依据openflow合约[OFP1.0-38],当从物理端口ovs datapath 添加,改动或者删除的时候。都会先运行详细动作。然后通过ofp_port_status异步消息告知Controller,比方当我们运行 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0 之类的命令后,就会更新ovsdb数据库。某一个轮询时全局变量 reconfiguring

if (reconfiguring) {
// cfg 条目能够追踪到ovsdb中某个配置发生改变
if (cfg) {
if (!reconf_txn) {
reconf_txn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl);
// 又一次配置每一个cfg,核心入口
if (bridge_reconfigure_continue(cfg)) {
ovsrec_open_vswitch_set_cur_cfg(cfg, cfg->next_cfg);
} else {


static bool
bridge_reconfigure_continue(const struct ovsrec_open_vswitch *ovs_cfg)
struct sockaddr_in *managers;
int sflow_bridge_number;
size_t n_managers;
struct bridge *br;
bool done; assert(reconfiguring);
// reconfigure首先要做的就是先删除旧端口,而后依据配置构建新端口
done = bridge_reconfigure_ofp(); /* Complete the configuration. */
sflow_bridge_number = 0;
collect_in_band_managers(ovs_cfg, &managers, &n_managers);
HMAP_FOR_EACH (br, node, &all_bridges) {
struct port *port; /* We need the datapath ID early to allow LACP ports to use it as the
* default system ID. */
bridge_configure_datapath_id(br); HMAP_FOR_EACH (port, hmap_node, &br->ports) {
struct iface *iface; port_configure(port); LIST_FOR_EACH (iface, port_elem, &port->ifaces) {
iface_configure_qos(iface, port->cfg->qos);
bridge_configure_remotes(br, managers, n_managers);
bridge_configure_sflow(br, &sflow_bridge_number);
free(managers); if (done) {
/* ovs-vswitchd has completed initialization, so allow the process that
* forked us to exit successfully. */
reconfiguring = false; VLOG_INFO("%s (Open vSwitch) %s", program_name, VERSION);
} return done;


static bool
long long int deadline;
struct bridge *br; time_refresh();
deadline = time_msec() + OFP_PORT_ACTION_WINDOW; /* The kernel will reject any attempt to add a given port to a datapath if
* that port already belongs to a different datapath, so we must do all
* port deletions before any port additions. */
HMAP_FOR_EACH (br, node, &all_bridges) {
struct ofpp_garbage *garbage, *next; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (garbage, next, list_node, &br->ofpp_garbage) {
/* It's a bit dangerous to call bridge_run_fast() here as ofproto's
* internal datastructures may not be consistent. Eventually, when
* port additions and deletions are cheaper, these calls should be
* removed. */
ofproto_port_del(br->ofproto, garbage->ofp_port);
free(garbage); time_refresh();
if (time_msec() >= deadline) {
return false;
} HMAP_FOR_EACH (br, node, &all_bridges) {
struct if_cfg *if_cfg, *next; HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (if_cfg, next, hmap_node, &br->if_cfg_todo) {
//这里是核心,在我们的ovs bridge上添加一个接口
iface_create(br, if_cfg, -1);
if (time_msec() >= deadline) {
return false;
} return true;

依据配置 if_cfg 给br添加一个interface,假设指定的openflowport号是负数。 则表示自己主动分配:

static bool
iface_create(struct bridge *br, struct if_cfg *if_cfg, int ofp_port)
const struct ovsrec_interface *iface_cfg = if_cfg->cfg;
const struct ovsrec_port *port_cfg = if_cfg->parent; struct netdev *netdev;
struct iface *iface;
struct port *port;
int error; /* Get rid of 'if_cfg' itself. We already copied out the interesting
* bits. */
hmap_remove(&br->if_cfg_todo, &if_cfg->hmap_node);
free(if_cfg); /* Do the bits that can fail up front.
* It's a bit dangerous to call bridge_run_fast() here as ofproto's
* internal datastructures may not be consistent. Eventually, when port
* additions and deletions are cheaper, these calls should be removed. */
assert(!iface_lookup(br, iface_cfg->name));
error = iface_do_create(br, iface_cfg, port_cfg, &ofp_port, &netdev);
if (error) {
return false;
} /* Get or create the port structure. */
port = port_lookup(br, port_cfg->name);
if (!port) {
port = port_create(br, port_cfg);
} /* Create the iface structure. */
iface = xzalloc(sizeof *iface);
list_push_back(&port->ifaces, &iface->port_elem);
hmap_insert(&br->iface_by_name, &iface->name_node,
hash_string(iface_cfg->name, 0));
iface->port = port;
iface->name = xstrdup(iface_cfg->name);
iface->ofp_port = -1;
iface->netdev = netdev;
iface->type = iface_get_type(iface_cfg, br->cfg);
iface->cfg = iface_cfg; iface_set_ofp_port(iface, ofp_port); /* Populate initial status in database. */
iface_refresh_status(iface); /* Add bond fake iface if necessary. */
if (port_is_bond_fake_iface(port)) {
struct ofproto_port ofproto_port; if (ofproto_port_query_by_name(br->ofproto, port->name,
&ofproto_port)) {
struct netdev *netdev;
int error; error = netdev_open(port->name, "internal", &netdev);
if (!error) {
// 将这个网络设备增加到我们的openflow switch中
ofproto_port_add(br->ofproto, netdev, NULL);
} else {
VLOG_WARN("could not open network device %s (%s)",
port->name, strerror(error));
} else {
/* Already exists, nothing to do. */
} return true;

