
pg_locks Columns

Name Type References Description
locktype text   Type of the lockable object: relationextendpagetupletransactionidvirtualxidobjectuserlock, or advisory
database oid pg_database.oid OID of the database in which the lock target exists, or zero if the target is a shared object, or null if the target is a transaction ID
relation oid pg_class.oid OID of the relation targeted by the lock, or null if the target is not a relation or part of a relation
page integer   Page number targeted by the lock within the relation, or null if the target is not a relation page or tuple
tuple smallint   Tuple number targeted by the lock within the page, or null if the target is not a tuple
virtualxid text   Virtual ID of the transaction targeted by the lock, or null if the target is not a virtual transaction ID
transactionid xid   ID of the transaction targeted by the lock, or null if the target is not a transaction ID
classid oid pg_class.oid OID of the system catalog containing the lock target, or null if the target is not a general database object
objid oid any OID column OID of the lock target within its system catalog, or null if the target is not a general database object
objsubid smallint   Column number targeted by the lock (the classid and objid refer to the table itself), or zero if the target is some other general database object, or null if the target is not a general database object
virtualtransaction text   Virtual ID of the transaction that is holding or awaiting this lock
pid integer   Process ID of the server process holding or awaiting this lock, or null if the lock is held by a prepared transaction
mode text   Name of the lock mode held or desired by this process (see Section 13.3.1 and Section 13.2.3)
granted boolean   True if lock is held, false if lock is awaited
fastpath boolean   True if lock was taken via fast path, false if taken via main lock table
实际上他们表达的意思也是不一样的,虚拟事务号由两个部分组成,分别是backendid和local transaction id。



* Top-level transactions are identified by VirtualTransactionIDs comprising
* the BackendId of the backend running the xact, plus a locally-assigned
* LocalTransactionId. These are guaranteed unique over the short term,
* but will be reused after a database restart; hence they should never
* be stored on disk.
* Note that struct VirtualTransactionId can not be assumed to be atomically
* assignable as a whole. However, type LocalTransactionId is assumed to
* be atomically assignable, and the backend ID doesn't change often enough
* to be a problem, so we can fetch or assign the two fields separately.
* We deliberately refrain from using the struct within PGPROC, to prevent
* coding errors from trying to use struct assignment with it; instead use
typedef struct
BackendId backendId; /* determined at backend startup */
LocalTransactionId localTransactionId; /* backend-local transaction
* id */
} VirtualTransactionId;


* GetNextLocalTransactionId --- allocate a new LocalTransactionId
* We split VirtualTransactionIds into two parts so that it is possible
* to allocate a new one without any contention for shared memory, except
* for a bit of additional overhead during backend startup/shutdown.
* The high-order part of a VirtualTransactionId is a BackendId, and the
* low-order part is a LocalTransactionId, which we assign from a local
* counter. To avoid the risk of a VirtualTransactionId being reused
* within a short interval, successive procs occupying the same backend ID
* slot should use a consecutive sequence of local IDs, which is implemented
* by copying nextLocalTransactionId as seen above.
LocalTransactionId result; /* loop to avoid returning InvalidLocalTransactionId at wraparound */
result = nextLocalTransactionId++;
} while (!LocalTransactionIdIsValid(result)); return result;
1. 因为虚拟事务号是在内存中管理的,所以在处理锁冲突时效率更高,可以用于唯一标示发生锁冲突的事务对象。
VirtualTransactionId *
GetLockConflicts(const LOCKTAG *locktag, LOCKMODE lockmode)
2. 同时应用于standby的查询和恢复的锁冲突标示。
3. 还可以用于标示检查点和用户执行的查询之间的锁冲突。
swrd=# select * from pg_locks where locktype = 'virtualxid';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+--------------
locktype | virtualxid
database |
relation |
page |
tuple |
virtualxid | 3/6510
transactionid |
classid |
objid |
objsubid |
virtualtransaction | 3/6510
pid | 20682
mode | ExclusiveLock
granted | t
fastpath | t swrd=#

As long as you query pg_locks, you in fact run a query and hence start a transaction. It needs to acquire AccessShareLock on pg_locks, for instance. That's why virtualxid is allocated.




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