Quote from: http://helpnet.installshield.com/installshield16helplib/IHelpFeatAssociateComponents.htm


This information applies to the following project types:

·         Basic MSI

·         InstallScript

·         InstallScript MSI

·         InstallScript Object

·         MSI Database

·         Transform

A component can be associated with as many features or subfeatures as necessary. For example, a text editor product might have two features—an editor and a spell checker. Both the editor and spell checker have dependencies that are in a System .dll files component. When designing this installation, you should associate the System .dll files component with both the editor and the spell checker features.

You can associate components with features in the Setup Design view. There are two ways to associate components with features in the Setup Design view, depending on whether or not the component already exists. For more information, seeAssociating New Components with Features and Associating Existing Components with Features.

To associate an existing component with a feature:

1.    In the View List under Organization, click Setup Design.

2.   Right-click the feature or subfeature and click Associate Components.

3.   Select the components you want to associate with this feature from the list of components, and click OK.

You can move or copy existing components from one feature to another using a drag-and-drop operation:

·         To move an existing component, drag the component from one feature to another.

·         To copy an existing component, press CTRL while you drag the component from one feature to another.

To associate a new component with a feature:

1.    In the View List under Organization, click Setup Design.

2.   Right-click the feature or subfeature and click New Component or Component Wizard. InstallShield creates a component and associates it with the selected feature.

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