using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic; namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
public class Sdata
public string gather;
public int shotcount; } static void Main(string[] args)
var m = new[]{
new Sdata{gather = "",shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount =},
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
new Sdata{gather = "", shotcount = },
}; var q2 =
from s in m
group s by s.gather into gatherGroup
select new
gather = gatherGroup.Key,
shotcountGroups =
from s2 in gatherGroup
group s2 by s2.shotcount into shotcountGroups
select new
shotcount = shotcountGroups.Key,
//Days =
// from s3 in shotcountGroups
// orderby s3.Day
// select s3.Day
}; foreach(var item in q2)
foreach(var itme2 in item.shotcountGroups)
Console.WriteLine("\tshotcount = {0}",itme2.shotcount);
} var q = m.GroupBy(
s => s.gather,
(gather, gatherGroup) => new
shotcountGroups =
s2 => s2.shotcount,
(shotcount, shotcountGroups) => new
//Days = shotcountGroups.OrderBy(s3 => s3.Day).Select(s3 => s3.Day)
); List<object> listobj = new List<object>();
List<object> obj = new List<object>();
foreach (var elem in q)
//foreach (var elem in q2)
int tc = elem.shotcountGroups.Count();
var d=new List<object>() ; Console.WriteLine("2gather = {0}", elem.gather);
foreach (var elem2 in elem.shotcountGroups)
Console.WriteLine("\tshotcount = {0}", elem2.shotcount);
//foreach (var day in elem2.Days)
// Console.WriteLine("\t\tDay = {0}", day);
Console.WriteLine("eachobj is {0}",d.Count());
Console.WriteLine("listobj is {0}", listobj.Count); foreach (var mdata in listobj)
Console.WriteLine("listobj is {0}", listobj.ToList());
} Console.Read();
gather = 100002
shotcount = 28
shotcount = 44
gather = 100003
shotcount = 8
shotcount = 20
gather = 100004
shotcount = 55
shotcount = 60
gather = 100005
shotcount = 10
shotcount = 60
gather = 100006
shotcount = 24
shotcount = 75
gather = 100010
shotcount = 41
shotcount = 81
gather = 100012
shotcount = 75
shotcount = 100
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