public class HibernateTest { @Test
public void test() { System.out.println("test..."); //1. 创建一个 SessionFactory 对象
SessionFactory sessionFactory = null; //1). 创建 Configuration 对象: 对应 hibernate 的基本配置信息和 对象关系映射信息
Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure(); //4.0 之前这样创建
//sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(); //2). 创建一个 ServiceRegistry 对象: hibernate 4.x 新添加的对象
//hibernate 的任何配置和服务都需要在该对象中注册后才能有效.
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry =
new ServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties())
.buildServiceRegistry(); //3). 利用serviceRegistry来创建sessionFactory实例
sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry); //2. 创建一个 Session 对象
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); //3. 开启事务
Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); //4. 执行保存操作
News news = new News("Java12345", "ATGUIGU", new Date(new java.util.Date().getTime()));
session.save(news); //5. 提交事务
transaction.commit(); //6. 关闭 Session
session.close(); //7. 关闭 SessionFactory 对象
} }
从上面的代码很清晰的可以看见,这一切的源头都在 Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure() 这条语句上:创建ServiceRegistry 需要用到configuration,生成sessionFactory同样需要用到configuration。
public Configuration configure(); //无参
public Configuration configure(String resource)
public Configuration configure(URL url)
public Configuration configure(File configFile)
public Configuration configure(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
public Configuration configure() throws HibernateException {
configure( "/hibernate.cfg.xml" ); //默认读取classpath路径下的hibernate.cfg.xml文件
return this;
继续追踪configure( "/hibernate.cfg.xml" )方法:
public Configuration configure(String resource) throws HibernateException {
InputStream stream = getConfigurationInputStream( resource ); //通过传入的资源路径获取一个输入流
return doConfigure( stream, resource ); //这个方法会完成解析的第一步:将输入流转换成Document对象
继续追踪 return doConfigure( stream, resource ) 语句,可以发现底层会通过SAX解析工具将输入流转换成Document对象。然后调用然后调用doConfigure(Document doc)来继续解析这个文档:
protected Configuration doConfigure(InputStream stream, String resourceName) throws HibernateException { ErrorLogger errorLogger = new ErrorLogger( resourceName ); //将输入流转换成Document对象
Document document = xmlHelper.createSAXReader( errorLogger, entityResolver )
.read( new InputSource( stream ) );
doConfigure( document ); return this;
doConfigure(Document doc)是实际解析文档的方法,前面configure()的5种重载方法最后都要调用这个方法来完成实际的解析。我们看看它的解析思路:
protected Configuration doConfigure(Document doc) throws HibernateException {
Element sfNode = doc.getRootElement().element( "session-factory" );
String name = sfNode.attributeValue( "name" );
if ( name != null ) { //session-factory根节点是可以有name属性值的
properties.setProperty( Environment.SESSION_FACTORY_NAME, name );
addProperties( sfNode );
parseSessionFactory( sfNode, name ); Element secNode = doc.getRootElement().element( "security" );
if ( secNode != null ) {
parseSecurity( secNode );
} LOG.configuredSessionFactory( name );
LOG.debugf( "Properties: %s", properties ); return this;
doConfigure(Document doc)方法中对Document的解析主要分为两个步骤进行:①解析xxx.cfg.xml配置文档中所有的property节点;②解析xxx.cfg.xml配置文档中除了property节点之外的其它5种节点。
private void addProperties(Element parent) {
Iterator itr = parent.elementIterator( "property" );
while ( itr.hasNext() ) {//循环遍历
Element node = (Element) itr.next();
String name = node.attributeValue( "name" );
String value = node.getText().trim();
LOG.debugf( "%s=%s", name, value );
properties.setProperty( name, value );
if ( !name.startsWith( "hibernate" ) ) {
properties.setProperty( "hibernate." + name, value );
Environment.verifyProperties( properties );
再来看看第②步,它在parseSessionFactory( ...)方法中进行(code_6代码段的第10行),它主要解析3类标签:mapping、class-cache、collection-cache:
private void parseSessionFactory(Element sfNode, String name) {
Iterator elements = sfNode.elementIterator();
while ( elements.hasNext() ) {
Element subelement = (Element) elements.next();
String subelementName = subelement.getName();
if ( "mapping".equals( subelementName ) ) {
parseMappingElement( subelement, name );
else if ( "class-cache".equals( subelementName ) ) {
String className = subelement.attributeValue( "class" );
Attribute regionNode = subelement.attribute( "region" );
final String region = ( regionNode == null ) ? className : regionNode.getValue();
boolean includeLazy = !"non-lazy".equals( subelement.attributeValue( "include" ) );
setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( className, subelement.attributeValue( "usage" ), region, includeLazy );
else if ( "collection-cache".equals( subelementName ) ) {
String role = subelement.attributeValue( "collection" );
Attribute regionNode = subelement.attribute( "region" );
final String region = ( regionNode == null ) ? role : regionNode.getValue();
setCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy( role, subelement.attributeValue( "usage" ), region );
private void parseMappingElement(Element mappingElement, String name) {
final Attribute resourceAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "resource" );
final Attribute fileAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "file" );
final Attribute jarAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "jar" );
final Attribute packageAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "package" );
final Attribute classAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "class" ); if ( resourceAttribute != null ) {
final String resourceName = resourceAttribute.getValue();
LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named resource [%s] for mapping", name, resourceName );
addResource( resourceName );
else if ( fileAttribute != null ) {
final String fileName = fileAttribute.getValue();
LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named file [%s] for mapping", name, fileName );
addFile( fileName );
else if ( jarAttribute != null ) {
final String jarFileName = jarAttribute.getValue();
LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named jar file [%s] for mapping", name, jarFileName );
addJar( new File( jarFileName ) );
else if ( packageAttribute != null ) {
final String packageName = packageAttribute.getValue();
LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named package [%s] for mapping", name, packageName );
addPackage( packageName );
else if ( classAttribute != null ) {
final String className = classAttribute.getValue();
LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named class [%s] for mapping", name, className );
try {
addAnnotatedClass( ReflectHelper.classForName( className ) );
catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new MappingException(
"Unable to load class [ " + className + "] declared in Hibernate configuration <mapping/> entry",
else {
throw new MappingException( "<mapping> element in configuration specifies no known attributes" );
addResource( resourceName )是如何解析的呢?那么它是如何工作的呢?这里不再一步一步追踪源代码,因为嵌套太深,直接给出一个感性的认识即可:
addResource( resourceName )方法嵌套到最后会调用metadataSourceQueue.add(...)方法来将映射的元数据存储到metadataSourceQueue队列中。要使用的时候,从该队列中取就可以了。
2、doConfigure(Document document)方法会调用两个重要的方法:addProperties( sfNode )和parseSessionFactory( sfNode, name );
3、addProperties( sfNode )方法会解析配置文件中的property节点,并将解析到的name-value放入到properties中
4、parseSessionFactory( sfNode, name )方法会解析配置文件中除了property节点外的其它3个类型的节点(4.2版本):mapping、class-cache和collection-cache
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