一个UUID生成算法的C语言实现 --- WIN32版本 .
} uuid_t;
* Checks whether the given string matches the UUID format.
* params:
* [in] uuid - the potential UUID string
* return
* TRUE if the given string is a UUID, FALSE otherwise
BOOL is_uuid_string(const char *uuid);
* Generates a new UUID. The UUID is a time-based time 1 UUID.
* A random per-process node identifier is used to avoid keeping global
* state and maintaining inter-process synchronization.
void uuid_create(uuid_t* uuid);
* Generates a new UUID string. The returned UUID is a time-based time 1 UUID.
* A random per-process node identifier is used to avoid keeping global
* state and maintaining inter-process synchronization.
* return UUID string (newly allocated)
char *uuid_create_string(void);
* Generates a name-based (type 3) UUID string from the given external
* identifier. The special namespace UUID is used as the namespace of
* the generated UUID.
* params
* [in] external - the external identifier
* return
* UUID string (newly allocated)
void uuid_create_external(const char *external, uuid_t* uuid);
* Translate a uuid_t to a uuid string
* return UUID string
char *uuid_to_string(const uuid_t* uuid);
* Get timestamp from a UUID
void uuid_to_timestamp(const uuid_t* uuid, timestamp_t* time);
* Resurn a description of timestamp NOT including fraction
char* timestamp_to_string(const timestamp_t* time);
* Compare two UUID's lexically
* return
* -1 u1 is lexically before u2
* 0 u1 is equal to u2
* 1 u1 is lexically after u2
int uuid_compare(const uuid_t *u1, const uuid_t *u2);
* Compare two UUID's temporally
* return
* -1 u1 is temporally before u2
* 0 u1 is equal to u2
* 1 u1 is temporally after u2
int uuid_compare_time(const uuid_t *u1, const uuid_t *u2);
#endif /* UUID32_H_INCLUDED */
2008-09-15 Last created by cheungmine.
All rights reserved by cheungmine.
#ifndef CDATATYPE_H__
#define CDATATYPE_H__
typedef unsigned char uchar, byte, BYTE;
typedef unsigned short uint16, word_t, ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint, uint32, dword_t, size_t;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef __int64 int64;
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64, qword_t;
#ifndef BOOL
#define BOOL int
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef RESULT
#define RESULT long
#define SUCCESS 0
#define ERROR -1
#define SIZE_BYTE 1
#define SIZE_SHORT 2
#define SIZE_INT 4
#define SIZE_FLT 4
#define SIZE_DBL 8
#define SIZE_WORD 2
#define SIZE_DWORD 4
#define SIZE_QWORD 8
#define SIZE_LINT 8
#define SIZE_INT64 8
#define SIZE_UUID 16
#endif /*CDATATYPE_H__*/
char* MD5_sign (const unsigned char *str, unsigned int len);
#endif /* _MD5_H__ */
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