CentOS 6.5安装TortoiseSVN svn client
TortoiseSVN 是 Subversion 版本号控制系统的一个免费开源client,能够超越时间的管理文件和文件夹。
文件保存在中央版本号库,除了能记住文件和文件夹的每次改动以外,版本号库很像普通的文件服务器。你能够将文件恢复到过去的版本号。而且能够通过检查历史知道数据做了哪些改动,谁做的改动。这就是为什么很多人将 Subversion 和版本号控制系统看作一种“时间机器”。
系统版本号:CentOS 6.5,内核(uname -r):2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64
yum install -y subversion
svn help
svn checkout --help
- checkout (co): Check out a working copy from a repository.
- usage: checkout URL[@REV]... [PATH]
- If specified, REV determines in which revision the URL is first
- looked up.
- If PATH is omitted, the basename of the URL will be used as
- the destination. If multiple URLs are given each will be checked
- out into a sub-directory of PATH, with the name of the sub-directory
- being the basename of the URL.
- If --force is used, unversioned obstructing paths in the working
- copy destination do not automatically cause the check out to fail.
- If the obstructing path is the same type (file or directory) as the
- corresponding path in the repository it becomes versioned but its
- contents are left 'as-is' in the working copy. This means that an
- obstructing directory's unversioned children may also obstruct and
- become versioned. For files, any content differences between the
- obstruction and the repository are treated like a local modification
- to the working copy. All properties from the repository are applied
- to the obstructing path.
- See also 'svn help update' for a list of possible characters
- reporting the action taken.
- Valid options:
- -r [--revision] ARG : ARG (some commands also take ARG1:ARG2 range)
- A revision argument can be one of:
- NUMBER revision number
- '{' DATE '}' revision at start of the date
- 'HEAD' latest in repository
- 'BASE' base rev of item's working copy
- 'COMMITTED' last commit at or before BASE
- 'PREV' revision just before COMMITTED
- -q [--quiet] : print nothing, or only summary information
- -N [--non-recursive] : obsolete; try --depth=files or --depth=immediates
- --depth ARG : limit operation by depth ARG ('empty', 'files',
- 'immediates', or 'infinity')
- --force : force operation to run
- --ignore-externals : ignore externals definitions
- Global options:
- --username ARG : specify a username ARG
- --password ARG : specify a password ARG
- --no-auth-cache : do not cache authentication tokens
- --non-interactive : do no interactive prompting
- --trust-server-cert : accept unknown SSL server certificates without
- prompting (but only with '--non-interactive')
- --config-dir ARG : read user configuration files from directory ARG
- --config-option ARG : set user configuration option in the format:
- For example:
- servers:global:http-library=serf
svn list --help
- list (ls): List directory entries in the repository.
- usage: list [TARGET[@REV]...]
- List each TARGET file and the contents of each TARGET directory as
- they exist in the repository. If TARGET is a working copy path, the
- corresponding repository URL will be used. If specified, REV determines
- in which revision the target is first looked up.
- The default TARGET is '.', meaning the repository URL of the current
- working directory.
- With --verbose, the following fields will be shown for each item:
- Revision number of the last commit
- Author of the last commit
- If locked, the letter 'O'. (Use 'svn info URL' to see details)
- Size (in bytes)
- Date and time of the last commit
- Valid options:
- -r [--revision] ARG : ARG (some commands also take ARG1:ARG2 range)
- A revision argument can be one of:
- NUMBER revision number
- '{' DATE '}' revision at start of the date
- 'HEAD' latest in repository
- 'BASE' base rev of item's working copy
- 'COMMITTED' last commit at or before BASE
- 'PREV' revision just before COMMITTED
- -v [--verbose] : print extra information
- -R [--recursive] : descend recursively, same as --depth=infinity
- --depth ARG : limit operation by depth ARG ('empty', 'files',
- 'immediates', or 'infinity')
- --incremental : give output suitable for concatenation
- --xml : output in XML
- Global options:
- --username ARG : specify a username ARG
- --password ARG : specify a password ARG
- --no-auth-cache : do not cache authentication tokens
- --non-interactive : do no interactive prompting
- --trust-server-cert : accept unknown SSL server certificates without
- prompting (but only with '--non-interactive')
- --config-dir ARG : read user configuration files from directory ARG
- --config-option ARG : set user configuration option in the format:
- For example:
- servers:global:http-library=serf
svn list使用演示样例:
svn list svn://
watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvdGVzdGNzX2Ru/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast" alt="" />
watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvdGVzdGNzX2Ru/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast" alt="" />
svn checkout使用演示样例:
先创建一个文件夹,比如:mkdir test
svn checkout svn:// ./test
watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvdGVzdGNzX2Ru/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast" alt="" />
Checked out revision 10.检出成功,去test文件夹下看看吧。
切换文件夹到之前检出的文件文件夹。然后运行命令:svn update
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