Why doesn't Genymotion run on Windows 10?
To date, VirtualBox is not yet fully compatible with Windows 10. As Genymotion relies on the use of VirtualBox in the background, some problems may arise. If you have any troubles running Genymotion on Windows 10, we first recommend that you put VirtualBox in a clean state. To do so:
- Uninstall VirtualBox.
Reboot your computer if prompted by the installer. - Install the version of VirtualBox recommended for Windows 10
Reboot your computer if prompted by the installer. - Open VirtualBox and go to File > Preferences > Network.
- Remove all existing host-only networks by clicking .
- Start Genymotion a first time.
- In the event of a failure, start Genymotion a second time.
If Genymotion still doesn’t run, you can manually configure a host-only network:
- Open VirtualBox and go to File > Preferences > Network.
- Add a new host-only network by clicking .
- Edit its configuration by clicking .
- In the Adapter tab, set the following values:
- IPv4 Address:
- IPv4 Network Mask:
- In the DHCP Server tab, set the following values:
- Check Enable Server.
- Server Address:
- Server Mask:
- Lower Address Bound:
- Upper Address Bound:
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