react native 中时间选择插件
npm install react-native-datepicker --save
import DatePicker from 'react-native-datepicker';
style={{width: 200}}
placeholder="select date"
dateIcon: {
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
top: 8/1536*width,
marginLeft: 0
dateInput: {
marginLeft: 72/1536*width,
// ... You can check the source to find the other keys.
onDateChange={(date) => {
this.setState({date: date});
</View> 注意:这里的date类型是string,所以date类型初始化的时候需要tostring,例如moment(new Date()).format(‘YYYY-MM-DD’)
Prop | Default | Type | Description |
style | - | object |
Specify the style of the DatePicker, eg. width, height... |
date | - | string | date | Moment instance |
Specify the display date of DatePicker. string type value must match the specified format |
mode | 'date' | enum |
The enum of date , datetime and time |
androidMode | 'default' | enum |
The enum of default , calendar and spinner (only Android) |
format | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | string |
Specify the display format of the date, which using moment.js. The default value change according to the mode. |
confirmBtnText | '确定' | string |
Specify the text of confirm btn in ios. |
cancelBtnText | '取消' | string |
Specify the text of cancel btn in ios. |
iconSource | - | {uri: string} | number |
Specify the icon. Same as the source of Image, always using require() |
minDate | - | string | date |
Restricts the range of possible date values. |
maxDate | - | string | date |
Restricts the range of possible date values. |
duration | 300 | number |
Specify the animation duration of datepicker. |
customStyles | - | object |
The hook of customize datepicker style, same as the native style. dateTouchBody , dateInput ... |
showIcon | true | boolean |
Controller whether or not show the icon |
hideText | false | boolean |
Controller whether or not show the dateText |
iconComponent | - | element |
Set the custom icon |
disabled | false | boolean |
Controller whether or not disable the picker |
is24Hour | - | boolean |
Set the TimePicker is24Hour flag. The default value depend on format . Only work in Android |
allowFontScaling | true | boolean |
Set to false to disable font scaling for every text component |
placeholder | '' | string |
The placeholder show when is falsy |
onDateChange | - | function |
This is called when the user confirm the picked date or time in the UI. The first and only argument is a date or time string representing the new date and time formatted by moment.js with the given format property. |
onOpenModal | - | function |
This is called when the DatePicker Modal open. |
onCloseModal | - | function |
This is called when the DatePicker Modal close |
onPressMask | - | function |
This is called when clicking the ios modal mask |
modalOnResponderTerminationRequest | - | function |
Set the callback for React Native's Gesture Responder System's call to onResponderTerminationRequest . By default this will reject a termination request, but can be overidden in case the View under the Modal is implementing custom gesture responders, and you wish for those to be overidden in certain cases. |
TouchableComponent | TouchableHighlight |
Component |
Replace the TouchableHighlight with a custom Component . For example : TouchableOpacity |
getDateStr | - | Function | A function to override how to format the date into a String for display, receives a Date instance |
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