- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // FileName : c2_vector.h
- // Author : Jimmy Han
- // Date : N.A v1
- // : 2014/07/13 09:30 v2
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <cassert>
- template <class object>
- class Vector {
- public:
- explicit Vector(int initsize = )
- : _size(initsize), _capacity(initsize + SPARE_CAPACITY)
- {_object = new object[_capacity];}
- Vector(const Vector &rhs) : _object(NULL)
- { operator=(rhs);}
- ~Vector()
- {delete [] _object;}
- const Vector& operator=(const Vector &rhs)
- {
- if(this != &rhs)
- {
- delete [] _object;
- _size = rhs._size;
- _capacity = rhs._capacity;
- _object = new object[_capacity];
- for(int k = ; k < _size; k++)
- _object[k] = rhs._object[k];
- }
- return *this;
- }
- void resize(int newSize)
- {
- if(newSize > _capacity)
- reserve(newSize * + );
- _size = newSize;
- }
- void reserve(int newCapacity)
- {
- if(newCapacity < _size)
- return;
- object *oldobject = _object;
- _object = new object[newCapacity];
- for (int n=; n<_size; n++)
- _object[n] = oldobject[n];
- delete [] oldobject;
- _capacity = newCapacity;
- }
- object& operator[](const int index)
- {
- assert(index >= && index < _size);
- return _object[index];
- }
- const object& operator[](const int index) const
- {
- assert(index >= && index < _size);
- return _object[index];
- }
- bool empty() const
- {return _size == ;}
- int size() const
- {return _size;}
- int capacity() const
- {return _capacity;}
- void push_back(const object &x)
- {
- if(_size == _capacity)
- reserve(*_capacity + );
- _object[_size++] = x;
- }
- void pop_back()
- {_size--;}
- const object& back() const
- { return _object[_size - ];}
- typedef object* iterator ;
- typedef const object* const_iterator;
- iterator begin()
- {return &_object[];}
- iterator end()
- {return &_object[_size];}
- const_iterator begin() const
- {return &_object[];}
- const_iterator end() const
- {return &_object[_size];}
- enum{ SPARE_CAPACITY = };
- private:
- int _size;
- int _capacity;
- object *_object;
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // FileName : c2_vector.cpp
- // Author : Jimmy Han
- // Date : N.A v1
- // : 2014/07/13 09:30 v2
- // $ ./a.exe
- // Calculate the size of self made Vector class
- // sizeof(vint) is: 12
- // Self made Vector size test:
- // size of vint is: 5
- // capacity of vint is: 7
- // size of vint2 is: 8
- // capacity of vint2 is: 17
- // the last element of vint is: 4
- // the 5 element of vint is: 4
- // Self made iterator test:
- // 0 1 2 3
- // Iterator called by others:
- // [0 1 2 3]
- // [0 1 2 3 4 1919249516 1547322171 1735357008]
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <iostream>
- #include "printCollection.h"
- #include "c2_vector.h"
- using namespace std;
- int main()
- {
- //default constructor
- Vector<int> vint;
- Vector<int> vint2;
- //calc class size, two int, one pointer, so size is 12
- cout << "Calculate the size of self made Vector class " << endl;
- cout <<"sizeof(vint) is: " << sizeof(vint) << endl << endl;
- //void push_back(const object &x)
- for (int n=0; n<5; n++)
- vint.push_back(n);
- //const Vector& operator=(const Vector &rhs)
- vint2 = vint;
- //void resize( int newSize)
- vint2.resize(8);
- //int size(); int capacity();
- cout << "Self made Vector size test: " << endl;
- cout << "size of vint is: " << vint.size() << endl;
- cout << "capacity of vint is: " << vint.capacity() << endl;
- cout << "size of vint2 is: " << vint2.size() << endl;
- cout << "capacity of vint2 is: " << vint2.capacity() << endl;
- //const object& back();
- cout << "the last element of vint is: " << vint.back() << endl;
- //object& operator[](const int index)
- cout << "the 5 element of vint is: " << vint[4] << endl << endl;
- //void pop_back()
- vint.pop_back();
- //typedef object* iterator; typedef const ojbect* const_iterator
- //iterator begin(); iterator end();
- cout << "Self made iterator test: " << endl;
- for (Vector<int>::iterator iter = vint.begin(); iter != vint.end(); iter++)
- {
- cout << *iter << " ";
- }
- cout << endl << endl;
- cout << "Iterator called by others: " << endl;
- printCollection(vint);
- //after resize, not initilized member got random number
- printCollection(vint2);
- }
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