#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std; class father{ public:
void smart(){}
virtual ~father(){}
}; class son : public father
void say()
cout << "say" << endl;
}; void main()
{ father *p;
p= new son;
dynamic_cast<son*>(p)->say(); }
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std; class father{ public:
father(){ cout << "father cons" << endl; }
virtual ~father(){ cout << "father des" << endl; }
virtual void say()
cout << "father say" << endl;
}; class mother{ public:
mother(){ cout << "mother cons" << endl; }
virtual ~mother(){ cout << "mother des" << endl; }
virtual void run()
cout << "mother run" << endl;
}; class son : public mother, public father
void run()
cout << "son run" << endl;
} son(){ cout << "son cons" << endl; }
~son(){ cout << "son des" << endl; } }; void main()
{ mother *p; p = new son;
p->run(); delete p; //dynamic_cast<son*>(p)->say(); }
同时访问 父类和母类中的函数:
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std; class human{
virtual void say(){}
virtual void run(){}
virtual ~human(){ cout << "human des" << endl; }
human(){ cout << "human cons" << endl; }
}; class father:virtual public human{ //虚基类 public:
father(){ cout << "father cons" << endl; }
~father(){ cout << "father des" << endl; }
void say()
cout << "father say" << endl;
}; class mother :virtual public human{ public:
mother(){ cout << "mother cons" << endl; }
~mother(){ cout << "mother des" << endl; }
void run()
cout << "mother run" << endl;
}; class son : public mother, public father
public: son(){ cout << "son cons" << endl; }
~son(){ cout << "son des" << endl; }
}; void main()
{ human *p; p = new son; delete p; }
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std; class human{
virtual void say() = ;//纯虚函数
virtual void run() = ;
virtual ~human(){ cout << "human des" << endl; }
human(){ cout << "human cons" << endl; }
}; class father:virtual public human{ //虚基类 public:
father(){ cout << "father cons" << endl; }
~father(){ cout << "father des" << endl; }
void say()
cout << "father say" << endl;
}; class mother :virtual public human{ public:
mother(){ cout << "mother cons" << endl; }
~mother(){ cout << "mother des" << endl; }
void run()
cout << "mother run" << endl;
}; class son : public mother, public father
public: son(){ cout << "son cons" << endl; }
~son(){ cout << "son des" << endl; }
}; void main()
human *p; p = new son;
delete p; }
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std; class alpha{
virtual void ee(){};
virtual ~alpha(){ cout << "alpha des" << endl; };
alpha(){ cout << "alpha cons" << endl; };
}; class A: public alpha{
void ee(){ cout <<"A"<< endl; }
A(){ cout <<"A cons"<< endl; };
~A(){ cout << "A des" << endl; }; }; class B : public A{
void ee(){ cout << "B" << endl; }
}; void main()
alpha *p; p = new A;
p->ee(); p = new B;
p->ee(); delete p; }
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