如何修正导入模型的旋转? How do I fix the rotation of an imported model?
Some 3D art packages export their models so that the z-axis faces upward. Most of the standard scripts in Unity assume that the y-axis represents up in your 3D world. It is usually easier to fix the rotation in Unity than to modify the scripts to make things fit.
Your model with z-axis points upwards 你的模型是Z轴向上
If at all possible it is recommended that you fix the model in your 3D modelling application to have the y-axis face upwards before exporting.
If this is not possible, you can fix it in Unity by adding an extra parent transform:
- Create an empty GameObject using the GameObject->Create Empty menu
使用GameObject->Create Empty菜单创建一个空的GameObject(游戏物体) - Position the new GameObject so that it is at the center of your mesh or whichever point you want your object to rotate around.
定位这个新的游戏对象,使他位于网格的中心或者想要物体围绕旋转的点上 - Drag the mesh onto the empty GameObject
You have now made your mesh a Child of an empty GameObject with the correct orientation. Whenever writing scripts that make use of the y-axis as up, attach them to the Parent empty GameObject.
The model with an extra empty transform 带有一个额外空变换的模型
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