1 矩阵基本运算简介


2 加减运算


  1. 二元运算符+:a+b
  2. 二元运算符-:a-b
  3. 一元运算符-:-a
  4. 复合运算符+=:a+=b
  5. 复合运算符-=:a-=b


  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "Eigen\Dense"
  3. using namespace Eigen;
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6. Matrix2d a;
  7. a<<1,2,
  8. 3,4;
  9. MatrixXd b(2,2);
  10. b<<2,3,
  11. 1,4;
  12. std::cout<<"a+b=\n"<<a+b<<std::endl;
  13. std::cout<<"a-b=\n"<<a-b<<std::endl;
  14. std::cout<<"Doing a+=b;"<<std::endl;
  15. a+=b;
  16. std::cout<<"Now a=\n"<<a<<std::endl;
  17. Vector3d v(1,2,3);
  18. Vector3d w(1,0,0);
  19. std::cout<<"-v+w-v=\n"<<-v+w-v<<std::endl;
  20. }


  1. a+b=
  2. 3 5
  3. 4 8
  4. a-b=
  5. -1 -1
  6. 2 0
  7. Doing a+=b;
  8. Now a=
  9. 3 5
  10. 4 8
  11. -v+w-v=
  12. -1
  13. -4
  14. -6

3 和标量的乘法和除法


  1. 二元运算符:matrixscalar
  2. 二元运算符:scalarmatrix
  3. 二元运算符/:matrix/scalar
  4. 复合运算符=:matrix=scalar
  5. 复合运算符/=:matrix/=scalar


  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "Eigen\Dense"
  3. using namespace Eigen;
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6. Matrix2d a;
  7. a<<1,2,
  8. 3,4;
  9. Vector3d v(1,2,3);
  10. std::cout<<"a*2.5=\n"<<a*2.5<<std::endl;
  11. std::cout<<"0.1*v=\n"<<0.1*v<<std::endl;
  12. std::cout<<"Doing v*=2;"<<std::endl;
  13. v*=2;
  14. std::cout<<"Now v=\n"<<v<<std::endl;
  15. }


  1. a*2.5=
  2. 2.5 5
  3. 7.5 10
  4. 0.1*v=
  5. 0.1
  6. 0.2
  7. 0.3
  8. Doing v*=2;
  9. Now v=
  10. 2
  11. 4
  12. 6

4 表达式计算优化原则


  1. VectorXf a(50),b(50),c(50),d(50);
  2. ...
  3. a=3*b+4*c+5*d;


  1. for(int i = 0;i < 50;++i)
  2. a[i] = 3*b[i] + 4*c[i] + 5*d[i];


5 转置(Transposition)和共轭(conjugation)



以及伴随矩阵(adjoint--conjugate transose)a*可以使用transpose(),conjugate(),'adjoint()'函数求得。

  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "Eigen\Dense"
  3. using namespace Eigen;
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6. MatrixXcf a = MatrixXcf::Random(2,2);
  7. std::cout<<"Matrix a=\n"<<a<<std::endl;
  8. std::cout<<"Here is the matrix a^T\n"<<a.transpose()<<std::endl;
  9. std::cout<<"Here is the conjugate of a\n"<<a.conjugate()<<std::endl;
  10. std::cout<<"Here is the matrix a^*\n"<<a.adjoint()<<std::endl;
  11. }


  1. Matrix a=
  2. (0.127171,-0.997497) (-0.0402539,0.170019)
  3. (0.617481,-0.613392) (0.791925,-0.299417)
  4. Here is the matrix a^T
  5. (0.127171,-0.997497) (0.617481,-0.613392)
  6. (-0.0402539,0.170019) (0.791925,-0.299417)
  7. Here is the conjugate of a
  8. (0.127171,0.997497) (-0.0402539,-0.170019)
  9. (0.617481,0.613392) (0.791925,0.299417)
  10. Here is the matrix a^*
  11. (0.127171,0.997497) (0.617481,0.613392)
  12. (-0.0402539,-0.170019) (0.791925,0.299417)


需要说明的是,作为基本运算符transpose()和adjoint()会简单的返回一个没有做任何转换的代理对象(proxy object).如果使用b=a.transpose(),会使结果转换和写入b同时进行。然后这种转换和写入同时也会引起如下问题。如果我们执行a=a.transpose(),由于在转换前就开始写入了,所以并不会将转换后的结果写入a中。

  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "Eigen\Dense"
  3. using namespace Eigen;
  4. using namespace std;
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7. Matrix2i a;
  8. a<<1,2,3,4;
  9. cout<<"Here is the matrix a:\n"<<endl;
  10. a=a.transpose(); //!!! do NOT do this!!!
  11. cout<<"and the result of the aliasing effect:\n"<<a<<endl;
  12. }



  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "Eigen\Dense"
  3. using namespace Eigen;
  4. using namespace std;
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7. MatrixXf a(2,3);
  8. a<<1,2,3,
  9. 4,5,6;
  10. cout<<"Here is the initial matrix a:\n"<<a<<endl;
  11. a.transposeInPlace();
  12. cout<<"and after being transposed:\n"<<a<<endl;
  13. a.adjointInPlace();
  14. cout<<"and (a^T)^*=\n"<<a<<endl;
  15. }


  1. Here is the initial matrix a:
  2. 1 2 3
  3. 4 5 6
  4. and after being transposed:
  5. 1 4
  6. 2 5
  7. 3 6
  8. and (a^T)^*=
  9. 1 2 3
  10. 4 5 6

