#!/usr/bin/perl -w

$e911_call_percent = 0.0;

$ims_node_number = 12;

$local_ip = "";

$local_port_base = 18000;

$media_port_base = 19000;




$ue_dn_base = 6460000000;

$pstn_dn_base = 8460000000;

$u2u_num = 2450;

$u2u_cps = 12.36;

$u2p_num = $u2u_num * 2;

$u2p_cps = $u2u_cps * 2;

$p2u_num = $u2u_num * 2;

$p2u_cps = $u2u_cps * 2;

$reg_num = 96450;

$reg_rps = 30.88;

$total_sub_one_ims = 130000;

$domain = "qcbcb.qd.lucentlab.com";

$passwd = "newsys";

$local_zone = "qcbcb.qd.lucentlab.com";

$icsf_gul = "icsf-stdn";

$ip_first_byte = 40;

@remote_publish_ip_port =















@remote_default_ip_port =















$ue_reg_script = "$SCRIPT_DIR/UAS/uas_reg_97k.xml";

$ue_uac_reg_script = "$SCRIPT_DIR/UAC/uac_reg_SNCalls";

$ue_uac_call_script = "$SCRIPT_DIR/UAC/uac";

$ue_uas_reg_script = "$SCRIPT_DIR/UAS/uas_reg_SNCalls";

$ue_uas_call_script = "$SCRIPT_DIR/UAS/uas";

$mgcf_uac_script = "$SCRIPT_DIR/MGCF/mgcf-uac.xml";

$mgcf_uas_script = "$SCRIPT_DIR/MGCF/mgcf-uas.xml";

sub gen_data_file


        my($dir, $filename, $caller_start, $callee_start, $num, $IP1, $IP2) = @_;

        print "$dir, $filename, $caller_start, $callee_start, $num, $IP1, $IP2\n";

        if($num <= 0)


                printf "skip data file generation\n";


        mkdir "$dir/data";

        open(FD, "> $dir/data/${filename}_datafile");

        print FD "SEQUENTIAL\n";

        print FD "# USER;  AUTHENTICATION; local Port; Media Port\n";

        my $generate_e911 = 0;

        if($e911_call_percent != 0 && $filename =~ /uepstn/)


                printf "UE2PSTN, and generate e911 number is enabled\n";

                $generate_e911 = 1;


        for (my $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)

                $callee = $callee_start + $i;

                $port = $i + 1;

                $x = int($i / 256 / 256);

                if($generate_e911 == 1)


                        my $rand = rand(10000);

                                $callee = 911;




        close (FD);



        my($pool, $dir) = @_;

        my $lu_dn_base = $ue_dn_base + $pool*$total_sub_one_ims;

        my $lp_dn_base = $pstn_dn_base + $pool*$total_sub_one_ims;

        my $caller_start = $lu_dn_base;

        my $callee_start = $lu_dn_base + $u2u_num;

        $ip_first_byte += 2;

        $caller_start = $lu_dn_base + $u2u_num*2;

        $callee_start = $lp_dn_base + $u2u_num*2;

        $ip_first_byte += 2;

        $caller_start = $lp_dn_base + $u2u_num*2 + $u2p_num;

        $ip_first_byte += 2;

        open (FD, "> $dir/data/mgcf_p2u_data.orig");

        printf FD ("SEQUENTIAL,PRINTF=%d,PRINTFOFFSET=%d\n", $p2u_num, $callee_start%10000000);

        printf FD ("1%d%%0.7d;%s;%s;%s", ($ue_dn_base/10000000), $domain, $local_zone, $icsf_gul);

        close (FD);

        $callee_start = $lu_dn_base + $u2u_num*2 + $u2p_num + $p2u_num;

        $ip_first_byte += 1;


sub gen_cmd_one_grp_tp1


        my($pool, $dir) = @_;

        $REMOTE_PUBLISH_IP = $remote_publish_ip_port[$pool];

        $REMOTE_DEFAULT_IP = $remote_default_ip_port[$pool];

        $LOCAL_IP = $local_ip;

        print "gen_cmd_one_grp: $REMOTE_PUBLISH_IP/$REMOTE_DEFAULT_IP\n";

        $REG_UAS_PORT = $local_port_base + $pool*10 + 7;

        $REG_RPS = $reg_rps;

        $REG_LMT = $reg_num;

        $U2U_ORIG_MEDIA_PORT = $media_port_base;

        $U2U_TERM_MEDIA_PORT = $media_port_base + 5;

        $U2P_ORIG_MEDIA_PORT = $media_port_base + 10;

        $U2P_TERM_MEDIA_PORT = $media_port_base + 15;


                open (FD, ">$dir/ueueorig");

                print FD "sleep \$1\n";

                close (FD);

                open (FD, ">$dir/ueueterm");

                print FD "sleep \$1\n";

                close (FD);


                close (FD);

                close (FD);


        if($P2U_CPS * $P2U_MAX > 0)


                open (FD, ">$dir/mgcf_p2u_uac");

                print FD "sleep \$1\n";

                close (FD);

                open (FD, ">$dir/pstnueterm");

                print FD "sleep \$1\n";

                close (FD);


        if($REG_RPS * $REG_LMT > 0)


                open (FD, ">$dir/regs");

                print FD "sleep \$1\n";

                close (FD);


        open (FD, ">$dir/autorun");

        $term_offset = ($pool%2)*600;

        print FD 'gnome-terminal --geometry=' . "80x46+$term_offset+0" . ' \

        --tab --title=u2u_term --working-directory=`pwd` -e "./ueueterm 0" \

        --tab --title=p2u_term --working-directory=`pwd` -e "./pstnueterm 0" \

        --tab --title=u2p_term --working-directory=`pwd` -e "./mgcf_u2p_uas 0" \

        --tab --title=u2u_orig --working-directory=`pwd` -e "./ueueorig 300" \

        --tab --title=p2u_orig --working-directory=`pwd` -e "./mgcf_p2u_uac 300" \

        --tab --title=u2p_orig --working-directory=`pwd` -e "./uepstnorig 300" \

        --tab --title=reg --working-directory=`pwd` -e "./regs 300"';

        close (FD);

        system ("chmod 755 $dir/*");


sub gen_sipp_one_grp


        my($pool) = @_;

        $dir = sprintf "grp%03d", $pool;

        printf "\n>>> generate sipp for ims pool $pool now...\n";

        mkdir $dir;

        gen_datafile_one_grp_tp1($pool, $dir);

        gen_cmd_one_grp_tp1($pool, $dir);


for(my $pool=0; $pool<$ims_node_number; $pool++)


        gen_sipp_one_grp $pool;


print "Done!\n";

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