
测试环境:Windows ,python 2.7.3,python 自带的IDLE

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# First Lesson
# --- Line syntax ---
# The comment character is "#" ;comments are terminated by end of line.
# Long lines may be continued by ending the line with a backslash(\).

# --- Names and Keywords ---
# Python names(also called identifiers) can be any length and follow these rules:
# 1.The first or only character must be a letter(uppercase or lowercase) or the underbar character,"_".
# 2.Any additional characters may be letters,underbar,or digits.
# 3.Case is significant in Python. The name "Robin" is not the same name as "robin".
# The names below are keywords,also known as reserved words.They have special meaning in Python
# and cannot be used as names or identifiers.
# and as assert break class continue def del elif else except exec finally for from global
# import if in is lambda not or pass print raise return try with while yield

# --- Python's common types ---
# int : 3; long: 3L ; bool: True,False; float : 3.1425
# complex :(3.2+4j) ; str :'string'; unicode :u'Fred';
# list :[] ; tuple:(); dict:{}; bytearray('Bletchley')
# file open('/etc/motd')

# To write a long-type constant ,use the same syntax as for int-type constants,
# but place a letter L immediately after the last digit.Also, if an operation on
# int values results in a number too large to reparesent as an int, Python will
# automatically converted it to type long.

#page 16

# --- Methods on Str values ---
##These methods are availabe on any string value S.
##Return S with its first character capitalized(if a letter).
##print 'e e cummings'.capitalize()
##print '2 e 3cummings'.capitalize()
##print 'word in cummings'.capitalize()

##Return S centered in a string of width w,padded with spaces.
##If w<=len(S),the result is a copy of S. If the number of padding is
##odd ,the extra space will placed after the centered value.

##print 'x'.center(4)
##print 'x'.center(5)
##print 'capitalize'.center(4)

##Return the number of times string t occurs in S. To search on a
##slice S[start:end] of S,supply start and end arguments.

##print 'banana'.count('a')
##print 'banana'.count('na')
##print 'banana'.count('a',3)
##print 'banana'.count('a',3,5)
##print '中华人民共和国'.count('民')
##print '黄山落叶松叶落山黄'.count('黄')

##If S contains an encodedd Unicode String ,this method will return the corresponding
##value as unicode type. The encoding argument specifies which decoder to use;
##typically this will be the string 'utf_8' for the UTF-8 encoding.

##print s.decode('utf-8')
##print s.decode('gbk')
##print s.decode('GBK')

##Predicate to test whether S ends with String t.If you supply the optional start
##and end arguments,it tests whether the slice S[start:end] ends with t.

##print s.endswith('秋水')
##print s.endswith('色')
##print s.endswith('一色')
##print s.endswith('秋水共长天一色')
##print s
##print s[1:7]
##print s.endswith('齐飞',1,7)
##s='Python is not su grace!'
##print s
##print s[1:9]
##print s.endswith('is',1,9)
##Python is not su grace!
##ython is

##Returns a copy of s with all tabs repalced by one of more spaces.
##Each tab is interpareted as a request to move to the next "tab stop".
##The optional tabsize argument specifies the number of sapces
##between tab stops;the defualt is 8.

##If string t is not found in S,return -1; otherwise return the index of the
##first position in s that matches t.
##The optional start and end arguments restrict the search to slice s[start:end].

##Works like .find(),but if t is not found,it raise a ValueError exception.

##predicate that tests whether S is nonempty and all its characters are alphanumeric.
##Predicate that tests whether s is nonempty and all its characters are letters.
##Predicate that tests whether s is nonempty and all its characters are digits.
##Predicate that tests whether s is nonempty and all its letters are lowercase
##(non-letter characters are ignored).
##Predicate that tests whether s is nonempty and all its characters are whitespace characters.
##' \t\n\r'.isspace()
##A predicate that tests whether s has "title case".
##Predicate that tests whether s is nonempty and all its letters are uppercase letters
##(non-letter cahr-acters are ignored).

L must be an iterable that produces a sequence of strings.The returned value is a string
containing the members of the sequence with copies of the delimiter string s inserted between them.
Return a copy of s left-justified in a field of width w,padded with spaces.If w<=len(s),
the result is a copy of s.
Returns a copy of S with all uppercase letters replaced by their lowercase equivalent.
Return s with all leading characters from string c removed.The default value for c is a string
containing all the whitespace characters.


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