6 矩阵-矩阵以及矩阵-向量相乘


  1. 二元运算符:ab
  2. 复合运算符=:a=b


  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "Eigen\Dense"
  3. using namespace Eigen;
  4. using namespace std;
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7. Matrix2d mat;
  8. mat<<1,2,
  9. 3,4;
  10. Vector2d u(1,-1),v(2,0);
  11. cout<<"Here is mat*mat:\n"<<mat*mat<<endl;
  12. cout<<"Here is mat*u:\n"<<mat*u<<endl;
  13. cout<<"Here is u^T*mat:\n"<<u.transpose()*mat<<endl;
  14. cout<<"Here is u^T*v:\n"<<u.transpose()*v<<endl;
  15. cout<<"Here is u*v^T:\n"<<u*v.transpose()<<endl;
  16. cout<<"Let's multiply mat by itsef"<<endl;
  17. mat = mat*mat;
  18. cout<<"Now mat is mat:\n"<<mat<<endl;
  19. }


  1. Here is mat*mat:
  2. 7 10
  3. 15 22
  4. Here is mat*u:
  5. -1
  6. -1
  7. Here is u^T*mat:
  8. -2 -2
  9. Here is u^T*v:
  10. 2
  11. Here is u*v^T:
  12. 2 0
  13. -2 -0
  14. Let's multiply mat by itsef
  15. Now mat is mat:
  16. 7 10
  17. 15 22

在矩阵的乘法中我们不用担心a=a*a会引起上面的使用别名问题(aliasing issues),因为这里会自动的引入一个中间变量因此a=a*a相当于temp=a*a;a=temp.如果你知道你的计算不会引起使用别名问题,那么你可以使用noalias()函数去避免使用这个中间变量以增加运算速度。如c.noalias()+=a*b;.关于使用别名的问题可以在官网aliasing中查看更多信息。


7 点乘和叉乘



  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "Eigen\Dense"
  3. using namespace Eigen;
  4. using namespace std;
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7. Vector3d v(1,2,3);
  8. Vector3d w(0,1,2);
  9. cout<<"DOt product:"<<v.dot(w)<<endl;
  10. double dp = v.adjoint()*w; //automatic conversion of the inner product to a scalar
  11. cout<<"Dot product via a matrix product: "<<dp<<endl;
  12. cout<<"Cross product:\n"<<v.cross(w)<<endl;
  13. }


  1. DOt product:8
  2. Dot product via a matrix product: 8
  3. Cross product:
  4. 1
  5. -2
  6. 1


8 其他一些基本运算



  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "Eigen\Dense"
  3. using namespace Eigen;
  4. using namespace std;
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7. Matrix2d mat;
  8. mat<<1,2,
  9. 3,4;
  10. cout<<"Here is mat.sum():\t\t"<<mat.sum()<<endl;
  11. cout<<"Here is mat.prd():\t\t"<<mat.prod()<<endl;
  12. cout<<"Here is mat.mean():\t\t"<<mat.mean()<<endl;
  13. cout<<"Here is mat.minCoeff():\t\t"<<mat.minCoeff()<<endl;
  14. cout<<"Here is mat.maxCoeff():\t\t"<<mat.maxCoeff()<<endl;
  15. cout<<"Here is mat.trace():\t\t"<<mat.trace()<<endl;
  16. }


  1. Here is mat.sum(): 10
  2. Here is mat.prd(): 24
  3. Here is mat.mean(): 2.5
  4. Here is mat.minCoeff(): 1
  5. Here is mat.maxCoeff(): 4
  6. Here is mat.trace(): 5



  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <cstddef>
  3. #include "Eigen\Dense"
  4. using namespace Eigen;
  5. using namespace std;
  6. int main()
  7. {
  8. Matrix3f m = Matrix3f::Random();
  9. ptrdiff_t i,j;
  10. float minOfM = m.minCoeff(&i,&j);
  11. cout<<"Here is the matrix m:\n"<<m<<endl;
  12. cout<<"Its minimum coefficient ("<<minOfM
  13. <<") is at position ("<<i<<","<<j<<")"<<endl<<endl;
  14. RowVector4i v = RowVector4i::Random();
  15. int maxOfv=v.maxCoeff(&i);
  16. cout<<"Here is the vector v: "<<v<<endl;
  17. cout<<"Its maximun coefficient ("<<maxOfv
  18. <<") is at position "<<i<<endl;
  19. }


  1. Here is the matrix m:
  2. -0.997497 0.617481 -0.299417
  3. 0.127171 0.170019 0.791925
  4. -0.613392 -0.0402539 0.64568
  5. Its minimum coefficient (-0.997497) is at position (0,0)
  6. Here is the vector v: 8080 -10679 11761 6897
  7. Its maximun coefficient (11761) is at position 2

9 有效性检查


  1. Matrix3f m;
  2. Vector4f v;
  3. v=m*v; //Compile-time error:YOU_MIXED_MATRICES_OF_DIFFERENT_SIZES

当然对于大多数情况,比如检查动态数组大写。编译器并不能在编译阶段检查出错误。Eigen在运行中会使用断言(assertions)进行检测。这意味着,如果我们使用了"debug mode",那么程序在检测到一个非法操作后会被错误信息打断。如果没有使用断言机制,那么程序可能会遇到灾难性的错误。

  1. MatrixXf m(3,3);
  2. VectorXf v(4);
  3. v = m*v; //Run-time assertion failure here:"invalid matrix product"


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