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If you get this warning when you connect to mongo shell in Mac OX X:

  1. ** WARNING: soft rlimits too low. Number of files is 256, should be at least 1000

A simple way to fix this is setting the limit just before starting mongod with this:

  1. ulimit -n 1024 && mongod

Or this:

  1. launchctl limit maxfiles 1024 1024

But if you are running mongo in a development environment this shouldn’t be a problem, you can just ignore it.

This is a temporary and not very pretty fix. To make this permanent you have to add this to the/etc/launchd.conf file:

  1. launchctl limit maxfiles 1024 1024

Now reboot to make changes effective.

You can see the actual values of the limits running this:

  1. $ launchctl limit maxfiles
  2. maxfiles 1024 1024

Remember to restart your mongod process every time you change any value to see if it works.

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