record POST activities */

unsigned long post_log_res; /* success of POST test */

unsigned long post_init_f_time;  /* When post_init_f started */



unsigned long board_type;


unsigned long have_console;
/* serial_init() was called */


unsigned long precon_buf_idx;
/* Pre-Console buffer index */



unsigned long do_mdm_init;

unsigned long be_quiet;


unsigned long env_addr;
/* Address  of Environment struct */

unsigned long env_valid;
/* Checksum of Environment valid? */

unsigned long ram_top;
/* Top address of RAM used by U-Boot */

unsigned long relocaddr;
/* Start address of U-Boot in RAM */

phys_size_t ram_size;
/* RAM size */

unsigned long mon_len;
/* monitor len */

unsigned long irq_sp;
/* irq stack pointer */

unsigned long start_addr_sp;
/* start_addr_stackpointer */

unsigned long reloc_off;

struct global_data *new_gd;
/* relocated global data */

#ifdef CONFIG_DM

struct device
*dm_root; /* Root instance for Driver Model */

struct list_head uclass_root;
/* Head of core tree */


const void *fdt_blob;
/* Our device tree, NULL if none */

void *new_fdt;
/* Relocated FDT */

unsigned long fdt_size;
/* Space reserved for relocated FDT */

void **jt;
/* jump table */

char env_buf[32];
/* buffer for getenv() before reloc. */


void *trace_buff;
/* The trace buffer */


#if defined(CONFIG_SYS_I2C)

int cur_i2c_bus;
/* current used i2c bus */


unsigned long timebase_h;

unsigned long timebase_l;

struct arch_global_data arch;
/* architecture-specific data */

#ifdef CONFIG_xxxxx   //此处随便x

void *priv;
/* point to the private data */


} gd_t;



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