the following diagram illustrates VD-Interface
display port
emphasizing   emphasizing   emphasizing;
user expereience  experience;
for this purpose
introduced  introduced   remote computing protocol

components developed QXL display device and driver

the following diagram illustrates the current spice solution on top of qemu

VDI front-end
spice-client network spice server;
VDI back-end
VDI port VDI agent VDI port  qxl driver qxl device;
spice project plans to provide additional solutions,including
remote access for a physcial machine
VM front-end for local users
emerging technology technology project
specification paper
VDI  虚拟设备基础设施
Virtual Device Interfaces
provide a standardway to publish interfaces of virtual devices by a software component
this enables other software componentts to interact with these devices
渲染render its output accordidng
to be processed by the back-end
in addition many other interface type can be expose by the back-end
the back-end exposes interface like display output
mouse input
it is also possible for the back-end to dynamically switch front-ends improve back-end usability and flexibility
better sharing of development maintenance and overall product quality;;

spice server is implemented as a VDI front-end and the spice-QEMU provides back-end interfaces;
make an offort to push this specification forward in order to benefit all;
internet real chat
spice project provies documentation that will help you get familiar with spice
new to spice
spice project provies documentation that will help you get familiar with spice start by reading spice for newbies newbies for getting information about spice basic architecture and spice components
basic architecture and components spice user manual for information on how to get make and use spice
spice protocol and vd-interfaces which contain additional and more specific information

involved like to get involved
project is open for contribution
will find areas of interest variety of programmers will find;

可靠 质量  可信 灵活
devoted  to offering increased  reliability quality and usability
obligated  obligated  you are obligated to keep spice project standards;

like to send a patch but don't have time for all the nonsense nonsense;
whatever seems appropriate
guidelines guidelines;
it applies and compiles correctly with the latest development version
adheres code adheres coding convention and style as specified in
split a large patch to multiple smaller patches,
每一个都有一个有意义的逻辑目的each havong a meaningful logical purpose
make sure applying each patch does not break the build;;
write clear and meaningful description and explanation in the commdit message
review comments
be as responsive as possible to the review comments;
patch was prepared using git format-patch
 the patch successfully compiles on all supported platforms;


spice-gtk is a gtk+2 and gtk+3 spice widget

gtk+ widget client
spice GTK+ Widget

while spice-gtk comes with a demo client application called spicy
virt-manager  virt-viewer;
embedding  embeds  a spice-gtk widget  highly recommended
others coming soon;
emerge   gentoo;
frequently asked questions
asked questions  frequently
措辞wording precise   precise

basic install
for starters
virt-manager virt-install to test out
python install
to build an rpm
python rpm

bug fix releases
translation infrastructure

virt-install and virt-manager now remove created disk images if vm install startup fails;
power manager util;
Uniform Resource Identifier
unifrom  unifrom  resource identifier;
add preferences UI dialog
avoid accidentally doesn't specify a port number;
windows filter driver developed for spice usb redirection client side
guest this section contains various optional drivers and daemons that can be installed on the guest to provide enhanced spice integration and performance;
enhanced integration performance;

guest tools
contains some options drivers and services that can be installed in windows guests to improve
virt-viewer display the graphical console for a virtual machine;
console is accessed using the vnc or spice protocol
referred to based on its name id uuid
display command line help summary
  specify the hypervisor connection uri
INc incorporated;
common protocol definition
 unless stated otherwise 除非额外说明 all data structures are packed and byte and bit order is in little endian format; 16bits
data types
 8 bits bytes unsigned integer
uint int16
signed integer

top bottom left right
top bottom left right;

protocol version
protocol version defined as two uint32 values,major protocol version and minor protocol version keep compatibility
regardless     regardless

huge reserved for development purposes considered unsupported and unreliable
bidirectional exchange
unsigned integer 8
red_channel_main    = 1
channel types uint8
inputs cursor record  playback

eror codes unsigned integer 32 bits bytes;

permission denied denied

public key buffer size;

red_ticket_pubkey_bytes = 162

channel link establish a channel connection
the channel connection process is initiated by the client the client sends redlinkmess in response the server sends redlinkreply
valid connection is established

consisting of a password and time validity
optimal asymmetric encryption padding
msys minimal gnu posix system on windows bash make windows 最优秀 gnu cygwin hear  .h function library set dll dynamic link library;gcc gnu compiler c 产生win32 programs
mingw主要由gnu binary utilities
gcc gdb
libc c runtime;
apply defer discard


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    一般我们会通过configure,make 编译.但是为了替换版本的方便需要把他编译成deb的包,而且还需要自定义下包名.下面就记录下我的修改过程. 注:前面关于spice server的编译过程掠过 ...

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  3. 服务器端spice配置详解

    1. 安装必要的工具 sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf git-core intltool 2. 安装必要的依赖包 -dev libxfixe ...

  4. 如何使用 SPICE client (virt-viewer) 来连接远程虚拟机桌面?

    如何使用 SPICE client (virt-viewer) 来连接远程虚拟机桌面? 什么是SPICE? SPICE (Simple Protocol for Independent Computi ...

  5. ubuntu openstack spice

    Openstack启用spice协议 #控制节点 #安装 ? 1 apt-get install nova-spiceproxy spice-html5 spice-vdagent #配置 nano ...

  6. 在KVM虚拟机中使用spice系列之二(USB映射,SSL,密码,多客户端支持)

    在KVM虚拟机中使用spice系列之二(USB映射,SSL,密码,多客户端支持) 发布时间: 2015-02-27 00:16 1.spice的USB重定向 1.1 介绍 使用usb重定向,在clie ...

  7. centos平台openstack spice配置

    配置过程只涉及控制节点(和计算节点(,根据情况修改为实际环境的IP地址.     修改控制节点 安装软件包 yum install spic ...

  8. openstack 启用spice

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