Shooting Contest 射击比赛 [POJ1719] [CEOI1997] [一题多解]
A volley of c shots is correct if exactly one white square is hit in each column and there is no row without white square being hit. Help the shooter to find a correct volley of hits if such a volley exists.
Consider the following target:
Volley of hits at white squares in rows 2, 3, 1, 4 in consecutive columns 1, 2, 3, 4 is correct.
Write a program that: verifies whether any correct volley of hits exists and if so, finds one of them.
The first line of each block contains two integers r and c separated by a single space, 2 <= r <= c <= 1000. These are the numbers of rows and columns, respectively. Each of the next c lines in the block contains two integers separated by a single space. The integers in the input line i + 1 in the block, 1 <= i <= c, are labels of rows with white squares in the i-th column.
Sample Input
4 4
2 4
3 4
1 3
1 4
5 5
1 5
2 4
3 4
2 4
2 3
Sample Output
2 3 1 4
给你一个r*c的矩阵,然后这个矩阵每一列有两个格子是白色的,然后你在每列上开一枪,可以打这列的任意的白色格子,问你打到的格子所在的行数是不是包括所有行了,如果包括所有行输出你在1-c列打抢的格子的行,当然这可以是不唯一的(此题为SPJ (Special Judge)),如果打不到就输出NO。
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