






using namespace std;
#define ll long long
const int M = 1e5+;
const int inf = <<;
struct node{
int fa,s[],x,size,cnt;
int top,root,n;
void pushup(int k){
tr[k].size = tr[tr[k].s[]].size+tr[tr[k].s[]].size+tr[k].cnt;
} void rotate(int k){
int x = tr[k].fa,y = tr[x].fa,b=tr[x].s[]==k;
tr[x].s[b]=tr[k].s[b^]; tr[tr[k].s[b^]].fa=x;
tr[k].s[b^]=x; tr[x].fa = k;
pushup(x); pushup(k);
} void splay(int x,int go){ //伸展操作
int y = tr[x].fa,z = tr[y].fa;
y = tr[x].fa,z = tr[y].fa;
if(z^go) (tr[y].s[] == x)^(tr[z].s[]==y)?rotate(x):rotate(y);
if(!go) root = x;
} void insert(int x){ //插入操作
int u = root,fa = ;
for(;u&&tr[u].x^x;u=tr[u].s[x>tr[u].x]) fa = u;
if(u) tr[u].cnt++; //若已经有这个数了,到cnt++即可
else{ //新建一个节点
u = ++top;
if(fa) tr[fa].s[x>tr[fa].x] = u;
tr[top].fa = fa;tr[top].x = x;tr[top].cnt = tr[top].size = ;
splay(u,); //splay 到根
int rank(int x){ //查找x的排名
int u = root;
if(!u) return ;
splay(u,); //splay 到根
return tr[tr[u].s[]].size;
int next(int x,int f){ //f=0表示前驱,f=1表示后继,返回的是编号
rank(x); //将与x不相隔任何数的数转移到根
int u = root;
if(tr[u].x>x&&f||tr[u].x<x&&!f) return u; //若已经是答案,则返回
u = tr[u].s[f];
while(tr[u].s[f^]) u = tr[u].s[f^]; //查找前驱时在左子树中查找最大值,后继反之
return u;
} void erase(int x){
int up = next(x,),lo = next(x,),u; //得到前驱后继
splay(lo,); splay(up,lo); //移成一个好局面
u = tr[up].s[];
if(tr[u].cnt > ){
else {
tr[up].s[] = ;
pushup(up); pushup(lo);
} int find(int x){
int u = root,son;
if(tr[u].size < x) return ; //没有这个数
son = tr[u].s[];
if(tr[son].size >= x) u = son;
else if(x>tr[son].size+tr[u].cnt)
x -= tr[son].size + tr[u].cnt, u = tr[u].s[];
else break;
return tr[u].x;
} int main(){
int op,x;
insert(-inf); insert(inf);
for(int i = ;i <= n;i ++){
case : insert(x);break;
case : erase(x); break;
case : printf("%d\n",rank(x));break;
case : printf("%d\n",find(x)); break;
case : printf("%d\n",tr[next(x,)].x); break;
case : printf("%d\n",tr[next(x,)].x); break;
return ;

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