



SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  邮件传送代理 (Mail Transfer Agent,MTA) 程序使用SMTP协议来发送电邮到接收者的邮件服务器。SMTP协议只能用来发送邮件,不能用来接收邮件。大多数的邮件发送服务器 (Outgoing Mail Server) 都是使用SMTP协议。SMTP协议的默认TCP端口号是25。


POP3 (Post Office Protocol) & IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)



邮件格式 (RFC 2822)

  邮件头每个字段 (Field) 包括两部分:字段名和字段值,两者使用冒号分隔。有两个字段需要注意:From和Sender字段。From字段指明的是邮件的作者,Sender字段指明的是邮件的发送者。如果From字段包含多于一个的作者,必须指定Sender字段;如果From字段只有一个作者并且作者和发送者相同,那么不应该再使用Sender字段,否则From字段和Sender字段应该同时使用。

  邮件体包含邮件的内容,它的类型由邮件头的Content-Type字段指明。RFC 2822定义的邮件格式中,邮件体只是单纯的ASCII编码的字符序列。

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) (RFC 1341)
  MIME扩展邮件的格式,用以支持非ASCII编码的文本、非文本附件以及包含多个部分 (multi-part) 的邮件体等。

Python email模块

1. class email.message.Message

Msg.attach(playload): 向当前Msg添加playload。
Msg.set_playload(playload): 把整个Msg对象的邮件体设成playload。
Msg.add_header(_name, _value, **_params): 添加邮件头字段。
2. class email.mime.base.MIMEBase(_maintype, _subtype, **_params)

3. class email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart()
  在3.0版本的email模块 (Python 2.3-Python 2.5) 中,这个类位于email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart。

4. class email.mime.text.MIMEText(_text)

#     上面的关于email 和 python的内容非常详细。 不过作者原帖的实例代码就有点罗嗦了。不若下面的实例简易。当然,如果追求email发送格式的多样性,还是采用上文作者的做法,做这样的操作

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

from email.mime.base import MIMEBase

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

from email.utils import COMMASPACE,formatdate
from email import encoders
import os

#  不过个人觉得这些很罗嗦呀, 不过原作者的代码还是值得一看的。http://www.cnblogs.com/lonelycatcher/archive/2012/02/09/2343480.html


好了,现在我们来看看常用的python email 发送方法吧

write a send_mail.py

我采用的是这个的案例来的。非常简单原帖地址: http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2011-11/47542.htm


touch send_mail.py && vim send_mail.py


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
mail_host="smtp.sina.com" ##请注意,这里需要你的邮箱服务提供商已经为你开启了smtp服务
mail_user="axxxxxxx" #你的email用户名
def send_mail(to_list,sub,content):
msg = MIMEText(content)
msg['Subject'] = sub #设置主题
msg['From'] = me #发件人
msg['To'] = ";".join(to_list) #收件人
s = smtplib.SMTP()
s.sendmail(me, to_list, msg.as_string())
return True
except Exception, e:
print str(e)
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
if send_mail(mailto_list,"Hey subject","This is content"):
print "发送成功"
print "发送失败"


alex@universe ~/sandbox/env_27_flask/mail_proj $ python send_mail.py

# python 使用的是2.7.4版本的。




1. 抄送( CC ) 或者 秘送( BC ) 功能

2. 信件方式,为HTML 页面类型。 上面我们发送的邮件格式是text

是由于 from email.mime.text import MIMEText   这个的原因, 这里我们需要发送html格式的邮件。


如果修改成这样的话,文字里面加了一个 \n 这个符号,代表换行 text 文件类型




这里我找到这样的资料:Sending HTML email in Python 地址为:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/882712/sending-html-email-in-python

Here’s an example of how to create an HTML message with an alternative plain text version:

#! /usr/bin/python

import smtplib

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText # me == my email address
# you == recipient's email address
me = "my@email.com"
you = "your@email.com" # Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = "Link"
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you # Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version).
text = "Hi!\nHow are you?\nHere is the link you wanted:\nhttp://www.python.org"
html = """\
How are you?<br>
Here is the <a href="http://www.python.org">link</a> you wanted.
""" # Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')
part2 = MIMEText(html, 'html') # Attach parts into message container.
# According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case
# the HTML message, is best and preferred.
msg.attach(part2) # Send the message via local SMTP server.
s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
# sendmail function takes 3 arguments: sender's address, recipient's address
# and message to send - here it is sent as one string.
s.sendmail(me, you, msg.as_string())




