class IntroToLINQ
static void Main()
// The Three Parts of a LINQ Query:
// 1. Data source.
int[] numbers = new int[] { , , , , , , }; // 2. Query creation.
// numQuery is an IEnumerable<int>
var numQuery =
from num in numbers
where (num % ) ==
select num; // 3. Query execution.
foreach (int num in numQuery)
Console.Write("{0,1} ", num);
Northwnd db = new Northwnd(@"c:\northwnd.mdf"); // Query for customers in London.
IQueryable<Customer> custQuery =
from cust in db.Customers
where cust.City == "London"
select cust;
List<int> numQuery2 =
(from num in numbers
where (num % ) ==
select num).ToList(); // or like this:
// numQuery3 is still an int[] var numQuery3 =
(from num in numbers
where (num % ) ==
select num).ToArray();
var queryLondonCustomers = from cust in customers
where cust.City == "London"
select cust;
// queryCustomersByCity is an IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, Customer>>
var queryCustomersByCity =
from cust in customers
group cust by cust.City; // customerGroup is an IGrouping<string, Customer>
foreach (var customerGroup in queryCustomersByCity)
foreach (Customer customer in customerGroup)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", customer.Name);
class Student
public string First { get; set; }
public string Last {get; set;}
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Street { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public List<int> Scores;
} class Teacher
public string First { get; set; }
public string Last { get; set; }
public int ID { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
class DataTransformations
static void Main()
// Create the first data source.
List<Student> students = new List<Student>()
new Student {First="Svetlana",
Street="123 Main Street",
Scores= new List<int> {, , , }},
new Student {First="Claire",
Street="124 Main Street",
Scores= new List<int> {, , , }},
new Student {First="Sven",
Street="125 Main Street",
City="Lake City",
Scores= new List<int> {, , , }},
}; // Create the second data source.
List<Teacher> teachers = new List<Teacher>()
new Teacher {First="Ann", Last="Beebe", ID=, City = "Seattle"},
new Teacher {First="Alex", Last="Robinson", ID=, City = "Redmond"},
new Teacher {First="Michiyo", Last="Sato", ID=, City = "Tacoma"}
}; // Create the query.
var peopleInSeattle = (from student in students
where student.City == "Seattle"
select student.Last)
.Concat(from teacher in teachers
where teacher.City == "Seattle"
select teacher.Last); Console.WriteLine("The following students and teachers live in Seattle:");
// Execute the query.
foreach (var person in peopleInSeattle)
} Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
/* Output:
The following students and teachers live in Seattle:
var query = from cust in Customers
select cust.City;
var query = from cust in Customer
select new {Name = cust.Name, City = cust.City};
class XMLTransform
static void Main()
// Create the data source by using a collection initializer.
// The Student class was defined previously in this topic.
List<Student> students = new List<Student>()
new Student {First="Svetlana", Last="Omelchenko", ID=, Scores = new List<int>{, , , }},
new Student {First="Claire", Last="O’Donnell", ID=, Scores = new List<int>{, , , }},
new Student {First="Sven", Last="Mortensen", ID=, Scores = new List<int>{, , , }},
}; // Create the query.
var studentsToXML = new XElement("Root",
from student in students
let x = String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", student.Scores[],
student.Scores[], student.Scores[], student.Scores[])
select new XElement("student",
new XElement("First", student.First),
new XElement("Last", student.Last),
new XElement("Scores", x)
) // end "student"
); // end "Root" // Execute the query.
Console.WriteLine(studentsToXML); // Keep the console open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
< Root>
class FormatQuery
static void Main()
// Data source.
double[] radii = { , , }; // Query.
IEnumerable<string> query =
from rad in radii
select String.Format("Area = {0}", (rad * rad) * 3.14); // Query execution.
foreach (string s in query)
Console.WriteLine(s); // Keep the console open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
/* Output:
Area = 3.14
Area = 12.56
Area = 28.26
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