调用ofproto(openflow sw接口)详细实现的port_add方法:

ofproto_port_add(struct ofproto *ofproto, struct netdev *netdev,
uint16_t *ofp_portp)
uint16_t ofp_port;
int error; error = ofproto->ofproto_class->port_add(ofproto, netdev, &ofp_port);
// 看 dpif_linux_class 的详细实现
if (!error) {
// 更新我们的openflow交换机(即ofproto)
update_port(ofproto, netdev_get_name(netdev));
if (ofp_portp) {
*ofp_portp = error ? OFPP_NONE : ofp_port;
return error;
static void
update_port(struct ofproto *ofproto, const char *name)
struct ofproto_port ofproto_port;
struct ofputil_phy_port pp;
struct netdev *netdev;
struct ofport *port; COVERAGE_INC(ofproto_update_port); /* Fetch 'name''s location and properties from the datapath. */
netdev = (!ofproto_port_query_by_name(ofproto, name, &ofproto_port)
? ofport_open(ofproto, &ofproto_port, &pp)
: NULL);
if (netdev) {
port = ofproto_get_port(ofproto, ofproto_port.ofp_port);
if (port && !strcmp(netdev_get_name(port->netdev), name)) {
struct netdev *old_netdev = port->netdev; /* 'name' hasn't changed location. Any properties changed? */
if (!ofport_equal(&port->pp, &pp)) {
ofport_modified(port, &pp);
} update_mtu(ofproto, port); /* Install the newly opened netdev in case it has changed.
* Don't close the old netdev yet in case port_modified has to
* remove a retained reference to it.*/
port->netdev = netdev;
port->change_seq = netdev_change_seq(netdev); if (port->ofproto->ofproto_class->port_modified) {
} netdev_close(old_netdev);
} else {
/* If 'port' is nonnull then its name differs from 'name' and thus
* we should delete it. If we think there's a port named 'name'
* then its port number must be wrong now so delete it too. */
if (port) {
ofport_remove_with_name(ofproto, name);
// 看这里
ofport_install(ofproto, netdev, &pp);
} else {
/* Any port named 'name' is gone now. */
ofport_remove_with_name(ofproto, name);
static void
ofport_install(struct ofproto *p,
struct netdev *netdev, const struct ofputil_phy_port *pp)
const char *netdev_name = netdev_get_name(netdev);
struct ofport *ofport;
int error; /* Create ofport. */
ofport = p->ofproto_class->port_alloc();
if (!ofport) {
error = ENOMEM;
goto error;
ofport->ofproto = p;
ofport->netdev = netdev;
ofport->change_seq = netdev_change_seq(netdev);
ofport->pp = *pp;
ofport->ofp_port = pp->port_no; /* Add port to 'p'. */
hmap_insert(&p->ports, &ofport->hmap_node, hash_int(ofport->ofp_port, 0));
shash_add(&p->port_by_name, netdev_name, ofport); update_mtu(p, ofport); /* Let the ofproto_class initialize its private data. */
error = p->ofproto_class->port_construct(ofport);
if (error) {
goto error;
// 更新操作完毕后。发送通知消息到Controller
connmgr_send_port_status(p->connmgr, pp, OFPPR_ADD);
return; error:
VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "%s: could not add port %s (%s)",
p->name, netdev_name, strerror(error));
if (ofport) {
} else {

发送port_status 和端口改变原因到SDN Controller:

connmgr_send_port_status(struct connmgr *mgr,
const struct ofputil_phy_port *pp, uint8_t reason)
/* XXX Should limit the number of queued port status change messages. */
struct ofputil_port_status ps;
struct ofconn *ofconn; ps.reason = reason;
ps.desc = *pp;
LIST_FOR_EACH (ofconn, node, &mgr->all_conns) {
if (ofconn_receives_async_msg(ofconn, OAM_PORT_STATUS, reason)) {
struct ofpbuf *msg; msg = ofputil_encode_port_status(&ps, ofconn->protocol);
ofconn_send(ofconn, msg, NULL);



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