npm install react-native-datepicker --save
import DatePicker from 'react-native-datepicker';
style={{width: 200}}
placeholder="select date"
dateIcon: {
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
top: 8/1536*width,
marginLeft: 0
dateInput: {
marginLeft: 72/1536*width,
// ... You can check the source to find the other keys.
onDateChange={(date) => {
this.setState({date: date});
</View> 注意:这里的date类型是string,所以date类型初始化的时候需要tostring,例如moment(new Date()).format(‘YYYY-MM-DD’)


Prop Default Type Description
style - object Specify the style of the DatePicker, eg. width, height...
date - string | date | Moment instance Specify the display date of DatePicker. string type value must match the specified format
mode 'date' enum The enum of datedatetime and time
androidMode 'default' enum The enum of defaultcalendar and spinner (only Android)
format 'YYYY-MM-DD' string Specify the display format of the date, which using moment.js. The default value change according to the mode.
confirmBtnText '确定' string Specify the text of confirm btn in ios.
cancelBtnText '取消' string Specify the text of cancel btn in ios.
iconSource - {uri: string} | number Specify the icon. Same as the sourceof Image, always using require()
minDate - string | date Restricts the range of possible date values.
maxDate - string | date Restricts the range of possible date values.
duration 300 number Specify the animation duration of datepicker.
customStyles - object The hook of customize datepicker style, same as the native style. dateTouchBodydateInput...
showIcon true boolean Controller whether or not show the icon
hideText false boolean Controller whether or not show the dateText
iconComponent - element Set the custom icon
disabled false boolean Controller whether or not disable the picker
is24Hour - boolean Set the TimePicker is24Hour flag. The default value depend on format. Only work in Android
allowFontScaling true boolean Set to false to disable font scaling for every text component
placeholder '' string The placeholder show when is falsy
onDateChange - function This is called when the user confirm the picked date or time in the UI. The first and only argument is a date or time string representing the new date and time formatted by moment.js with the given format property.
onOpenModal - function This is called when the DatePicker Modal open.
onCloseModal - function This is called when the DatePicker Modal close
onPressMask - function This is called when clicking the ios modal mask
modalOnResponderTerminationRequest - function Set the callback for React Native's Gesture Responder System's call to onResponderTerminationRequest. By default this will reject a termination request, but can be overidden in case the View under the Modal is implementing custom gesture responders, and you wish for those to be overidden in certain cases.
TouchableComponent TouchableHighlight Component Replace the TouchableHighlight with a custom Component. For example : TouchableOpacity
getDateStr - Function A function to override how to format the date into a String for display, receives a Date instance

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