
984. String Without AAA or BBB

Given two integers A and B, return any string S such that:

  • S has length A + B and contains exactly A 'a' letters, and exactly B 'b' letters;
  • The substring 'aaa' does not occur in S;
  • The substring 'bbb' does not occur in S.

Example 1:

Input: A = 1, B = 2
Output: "abb"
Explanation: "abb", "bab" and "bba" are all correct answers.

Example 2:

Input: A = 4, B = 1
Output: "aabaa"


  1. 0 <= A <= 100
  2. 0 <= B <= 100
  3. It is guaranteed such an S exists for the given A and B.



class Solution {
string strWithout3a3b(int A, int B) {
string ans = "";
if( B > A ) {
while( B && A ) {
if( B - A >= && A ) {
ans += "bba";
B -= ;
A -- ;
} else if( B-A && A ) {
ans += "b";
ans += "a";
B --;
A --;
if( B ) while( B -- ) ans += "b";
if( A ) ans += "a";
} else if( A > B ){
while( B && A ) {
if( A - B >= && B ) {
ans += "aab";
A -= ;
B -- ;
} else if( A-B && B ) {
ans += "a";
ans += "b";
B --;
A --;
if( A ) while( A -- ) ans += "a";
if( B ) ans += "b";
} else {
while( B ) {
ans += "ab";
B --;
return ans;

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