- /********************************************************************//**
- Initializes a page to the buffer buf_pool. The page is usually not read
- from a file even if it cannot be found in the buffer buf_pool. This is one
- of the functions which perform to a block a state transition NOT_USED =>
- FILE_PAGE (the other is buf_page_get_gen).
- @return pointer to the block, page bufferfixed */
- buf_block_t*
- buf_page_create(
- /*============*/
- ulint space, /*!< in: space id */
- ulint offset, /*!< in: offset of the page within space in units of
- a page */
- ulint zip_size,/*!< in: compressed page size, or 0 */
- mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mini-transaction handle */
- {
- buf_frame_t* frame;
- buf_block_t* block;
- ulint fold;
- buf_block_t* free_block = NULL;
- buf_pool_t* buf_pool = buf_pool_get(space, offset);//获取具体buff pool实例 详见
- ut_ad(mtr);
- ut_ad(mtr->state == MTR_ACTIVE);
- ut_ad(space || !zip_size);
- free_block = buf_LRU_get_free_block(buf_pool); //取得一块空闲block 这里
- fold = buf_page_address_fold(space, offset); //计算hash值 详见
- buf_pool_mutex_enter(buf_pool);
- //可忽略这个
- block = (buf_block_t*) buf_page_hash_get_low(buf_pool, space, offset, fold);
- if (block
- && buf_page_in_file(&block->page)
- && !buf_pool_watch_is_sentinel(buf_pool, &block->page)) {
- /* Page can be found in buf_pool */
- buf_pool_mutex_exit(buf_pool);
- buf_block_free(free_block);
- return(buf_page_get_with_no_latch(space, zip_size,offset, mtr));
- }
- /* If we get here, the page was not in buf_pool: init it there */ block = free_block;
- mutex_enter(&block->mutex);
- /** *初始化block,详见 *计算block中的lock_hash_val *将block->page放入buf_pool->page_hash中 */
- buf_page_init(buf_pool, space, offset, fold, zip_size, block);/* The block must be put to the LRU list */
- buf_LRU_add_block(&block->page, FALSE); //放入lru中,且status为old 详见
- buf_block_buf_fix_inc(block, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- buf_pool->stat.n_pages_created++;
- if (zip_size) {
- void* data;
- ibool lru;
- /* Prevent race conditions during buf_buddy_alloc(),
- which may release and reacquire buf_pool->mutex,
- by IO-fixing and X-latching the block. */
- buf_page_set_io_fix(&block->page, BUF_IO_READ);
- rw_lock_x_lock(&block->lock);
- mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
- /* buf_pool->mutex may be released and reacquired by
- buf_buddy_alloc(). Thus, we must release block->mutex
- in order not to break the latching order in
- the reacquisition of buf_pool->mutex. We also must
- defer this operation until after the block descriptor
- has been added to buf_pool->LRU and buf_pool->page_hash. */
- data = buf_buddy_alloc(buf_pool, zip_size, &lru);
- mutex_enter(&block->mutex);
- block->page.zip.data = data;
- /* To maintain the invariant
- block->in_unzip_LRU_list
- == buf_page_belongs_to_unzip_LRU(&block->page)
- we have to add this block to unzip_LRU after
- block->page.zip.data is set. */
- ut_ad(buf_page_belongs_to_unzip_LRU(&block->page));
- buf_unzip_LRU_add_block(block, FALSE);
- buf_page_set_io_fix(&block->page, BUF_IO_NONE);
- rw_lock_x_unlock(&block->lock);
- }
- buf_pool_mutex_exit(buf_pool);
- mtr_memo_push(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_BUF_FIX);
- buf_page_set_accessed(&block->page);
- mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
- /* Delete possible entries for the page from the insert buffer:
- such can exist if the page belonged to an index which was dropped */
- ibuf_merge_or_delete_for_page(NULL, space, offset, zip_size, TRUE);
- /* Flush pages from the end of the LRU list if necessary */
- buf_flush_free_margin(buf_pool);
- /** *取出block中的frame *block结构体 详见 */
- frame = block->frame;
- */
- memset(frame + FIL_PAGE_PREV, );
- memset(frame + FIL_PAGE_NEXT, );
- mach_write_to_2(frame + FIL_PAGE_TYPE, FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ALLOCATED);
- /* Reset to zero the file flush lsn field in the page; if the first
- page of an ibdata file is 'created' in this function into the buffer
- pool then we lose the original contents of the file flush lsn stamp.
- Then InnoDB could in a crash recovery print a big, false, corruption
- warning if the stamp contains an lsn bigger than the ib_logfile lsn. */
- memset(frame + FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN, , );
- return(block);
- }
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