#!/usr/bin/env python

import smtplib

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText # me == my email address
# you == recipient's email address
me = "xxxxxxxxx@sina.com"
you = "xxxxxxxxx@qq.com" # Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = "Link"
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you # Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version).
text = "Hi!\nHow are you?\nHere is the link you wanted:\nhttp://www.python.org"
html = """\
How are you?<br>
Here is the <a href="http://www.python.org">link</a> you wanted.
""" # Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')
part2 = MIMEText(html, 'html') # Attach parts into message container.
# According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case
# the HTML message, is best and preferred.
msg.attach(part2) ## 如果里面有了html内容,那么html类型的文档就被更受青睐,在下面的演示中,text的文档内容是看不到的。(优先级小,直接被省略了)
# Send the message via local SMTP server.
s = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.sina.com') # in this case 'smtp.sina.com'
s.login('myusername','mypassword') ##上面链接粗心的好心人忘记建立登录链接了
# sendmail function takes 3 arguments: sender's address, recipient's address
# and message to send - here it is sent as one string.
s.sendmail(me, you, msg.as_string())
print 'mail sent'
except Exception, e: ## 请记住这个try: except Exception, e: 的好习惯,能帮助你运行不了的时候debug,不要粗心学那个家伙
print 'mail not sent'
print str(e)





#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import smtplib
# this module is used for interesting things like a fortune a day
# import subprocess
import os from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText def send_a_mail(frm, to, server,password, subject, content):
# me == my email address
# you == recipient's email address
me = frm
you = to # Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you # Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version).
# text = "Hi!\nHow are you?\nHere is the link you wanted:\nhttp://www.python.org" # Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
# part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')
part2 = MIMEText(content, 'html') # Attach parts into message container.
# According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case
# the HTML message, is best and preferred.
# msg.attach(part1)
msg.attach(part2) ## 如果里面有了html内容,那么html类型的文档就被更受青睐,在下面的演示中,text的文档内容是看不到的。(优先级小,直接被省略了)
# Send the message via local SMTP server.
s = smtplib.SMTP(server) # in this case 'smtp.sina.com'
s.login(me.split('@')[0], password) ##上面链接粗心的好心人忘记建立登录链接了
# sendmail function takes 3 arguments: sender's address, recipient's address
# and message to send - here it is sent as one string.
s.sendmail(me, you, msg.as_string())
return True
except Exception, e: ## 请记住这个try: except Exception, e: 的好习惯,能帮助你运行不了的时候debug,不要粗心学那个家伙
print str(e)
return False if __name__=="__main__":
fortune = os.popen('fortune')
twitter = fortune.read()
html = """\
How are you?<br>
Here is the <a href="http://www.python.org">link</a> you wanted.
<font color="magenta">
html = html + twitter + """
if send_a_mail('xxxxxxxxxxxx@126.com','xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@qq.com','smtp.126.com','yourpassword','全自动发电子邮件脚本', html):
print "mail sent"
print "mail not sent"

关于怎么在python中使用linux命令这里是链接:http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/python-execute-unix-linux-command-examples/ 非常详细的介绍




#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# written by Spaceship9
# Please note the author if this is used by any others
import smtplib
# this module is used for interesting things like a fortune a day
# import subprocess
import os from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText def send_a_mail(frm, to, server,password, subject, content):
# me == my email address
# you == recipient's email address
me = frm
you = to # Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you # Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version).
# text = "Hi!\nHow are you?\nHere is the link you wanted:\nhttp://www.python.org" # Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
# part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')
part2 = MIMEText(content, 'html') # Attach parts into message container.
# According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case
# the HTML message, is best and preferred.
# msg.attach(part1)
msg.attach(part2) ## 如果里面有了html内容,那么html类型的文档就被更受青睐,在下面的演示中,text的文档内容是看不到的。(优先级小,直接被省略了)
# Send the message via local SMTP server.
s = smtplib.SMTP(server) # in this case 'smtp.sina.com'
s.login(me.split('@')[0], password) ##上面链接粗心的好心人忘记建立登录链接了
# sendmail function takes 3 arguments: sender's address, recipient's address
# and message to send - here it is sent as one string.
s.sendmail(me, you, msg.as_string())
return True
except Exception, e: ## 请记住这个try: except Exception, e: 的好习惯,能帮助你运行不了的时候debug,不要学那个粗心家伙
print str(e)
return False if __name__=="__main__":
fortune = os.popen('fortune')
twitter = fortune.read()
html = """\
How are you?<br>
Here is the <a href="http://www.python.org">link</a> you wanted.
<font color="magenta">
html = html + twitter + """
if send_a_mail('xxxxxx@126.com','xxxxxx@qq.com','smtp.126.com','mypassword','全自动发电子邮件脚本', html):
print "mail sent"
print "mail not sent"

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