Function.prototype.bind 函数,参见ECMA规范地址






  1. function FunctionIsConstructor(fnc) {
  2. let isConstructor = true;
  3. try {
  4. Object instanceof fnc
  5. } catch (e) {
  6. if (e instanceof TypeError) {
  7. isConstructor = false
  8. }
  9. }
  10. return isConstructor
  11. }
  12. function BoundFunctionCreate(targetFunction, boundThis, boundArgs) {
  13. let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(targetFunction);
  14. let boundFunction = function () {
  15. if ( {
  16. // 实现构造函数功能
  17. if (FunctionIsConstructor(targetFunction)) {
  18. return new targetFunction(...boundArgs)
  19. } else {
  20. throw new TypeError(`${} is not a constructor`)
  21. }
  22. } else {
  23. // 实现函数调用功能
  24. return, [...boundArgs, ...arguments])
  25. }
  26. }
  27. delete;
  28. Object.setPrototypeOf(boundFunction, proto)
  29. return boundFunction;
  30. }
  31. function isCallable(Target) {
  32. if (typeof Target === 'function') return true;
  33. return false;
  34. }
  35. function ToInteger(arg) {
  36. let number = Number(arg);
  37. if (number !== number) return +0;
  38. if (number === 0 || number === Infinity || number === -Infinity) return number;
  39. return Math.floor(Math.abs(number));
  40. }
  41. function SetFunctionName(F, name, prefix) {
  42. if (typeof name === 'symbol') {
  43. let description = name.description
  44. if (description === undefined) {
  45. name = ''
  46. } else {
  47. name = `[${description}]`
  48. }
  49. }
  50. if (prefix) {
  51. name = `${prefix} ${name}`
  52. }
  53. return Object.defineProperty(F, 'name', {
  54. value: name,
  55. writable: false,
  56. enumerable: false,
  57. configurable: true
  58. })
  59. }
  60. function SetFunctionLength(F, Target, args) {
  61. let targetHasLength = Target.hasOwnProperty('length');
  62. let L;
  63. if (targetHasLength) {
  64. let targetLen = Target.length;
  65. if (typeof targetLen !== 'number') {
  66. L = 0;
  67. } else {
  68. targetLen = ToInteger(targetLen)
  69. L = Math.max(0, targetLen - args.length)
  70. }
  71. } else {
  72. L = 0;
  73. }
  74. Object.defineProperty(F, 'length', {
  75. value: L,
  76. writable: false,
  77. enumerable: false,
  78. configurable: true
  79. })
  80. }


  1. function boundFuntion(targetFunction, thisArg, ...args) {
  2. let Target = targetFunction;
  3. if (!isCallable(Target)) {
  4. throw new TypeError(`${}.bind is not a function`)
  5. }
  6. let F = BoundFunctionCreate(Target, thisArg, args);
  7. SetFunctionLength(F, Target, args)
  8. let targetName =
  9. if (typeof targetName !== 'string') targetName = '';
  10. SetFunctionName(F, targetName, 'bound')
  11. // 支持直接new调用创建的绑定函数
  12. return ? new F() : F
  13. }

如此,一个手写的bind函数就出来。函数最后一行,用new.target来判断,以支持直接使用new调用创建的绑定函数,如new boundFunction(fnc)


  1. var modules = {
  2. x: 42,
  3. getX: function() {
  4. console.log('this', this === modules, this.x)
  5. return this.x;
  6. }
  7. }
  9. var unboundGetX = modules.getX;
  10. console.log('unbounnd ', unboundGetX()); // The function gets invoked at the global scope
  11. // // expected output: unbounnd undefined
  13. var boundGetX = boundFuntion(unboundGetX, modules);
  14. console.log('bounnd ', boundGetX());
  15. // expected output: bounnd 42





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