Tools - Atom编辑器
- document-outline:Show a heirarchical outline of a text document
- minimap:A preview of the full source code.
- atom-html-preview:A live preview tool for Atom Editor.
- atom-beautify:Beautify HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Coldfusion, SQL, and more in Atom
- highlight-line:Highlights the current line in the editor
- highlight-selected:Highlights the current word selected when double clicking
- activate-power-mode:Activate POWER MODE to write your code in style.
- autocomplete-paths:Adds path autocompletion to autocomplete+
- xml-formatter:XML Formatter
- file-icons:Assign file extension icons and colours for improved visual grepping
- markdown-writer:Make Atom a better Markdown editor and an easier static blogging tool.
- markdown-image-helper:When paste image to markdown ,this will make a directory name "assets" and will paste the image as a png file in this image ,then will insert a relative image url
- tidy-markdown:Fix ugly markdown.
- markdown-preview-plus:Markdown Preview + Community Features
- markdown-preview-enhanced:One of the 'BEST' markdown preview extensions for Atom editor!
- markdown-scroll-sync:Auto-scroll markdown-preview tab to match markdown source
- markdown-pdf:Convert markdown to pdf, png or jpeg on the fly.
- markdown-themeable-pdf:Themeable markdown converter (Print to PDF, HTML, JPEG or PNG)
- script:Run code in Atom!
- language-shellscript:ShellScript language support in Atom
- linter-shellcheck:Lint Bash on the fly, using shellcheck
Goto definition, show usages, refactor/rename and more for python files : python-tools
Python completions for packages, variables, methods, functions, with their arguments. Powered by your choice of Jedi or Kite: autocomplete-python
- git-plus:Do git things without the terminal
- git-log:This package graphs your git commits
- git-time-machine:Visually interact with git commit history for a file
- git-projects:List and open your local Git projects in Atom.
- 根据实际需要安装插件,避免过多插件影响Atom性能;
- 了解熟悉插件的功能和用法,避免安装功能重复的插件;
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